Source code for geniza.corpus.dates

# methods to convert historical dates to standard dates
# will be used for reporting and automatic conversion in admin
import calendar
import re
from datetime import date

import convertdate
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core.validators import RegexValidator
from django.db import models
from django.utils.formats import date_format
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from unidecode import unidecode

from geniza.common.models import TrackChangesModel

[docs] class Calendar: """Codes for supported calendars""" #: Hijri calendar (Islamic) HIJRI = "h" #: Kharaji calendar KHARAJI = "k" #: Seleucid calendar SELEUCID = "s" #: Anno Mundi calendar (Hebrew) ANNO_MUNDI = "am" #: calendars that can be converted to Julian/Gregorian can_convert = [ANNO_MUNDI, HIJRI, SELEUCID] #: offset for Seleucid calendar: Anno Mundi - 3449 SELEUCID_OFFSET = 3449
[docs] class PartialDate: """Simple partial date object to handle parsing and display of dates in the format YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD. Display format is based on known precision of year, month, or day.""" available_precision = ["year", "month", "day"] #: public display format based on date precision display_format = { "year": "Y", "month": "F Y", "day": "j F Y", } #: ISO format based on date precision iso_format = { "year": "%Y", "month": "%Y-%m", "day": "%Y-%m-%d", } #: numeric format for indexing and sorting num_fmt = "%Y%m%d" def __init__(self, str): # TODO: probably still need more validation/error handling here # for real world use date_parts = str.split("-") if len(date_parts) > 3: raise ValueError(f"Error parsing standard date {str}") # since we don't currently support unknown year, # precision can be determined by number of date parts self.precision = self.available_precision[len(date_parts) - 1] # fill in unknown month/day as 1 date_parts += [1] * (3 - len(date_parts)) # cast to integer and convert to = date(*[int(p) for p in date_parts]) def __str__(self): # format the date based on known precision return date_format(, format=self.display_format[self.precision], use_l10n=True ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"PartialDate({self.isoformat()})" def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, PartialDate): # don't attempt to compare against unrelated types return NotImplemented # equivalent if date and precision are the same return == and self.precision == other.precision
[docs] def isoformat(self, mode="min", fmt="precision"): """Display partial date in ISO format. By default, will display YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD according to known precision. If min or max is requested, will display YYYY-MM-DD for earliest or latest date based on known precision. :param mode: how to fill in unknowns: min, or max (default: min) :param fmt: format: precision (default), isoformat, or numeric """ # determine possibly unknown parts of the date month = ( if self.precision in ["month", "day"] or mode == "min" else 12 ) # if we don't know the day or mode is not min, determine max day # by getting the number of days for this month in this year # (if min, use 1 which is default in init) day = ( if self.precision == "day" or mode == "min" else calendar.monthrange(, month)[1] ) display_date = date(, month, day) # display only known precision if fmt == "precision": return display_date.strftime(self.iso_format[self.precision]) if fmt == "numeric": return display_date.strftime(self.num_fmt) # display full date, unknowns filled in based on min/max return display_date.isoformat()
[docs] def numeric_format(self, mode="min"): """ "Date in numeric format for sorting; max or min for unknowns. See :meth:`isoformat` for more details.""" return self.isoformat(mode, "numeric")
[docs] @staticmethod def get_date_range(old_range, new_range): """Compute the union (widest possible date range) between two PartialDate ranges.""" minmax = old_range [start, end] = new_range # use numeric format to compare to current min, replace if smaller start_numeric = int(start.numeric_format(mode="min")) min = minmax[0] if min is None or start_numeric < int(min.numeric_format(mode="min")): # store as PartialDate, not numeric format minmax[0] = start # use numeric format to compare to current max, replace if larger end_numeric = int(end.numeric_format(mode="max")) max = minmax[1] if max is None or end_numeric > int(max.numeric_format(mode="max")): # store as PartialDate, not numeric format minmax[1] = end return minmax
[docs] class DocumentDateMixin(TrackChangesModel): """Mixin for document date fields (original and standardized), and related logic for displaying, converting,a nd validating dates.""" doc_date_original = models.CharField( "Date on document", help_text="Explicit date on the document, in original format", blank=True, max_length=255, ) CALENDAR_CHOICES = ( (Calendar.HIJRI, "Hijrī"), (Calendar.KHARAJI, "Kharājī"), (Calendar.SELEUCID, "Seleucid"), (Calendar.ANNO_MUNDI, "Anno Mundi"), ) doc_date_calendar = models.CharField( "Calendar", max_length=2, choices=CALENDAR_CHOICES, help_text="Calendar according to which the document gives a date: " + "Hijrī (AH); Kharājī (rare - mostly for fiscal docs); " + "\nSeleucid (sometimes listed as Minyan Shetarot); Anno Mundi (Hebrew calendar)", blank=True, ) # supports YYYY, YYYY-MM, YYYY-MM-DD and same formats as ranges YYYY/YYYY re_date_format = re.compile( r"^\d{3,4}(-[01]\d(-[0-3]\d)?)?(/\d{3,4}(-[01]\d(-[0-3]\d)?)?)?$" ) standard_date_helptext = str( "Convert to Julian before 1582, Gregorian after 1582. " + "\nUse YYYY, YYYY-MM, YYYY-MM-DD format or YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DD for date ranges.", ) doc_date_standard = models.CharField( "CE date", help_text=f"{standard_date_helptext} \nLeave blank or clear out to automatically " + "calculate standardized date for supported calendars.", blank=True, max_length=255, validators=[RegexValidator(re_date_format)], ) class Meta: abstract = True @property def original_date(self): """Generate formatted display for the document's original/historical date""" # combine date and calendar or return empty string return " ".join( [self.doc_date_original, self.get_doc_date_calendar_display()] ).strip() @property def document_date(self): """Generate formatted display of combined original and standardized dates""" if self.doc_date_standard: standardized_date = standard_date_display(self.doc_date_standard) # add parentheses to standardized date if original date is also present if self.original_date: # NOTE: we want no-wrap for individual dates when displaying as html # may want to split out formatted/unformatted versions return mark_safe( "<span>%s</span> <span>(%s)</span>" % ( self.original_date, standardized_date, ) ) # should we always use spans, or only when both dates are present? return standardized_date else: # if there's no standardized date, just display the historical date return self.original_date
[docs] def clean(self): """ Require doc_date_original and doc_date_calendar to be set if either one is present. """ if self.doc_date_calendar and not self.doc_date_original: raise ValidationError("Original date is required when calendar is set") if self.doc_date_original and not self.doc_date_calendar: raise ValidationError("Calendar is required when original date is set")
[docs] def standardize_date(self, update=False): """ Convert the document's original date to a standardized date, if possible. If update is requested, will store the converted value on :attr:`doc_date_standard` """ # if original date is set and conversion is supported for this calendar, # generate the standardized date if self.doc_date_original and self.doc_date_calendar in Calendar.can_convert: std_date = standardize_date(self.doc_date_original, self.doc_date_calendar) if std_date: converted_date = display_date_range(*std_date) # if update is requested and standard date is unset, save the converted date if update and not self.doc_date_standard: self.doc_date_standard = converted_date return converted_date
_parsed_date = {} @property def parsed_date(self): """Parse standard date (if set) and return as dictionary of start/end :class:`PartialDate` objects""" # for efficiency, parse and cache standard date into # a dictionary of start/end partial dates. # recalculate if not set or standard date has changed if ( self.doc_date_standard and not self._parsed_date or self.has_changed("doc_date_standard") ): try: date_parts = self.doc_date_standard.split("/") start = PartialDate(date_parts[0]) # if a single date instead of a range, start and end are the same if len(date_parts) == 1: end = start else: end = PartialDate(date_parts[1]) self._parsed_date = {"start": start, "end": end} except ValueError: # ignore if it can't be parsed (records before validation added) pass return self._parsed_date @property def start_date(self): """ Return the start date of the document's standardized date or date range, if set. """ return self.parsed_date.get("start") @property def end_date(self): """ Return the end date of the document's standardized date or date range, if set. """ return self.parsed_date.get("end")
[docs] def solr_date_range(self): """ Return a Solr date range for the document's standardized date. """ # only convert if standardized document date is set and passes validation if self.doc_date_standard and self.re_date_format.match(self.doc_date_standard): # if we have a single date, return it as is date_parts = self.doc_date_standard.split("/") # if a single date instead of a range, start and end are the same if len(date_parts) == 1: return date_parts[0] # if there's more than one date, return as a range return "[%s TO %s]" % tuple(date_parts)
# Julian Thursday, 4 October 1582, being followed by Gregorian Friday, 15 October # cut off between gregorian/julian dates, in julian days gregorian_start_jd = convertdate.julianday.from_julian(1582, 10, 5) # PGP month names don't match exactly those used in convertdate; # add local aliases to map them hebrew_month_aliases = { "Tevet": "Teveth", "Iyar": "Iyyar", "Tishrei": "Tishri", "Adar I": "Adar", "Adar II": "Adar Bet", }
[docs] def get_hebrew_month(month_name): """Convert Hebrew month name to month number. Supports local month name aliases for alternate spellings.""" # use unidecode to simplify handling with/without accents month_name = unidecode(month_name) return ( convertdate.hebrew.MONTHS.index( hebrew_month_aliases.get(month_name, month_name) ) + 1 )
#: regular expression for extracting information from original date string re_original_date = re.compile( # for months, match any non-numeric characters, since some month names are multi-word r"(?:(?P<weekday>\w+day),? )?(?:(?P<day>\d+) )?(?:(?P<month>[^\d]+( I{1,2})?) )?(?P<year>\d{3,4})", flags=re.UNICODE, ) # characters to remove before applying regex to historical date ignorechars = str.maketrans({val: "" for val in "[]()"})
[docs] def get_calendar_month(convertdate_module, month): """ "Convert month name to month number for the specified calendar. :param convertdate_module: `convertdate` calendar module to use :param month: string month name :return int: month number """ if convertdate_module == convertdate.hebrew: return get_hebrew_month(month) elif convertdate_module == convertdate.islamic: return get_islamic_month(month)
[docs] def convert_hebrew_date(historic_date): """Convert a date in the Hebrew Anno Mundi calendar to the Julian or Gregorian calendar""" return standardize_date(historic_date, Calendar.ANNO_MUNDI)
[docs] def convert_seleucid_date(historic_date): """Convert a date in the Greek Seleucid calendar to the Julian or Gregorian calendar""" return standardize_date(historic_date, Calendar.SELEUCID)
[docs] def convert_islamic_date(historic_date): """Convert a date in the Islamic Hijri calendar to the Julian or Gregorian calendar""" return standardize_date(historic_date, Calendar.HIJRI)
#: mapping between supported calendars and corresponding convertdate module calendar_converter = { Calendar.ANNO_MUNDI: convertdate.hebrew, Calendar.HIJRI: convertdate.islamic, # NOTE: Seleucid years cannot be passed directly into convertdate.hebrew; instead, # convert them to AM using the Seleucid offset first, in order to handle leap years Calendar.SELEUCID: convertdate.hebrew, }
[docs] def standardize_date(historic_date, calendar): """ convert hebrew date in text format to standard date range """ # some historic dates include brackets or parentheses; ignore them historic_date = historic_date.translate(ignorechars) # get the convertdate calendar module for the specified calendar converter = calendar_converter[calendar] match = re_original_date.match(historic_date) # may want to log or debug regex mismatch for dev or reporting if match: date_info = match.groupdict() year = int(date_info["year"]) if calendar == Calendar.SELEUCID: year = year + Calendar.SELEUCID_OFFSET month = date_info["month"] if month: # ignore seasons for now if month.lower() in ["spring", "summer", "fall", "winter"]: month = None else: month = get_calendar_month(converter, month) day = date_info["day"] day = int(day) if day else None # weekday = date_info["weekday"] # use for checking # convert cdate = get_calendar_date(converter, year, month, day) # cdate = get_hebrew_date(year, month, day) # if it returned a single date, convert to a tuple for consistency if isinstance(cdate, date): # could check weekday and warn here... return (cdate, cdate) else: return cdate
[docs] def get_calendar_date(converter, year, month=None, day=None, mode=None): """ Convert a date from a supported calendar and return as a :class:`` or tuple of dates for a date range, when the conversion is ambiguous. Takes year and optional month and day. """ # NOTE: this raises an error if conversion is out of range # if we know month but not day, determine the number of days in the month # then generate standard dates for max and min (earliest and latest) if month and not day: # convertdate is inconsistent; should be fixed in 2.4.1 if hasattr(converter, "month_days"): # hebrew calendar has month_days method month_days = converter.month_days(year, month) else: # islamic calendar has month_length month_days = converter.month_length(year, month) # earliest is 1, latest is month_days # when mode is latest, only return the last day of the month if mode == "latest": return get_calendar_date(converter, year, month, month_days) # otherwise, return first and last return get_calendar_date(converter, year, month, 1), get_calendar_date( converter, year, month, month_days ) # if we don't know the month, we want to calculate # the earliest and latest if not month: if converter == convertdate.hebrew: # hebrew calendar civil year starts in Tishri earliest_month = convertdate.hebrew.TISHRI # Elul is the month before Tishri latest_month = convertdate.hebrew.ELUL else: # fall back to the number of months; # In Islamic calendar, does not vary by year year_months = len(converter.MONTHS) earliest_month = 1 latest_month = year_months # return the first day of the first month and the last day of the last month # OR: would it make more sense / be simpler to get the first day # of the next year and subtract one day? return get_calendar_date(converter, year, earliest_month, 1), get_calendar_date( converter, year, latest_month, mode="latest" ) # year/month/day all values determined; convert and return # convert to julian days converted_jd = converter.to_jd(year, month, day) # if before the start of the gregorian calendar, convert to julian if converted_jd < gregorian_start_jd: converted_date = convertdate.julian.from_jd(converted_jd) # otherwise, convert to gregorian else: converted_date = convertdate.gregorian.from_jd(converted_jd) # convert tuple of year, month, day to return date(*converted_date)
[docs] def display_date_range(earliest, latest): """ display a date range or single date in a isoformat """ # if both dates are the same, only display once if earliest == latest: return earliest.isoformat() else: return "%s/%s" % (earliest.isoformat(), latest.isoformat())
## islamic calendar # generate unicode-decoded version of month list for better matching islamic_months = [unidecode(m) for m in convertdate.islamic.MONTHS] # local overrides for months islamic_month_aliases = { "Muharram": "al-Muharram", "Rabi' I": "Rabi' al-`Awwal", # NOTE: trailing commas are typeod in convertdate; will be fixed in 2.4.1 "Rabi' II": "Rabi' ath-Thani,", "Jumada I": "Jumada al-`Awwal,", "Jumada II": "Jumada ath-Thaniyah,", "Dhu l-Qa'da": "Zu al-Qa'dah", "Dhu l-Hijja": "Zu al-Hijjah", }
[docs] def get_islamic_month(month_name): """Convert Islamic month name to month number; works with or without accents, and supports local month-name overrides.""" month_name = unidecode(month_name) return islamic_months.index(islamic_month_aliases.get(month_name, month_name)) + 1
[docs] def standard_date_display(standard_date): """Display a standardized CE date in human readable format.""" # bail out if there is nothing to display if not standard_date: return # currently storing in isoformat, with slash if a date range dates = standard_date.split("/") # we should always have at least one date, if date is set # convert to local partial date object for precision-aware string formatting # join dates with en-dash if more than one; # add CE to the end to make calendar system explicit try: return "%s CE" % "–".join(str(PartialDate(d)) for d in dates) except ValueError: # dates entered before validation was applied may not parse # as fallback, display as is return "%s CE" % standard_date