Documents and Fragments

The geniza.corpus application is the heart of this project. The most important models are Document and Fragment, with a number of supporting models to track the source of the fragment, document type, languages and scripts used in a document, etc.


class geniza.corpus.models.Collection(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Collection or library that holds Geniza fragments

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
property full_name

attempt to combine library and collection name into a human readable format


natural key: tuple of name and library

class geniza.corpus.models.CollectionManager(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Custom manager for Collection with natural key lookup

get_by_natural_key(name, library)[source]

get by natural key: combination of name and library

class geniza.corpus.models.Dating(*args, **kwargs)[source]

An inferred date for a document.

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
property standard_date_display

Standard date in human-readable format for document details pages

class geniza.corpus.models.Document(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A unified document such as a letter or legal document that appears on one or more fragments.

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned

generate html for thumbnails of all iiif images, for image reordering UI in admin


comma delimited string of all primary languages for this document


comma delimited string of all secondary languages for this document


Generate a tuple of three attribution components for use in IIIF manifests or wherever images/transcriptions need attribution.

property available_digital_content

Helper method for the ITT viewer to collect all available panels into a list


Clean all fields and raise a ValidationError containing a dict of all validation errors if any occur.

property collection

collection (abbreviation) for associated fragments

property collections

collection objects for associated fragments


Return the start and end of the document’s possible date range, as PartialDate objects, including standardized document dates and inferred Datings, if any exist.

property default_translation

The first translation footnote that is in the current language, or the first translation footnote ordered alphabetically by source if one is not available in the current language.


All footnotes for this document where the document relation includes digital edition.


All footnotes for this document where the document relation includes digital edition or digital translation.


All footnotes for this document where the document relation includes digital translation.


All footnotes for this document where the document relation includes edition.


All unique authors of digital editions for this document.

property formatted_citation

a formatted citation for display at the bottom of Document detail pages

property fragment_historical_shelfmarks

Property to display set of all historical shelfmarks on the document


List of external URLs to view the Document’s Fragments.


List of other documents that are on the same fragment(s) as this document (does not include suppressed documents). Returns a list of Document objects.

classmethod from_manifest_uri(uri)[source]

Given a manifest URI (as used in transcription annotations), find a Document matching its pgpid


url for this document


Return a set containing names of deferred fields for this instance.


Helper method for the ITT viewer on the public front-end to determine whether a document has any images, digital editions, or digital translations.


Admin display field indicating if document has a IIIF image.


Admin display field indicating if document has a transcription.


Helper method to determine if document has a translation.


Whether document has translation

Return type:


iiif_images(filter_side=False, with_placeholders=False)[source]

Dict of IIIF images and labels for images of the Document’s Fragments, keyed on canvas.

  • filter_side – if TextBlocks have side info, filter images by side (default: False)

  • with_placeholders – if there are digital editions with canvases missing images, include placeholder images for each additional canvas (default: False)


List of IIIF urls for images of the Document’s Fragments.


data for indexing in Solr


admin display field indicating if doc is public or suppressed

classmethod items_to_index()[source]

Custom logic for finding items to be indexed when indexing in bulk.


generate html for thumbnail of first image, for display in related documents lists

merge_with(merge_docs, rationale, user=None)[source]

Merge the specified documents into this one. Combines all metadata into this document, adds the merged documents into list of old PGP IDs, and creates a log entry documenting the merge, including the rationale.

classmethod prep_index_chunk(chunk)[source]

Prefetch related information when indexing in chunks (modifies queryset chunk in place)

property primary_lang_code

Primary language code for this document, when there is only one primary language set and it has an ISO code available. Returns None if unset or unavailable.

property primary_script

Primary script for this document, if shared across all primary languages.

refresh_from_db(using=None, fields=None)

Reload field values from the database.

By default, the reloading happens from the database this instance was loaded from, or by the read router if this instance wasn’t loaded from any database. The using parameter will override the default.

Fields can be used to specify which fields to reload. The fields should be an iterable of field attnames. If fields is None, then all non-deferred fields are reloaded.

When accessing deferred fields of an instance, the deferred loading of the field will call this method.

property related_documents

List of other documents with any of the same shelfmarks as this document; does not include suppressed documents. Queries Solr and returns a list of dict objects.

save(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Save the current instance. Override this in a subclass if you want to control the saving process.

The ‘force_insert’ and ‘force_update’ parameters can be used to insist that the “save” must be an SQL insert or update (or equivalent for non-SQL backends), respectively. Normally, they should not be set.

property shelfmark

shelfmarks for associated fragments

property shelfmark_display

Label for this document; by default, based on the combined shelfmarks from all certain associated fragments; uses shelfmark_override if set


Return the document’s dating range, including inferred, as a Solr date range.


All unique sources attached to footnotes on this document.


status of record; currently choices are public or suppressed

property title

Short title for identifying the document, e.g. via search.

classmethod total_to_index()[source]

static method to efficiently count the number of documents to index in Solr

class geniza.corpus.models.DocumentEventRelation(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A relationship between a document and an event

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
class geniza.corpus.models.DocumentQuerySet(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Find a document by current or old pgpid


Returns a further QuerySet that has been prefetched for relevant document information.

class geniza.corpus.models.DocumentSignalHandlers[source]

Signal handlers for indexing Document records when related records are saved or deleted.

static related_change(instance, raw, mode)[source]

reindex all associated documents when related data is changed

static related_delete(sender, instance=None, raw=False, **_kwargs)[source]

reindex associated documents when a related object is deleted

static related_save(sender, instance=None, raw=False, **_kwargs)[source]

reindex associated documents when a related object is saved

class geniza.corpus.models.DocumentType(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Controlled vocabulary of document types.

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Clean all fields and raise a ValidationError containing a dict of all validation errors if any occur.


Return a set containing names of deferred fields for this instance.

class property objects_by_label

A dict of object instances keyed on English display label, used for search form and search results, which should be based on Solr facet and query responses (indexed in English).

refresh_from_db(using=None, fields=None)

Reload field values from the database.

By default, the reloading happens from the database this instance was loaded from, or by the read router if this instance wasn’t loaded from any database. The using parameter will override the default.

Fields can be used to specify which fields to reload. The fields should be an iterable of field attnames. If fields is None, then all non-deferred fields are reloaded.

When accessing deferred fields of an instance, the deferred loading of the field will call this method.

class geniza.corpus.models.DocumentTypeManager(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Custom manager for DocumentType with natural key lookup


natural key lookup, based on name

class geniza.corpus.models.Fragment(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A single fragment or multifragment held by a particular library or archive.

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
static admin_thumbnails(images, labels, canvases=[], selected=[])[source]

Convenience method for generating IIIF thumbnails HTML from lists of images and labels; separated for reuse in Document

property attribution

Generate an attribution for this fragment


Custom validation and cleaning; currently only clean_iiif_url()


Remove redundant manifest parameter from IIIF url when present


IIIF image URLs for this fragment. Returns a list of IIIFImageClient and corresponding list of labels, or None if this fragement has no IIIF url associated.

property iiif_provenance

Generate a provenance statement for this fragment from IIIF


html for thumbnails of iiif image, for display in admin


natural key: shelfmark

save(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Remember how shelfmarks have changed by keeping a semi-colon list in the old_shelfmarks field

class geniza.corpus.models.FragmentManager(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Custom manager for Fragment with natural key lookup


get fragment by natural key: shelfmark

class geniza.corpus.models.LanguageScript(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Combination language and script

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned

natural key: tuple of language and script

class geniza.corpus.models.LanguageScriptManager(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Custom manager for LanguageScript with natural key lookup

get_by_natural_key(language, script)[source]

get by natural key: combination of language and script

class geniza.corpus.models.PermalinkMixin[source]

Mixin to generate a permalink for Django model objects by removing language code from the object’s absolute URL.

class geniza.corpus.models.TagSignalHandlers[source]

Signal handlers for taggit.Tag records.

static tagged_item_change(sender, instance, action, **kwargs)[source]

Ensure document (=instance) is indexed after the tags m2m relationship is saved and the list of tags is pulled from the database, on any tag change.

static unidecode_tag(sender, instance, **kwargs)[source]

Convert saved tags to ascii, stripping diacritics.

class geniza.corpus.models.TextBlock(*args, **kwargs)[source]

The portion of a document that appears on a particular fragment.

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
property side

Recto/verso side information based on selected image indices


iiif thumbnails for this TextBlock, with selected images highlighted

geniza.corpus.models.detach_document_logentries(sender, instance, **kwargs)[source]

Document pre-delete signal handler.

To avoid deleting log entries caused by the generic relation from document to log entries, clear out object id for associated log entries before deleting the document.


class geniza.corpus.dates.Calendar[source]

Codes for supported calendars


Anno Mundi calendar (Hebrew)

HIJRI = 'h'

Hijri calendar (Islamic)


Kharaji calendar


Seleucid calendar


offset for Seleucid calendar: Anno Mundi - 3449

can_convert = ['am', 'h', 's']

calendars that can be converted to Julian/Gregorian

class geniza.corpus.dates.DocumentDateMixin(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Mixin for document date fields (original and standardized), and related logic for displaying, converting,a nd validating dates.


Require doc_date_original and doc_date_calendar to be set if either one is present.

property document_date

Generate formatted display of combined original and standardized dates

property end_date

Return the end date of the document’s standardized date or date range, if set.

property original_date

Generate formatted display for the document’s original/historical date

property parsed_date

Parse standard date (if set) and return as dictionary of start/end PartialDate objects


Return a Solr date range for the document’s standardized date.


Convert the document’s original date to a standardized date, if possible. If update is requested, will store the converted value on doc_date_standard

property start_date

Return the start date of the document’s standardized date or date range, if set.

class geniza.corpus.dates.PartialDate(str)[source]

Simple partial date object to handle parsing and display of dates in the format YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD. Display format is based on known precision of year, month, or day.

display_format = {'day': 'j F Y', 'month': 'F Y', 'year': 'Y'}

public display format based on date precision

static get_date_range(old_range, new_range)[source]

Compute the union (widest possible date range) between two PartialDate ranges.

iso_format = {'day': '%Y-%m-%d', 'month': '%Y-%m', 'year': '%Y'}

ISO format based on date precision

isoformat(mode='min', fmt='precision')[source]

Display partial date in ISO format. By default, will display YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD according to known precision. If min or max is requested, will display YYYY-MM-DD for earliest or latest date based on known precision.

  • mode – how to fill in unknowns: min, or max (default: min)

  • fmt – format: precision (default), isoformat, or numeric

num_fmt = '%Y%m%d'

numeric format for indexing and sorting


“Date in numeric format for sorting; max or min for unknowns. See isoformat() for more details.

geniza.corpus.dates.calendar_converter = {'am': <module 'convertdate.hebrew' from '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.19/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/convertdate/'>, 'h': <module 'convertdate.islamic' from '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.19/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/convertdate/'>, 's': <module 'convertdate.hebrew' from '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.19/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/convertdate/'>}

mapping between supported calendars and corresponding convertdate module


Convert a date in the Hebrew Anno Mundi calendar to the Julian or Gregorian calendar


Convert a date in the Islamic Hijri calendar to the Julian or Gregorian calendar


Convert a date in the Greek Seleucid calendar to the Julian or Gregorian calendar

geniza.corpus.dates.display_date_range(earliest, latest)[source]

display a date range or single date in a isoformat

geniza.corpus.dates.get_calendar_date(converter, year, month=None, day=None, mode=None)[source]

Convert a date from a supported calendar and return as a or tuple of dates for a date range, when the conversion is ambiguous. Takes year and optional month and day.

geniza.corpus.dates.get_calendar_month(convertdate_module, month)[source]

“Convert month name to month number for the specified calendar.

  • convertdate_moduleconvertdate calendar module to use

  • month – string month name

Return int:

month number


Convert Hebrew month name to month number. Supports local month name aliases for alternate spellings.


Convert Islamic month name to month number; works with or without accents, and supports local month-name overrides.

geniza.corpus.dates.re_original_date = re.compile('(?:(?P<weekday>\\w+day),? )?(?:(?P<day>\\d+) )?(?:(?P<month>[^\\d]+( I{1,2})?) )?(?P<year>\\d{3,4})')

regular expression for extracting information from original date string


Display a standardized CE date in human readable format.

geniza.corpus.dates.standardize_date(historic_date, calendar)[source]

convert hebrew date in text format to standard date range

metadata export

class geniza.corpus.metadata_export.AdminDocumentExporter(queryset=None, progress=False)[source]

Adding certain fields to DocumentExporter.get_export_data_dict that are admin-only.

class geniza.corpus.metadata_export.AdminFragmentExporter(queryset=None, progress=False)[source]

Admin fragment export variant; adds notes, review, and admin url fields.


A given Exporter class (DocumentExporter, FootnoteExporter, etc) must implement this function. It ought to return a dictionary of exported information for a given object.


obj (object) – Model object (document, footnote, etc)


NotImplementedError – This method must be implemented by subclasses

class geniza.corpus.metadata_export.DocumentExporter(queryset=None, progress=False)[source]

A subclass of geniza.common.metadata_export.Exporter that exports information relating to Document. Extends get_queryset() and get_export_data_dict().


Get back data about a document in dictionary format.


doc (Document) – A given Document object


Dictionary of data about the document

Return type:



Applies some prefetching to the base Exporter’s get_queryset functionality.


Custom-given query set or query set of all documents

Return type:



alias of Document

class geniza.corpus.metadata_export.FragmentExporter(queryset=None, progress=False)[source]

A subclass of geniza.common.metadata_export.Exporter that exports information relating to Fragment.


A given Exporter class (DocumentExporter, FootnoteExporter, etc) must implement this function. It ought to return a dictionary of exported information for a given object.


obj (object) – Model object (document, footnote, etc)


NotImplementedError – This method must be implemented by subclasses


Applies some prefetching to the base Exporter’s get_queryset functionality.


Custom-given query set or query set of all documents

Return type:



alias of Fragment

class geniza.corpus.metadata_export.PublicDocumentExporter(queryset=None, progress=False)[source]

Public version of the document exporter. It can e.g. modify the get_queryset to ensure it deals with public documents.


Applies some prefetching to the base Exporter’s get_queryset functionality.


Custom-given query set or query set of all documents

Return type:


class geniza.corpus.metadata_export.PublicFragmentExporter(queryset=None, progress=False)[source]

Public version of the fragment exporter; limits fragments to those associated with public documents. Unassociated fragments or fragments only linked to suppressed documents are not included.


Applies some prefetching to the base Exporter’s get_queryset functionality.


Custom-given query set or query set of all documents

Return type:



class geniza.corpus.views.DocumentAddTranscriptionView(**kwargs)[source]

Pass form with autocomplete to context


alias of Document


Title of add transcription/translation page

post(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Create footnote linking source to document, then redirect to edit transcription/translation view

class geniza.corpus.views.DocumentAnnotationListView(**kwargs)[source]

Generate a IIIF Annotation List for a document to make transcription content available for inclusion in local IIIF manifest.

get(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

handle GET request: construct and return JSON annotation list

viewname = 'corpus-uris:document-annotations'

bound name of this view, for use in generating absolute url for redirect

class geniza.corpus.views.DocumentDetailBase(**kwargs)[source]

View mixin to handle lastmodified and redirects for documents with old PGPIDs. Overrides get request in the case of a 404, looking for any records with passed PGPID in old_pgpids, and if found, redirects to that document with current PGPID.

get(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

extend GET to check for old pgpid and redirect on 404


Filter solr last modified query by pgpid

class geniza.corpus.views.DocumentDetailView(**kwargs)[source]

public display of a single Document


Get the permalink to this page.


extend context data to add page metadata

get_queryset(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Don’t show document if it isn’t public


alias of Document


page description, for metadata; uses truncated document description


page title, for metadata; uses document title

viewname = 'corpus:document'

bound name of this view, for use in generating absolute url for redirect

class geniza.corpus.views.DocumentManifestView(**kwargs)[source]

Generate a IIIF Presentation manifest for a document, incorporating available canvases and attaching transcription content via annotation.

get(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

extend GET to check for old pgpid and redirect on 404

viewname = 'corpus-uris:document-manifest'

bound name of this view, for use in generating absolute url for redirect

class geniza.corpus.views.DocumentMerge(**kwargs)[source]

alias of DocumentMergeForm


Merge the selected documents into the primary document.


Return the keyword arguments for instantiating the form.


Return the initial data to use for forms on this view.


Return the URL to redirect to after processing a valid form.

class geniza.corpus.views.DocumentScholarshipView(**kwargs)[source]

List of Footnote references for a single Document


extend context data to add page metadata

get_queryset(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Prefetch footnotes, and don’t show the page if there are none.


page description, for metadata; uses truncated document description


page title, for metadata; uses document title

viewname = 'corpus:document-scholarship'

bound name of this view, for use in generating absolute url for redirect

class geniza.corpus.views.DocumentSearchView(**kwargs)[source]
dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Wrap the dispatch method to add a last modified header if one is available, then return a conditional response.


alias of DocumentSearchForm

Generate a link to the Arabic Papyrology Database (APD) search page using the entered query, converting any Hebrew script to Arabic with Regex

get_applied_filter_labels(form, field, filters)[source]

return a list of objects with field/value pairs, and translated labels, one for each applied filter

get_boolfield_label(form, fieldname)[source]

Return a label dict for a boolean field (works differently than other fields)


extend context data to add page metadata, highlighting, and update form with facets


get form arguments from request and configured defaults


Try to get pagination from GET request query, if there is none fallback to the original.


Perform requested search and return solr queryset

get_solr_sort(sort_option, exclude_inferred=False)[source]

Return solr sort field for user-seleted sort option; generates random sort field using solr random dynamic field; otherwise uses solr sort field from solr_sort


override last modified from solr mixin to not return a value when sorting by random


alias of Document

solr_lastmodified_filters = {'item_type_s': 'document'}

solr query filter for getting last modified date

class geniza.corpus.views.DocumentTranscribeView(**kwargs)[source]

View for the Transcription/Translation Editor page that uses annotorious-tahqiq


Pass annotation configuration and TinyMCE API key to page context


Title of transcription/translation editor page

viewname = 'corpus:document-transcribe'

bound name of this view, for use in generating absolute url for redirect

class geniza.corpus.views.DocumentTranscriptionText(**kwargs)[source]

Return transcription as plain text for download

get(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

extend GET to check for old pgpid and redirect on 404

viewname = 'corpus:document-transcription-text'

bound name of this view, for use in generating absolute url for redirect

class geniza.corpus.views.RelatedDocumentView(**kwargs)[source]

List of Document objects that are related to specific Document (e.g., by occuring on the same shelfmark).


extend context data to add page metadata


page description, for metadata; uses truncated document description


page title, for metadata; uses document title

viewname = 'corpus:related-documents'

bound name of this view, for use in generating absolute url for redirect

class geniza.corpus.views.SolrDateRangeMixin[source]

Mixin for solr-based views with start and end date fields to get the full range of dates across the solr queryset.

get_range_stats(queryset_cls, field_name)[source]

Return the min and max for range fields based on Solr stats.


Dictionary keyed on form field name with a tuple of (min, max) as integers. If stats are not returned from the field, the key is not added to a dictionary.

Return type:


class geniza.corpus.views.SourceAutocompleteView(**kwargs)[source]

sources filtered by entered query, or all sources, ordered by author last name

class geniza.corpus.views.TagMerge(**kwargs)[source]

Class-based view for merging tags, closely adapted from DocumentMerge.


alias of TagMergeForm


Merge the selected tags into the primary tag.


Return the keyword arguments for instantiating the form.


Return the initial data to use for forms on this view.


Return the URL to redirect to after processing a valid form.

static merge_tags(primary_tag, secondary_tags, user)[source]

Merge secondary_tags into primary_tag: tag all documents tagged with any of the secondary_tags with the primary_tag, then delete all secondary_tags, and record the change with a LogEntry.


output footnote and source information in a format similar to old pgp metadata editor/editions.


Takes a Document queryset and yields rows of data for serialization as csv in pgp_metadata_for_old_site()


Stream metadata in CSV format for index and display in the old PGP site.

template tags


For scholarship records list: list doc relations for all footnotes.


Lowercases, then alphabetizes, a list of strings

geniza.corpus.templatetags.corpus_extras.dict_item(dictionary, key)[source]

‘Template filter to allow accessing dictionary value by variable key. Example use:

{{ mydict|dict_item:keyvar }}

format attribution for local manifests (deprecated)


Helper method to construct an appropriate aria-label for a document link with a fallback in case of a missing shelfmark.


For scholarship records list: return True if any footnote in the list has a URL or location.

geniza.corpus.templatetags.corpus_extras.iiif_image(img, args)[source]

Add options to resize or otherwise change the display of an iiif image; expects an instance of piffle.iiif.IIIFImageClient. Provide the method and arguments as filter string, i.e.:

{{ myimg|iiif_image:"size:width=225,height=255" }}

Add /info.json to a list of IIIF image IDs and dump to JSON, for OpenSeaDragon to parse.

geniza.corpus.templatetags.corpus_extras.index(item, i)[source]

‘Template filter to allow accessing list element by variable index. Example use:

{{ mylist|index:forloop.counter0 }}

Find all instances of “PGPID #” in the passed text, and convert each to a link to the referenced document.

geniza.corpus.templatetags.corpus_extras.querystring_replace(context, **kwargs)[source]

Template tag to simplify retaining querystring parameters when paging through search results with active filters. Example use:

<a href="?{% querystring_replace page=paginator.next_page_number %}">

Wrap individual shelfmarks in a span within a combined shelfmark, to avoid wrapping mid-shelfmark

geniza.corpus.templatetags.corpus_extras.translate_url(context, lang_code)[source]

Translate current full path into requested language by code.

manage commands

class*args, **options)[source]

Takes a CSV of shelfmarks and view URLs and/or IIIF URLs, update corresponding Fragment records in the database with those URLs. Expects CSV headers ‘shelfmark’ and one or both of ‘url’ and ‘iiif_url’


Entry point for subclassed commands to add custom arguments.


add view and iiif urls to fragment and save if a match is found for the shelfmark

handle(*args, **options)[source]

The actual logic of the command. Subclasses must implement this method.

log_change(fragment, message)[source]

create a log entry so there is a record of adding/updating urls


Generate IIIF Manifest URL based on view url, if it can be determined automatically

Importing IIIF manifests to be cached in the database.

class, stderr=None, no_color=False, force_color=False)[source]

Import IIIF manifests into the local database.


Entry point for subclassed commands to add custom arguments.


update fragments with iiif urls to add foreign keys to the new manifests

handle(*args, **kwargs)[source]

The actual logic of the command. Subclasses must implement this method.

Script to consolidate redundant or duplicate document records. The script has two modes:

Report mode looks for merge candidates based on duplicate shelfmark combinations, document type, and descriptions. To generate a report of potential merges and actions to be taken:

python merge_documents report

Merge mode takes a CSV file in the same format generated by the report and merges documents as specified. There should be one row for each document that is part of any group of documents to be merged. Required fields are:

  • group id: unique identifier for each set of documents to be merged

  • action: must be MERGE to merge documents; if not, rows will be ignored

  • pgpid: document PGPID

  • role: “primary” for the main document in each group

Example use:

python merge_documents merge join-documents.csv
class, stderr=None, no_color=False, force_color=False)[source]

Merge documents that are variations of the same joins, based on shelfmark, document type, and description


Entry point for subclassed commands to add custom arguments.

generate_report(report_rows, path)[source]

in report mode, generate a csv file of merge candidates


identify merge candidates from the database. Looks for documents associated with multiple fragments, and then groups documents by combination of sorted shelfmarks and document type. Returns a dictionary of candidates. Key is sorted shelfmark + type, value is list of documents in that group.


process candidates identified in get_merge_candidates() to determine which ones should be merged

handle(*args, **options)[source]

The actual logic of the command. Subclasses must implement this method.


Load a report .csv file and generate list of merge groups.

merge_group(group_id, group)[source]

Takes a group identifier and a list of dicts for the group; there should be one primary record (role = primary) and one or more non-primary records. Each entry should have a pgpid; the status from the primary record will be used as merge rationale. Will find and merge the documents if possible.

class, stderr=None, no_color=False, force_color=False)[source]

Report on or update historical date conversions for current data


Entry point for subclassed commands to add custom arguments.


Find documents with standardized dates that are set but don’t match the validation pattern and correct the ones that can be fixed.

handle(*args, **options)[source]

The actual logic of the command. Subclasses must implement this method.

report(dated_docs, report_path)[source]

Generate a CSV report of documents with dates and converted standard dates


Reconvert and update documents with historical dates with calendars that support conversion.

class, stderr=None, no_color=False, force_color=False)[source]

Entry point for subclassed commands to add custom arguments.

handle(*args, **options)[source]

Export fixtures from the database, given a list of PGPIDs.

Example usage with PGPIDs 1, 20, and 1234: python generate_fixtures 1 20 1234

class, stderr=None, no_color=False, force_color=False)[source]

Entry point for subclassed commands to add custom arguments.

handle(*args, **options)[source]

The actual logic of the command. Subclasses must implement this method.

print(*x, **y)[source]

A stdout-friendly method of printing for commands

class, remote_url=None, print_func=None, progress=True)[source]

Utility class with functionality for generating metadata exports and commiting to git.

default_commit_msg = 'Automated metadata export from PGP'

default commit message

export_data(lastrun, sync=False)[source]

generate all exports

get_commit_message(modifying_users=None, msg=None)[source]

Construct a commit message. Uses the default commit with optional addendum specified by msg parameter, constructs a co-author commit if there are any modifying users, and combines with the base commit message.


Given a LogEentry queryset, return a User queryset for the set of users who associated with any of the log entries.


generate export path based on export type


add modified files to git

repo_commit(modifying_users=None, msg=None)[source]

commit changes to local git repository


check if git repository has a remote origin


pull changes from remote


push changes to remote git repository


synchronize with remote git repository