Change Log


  • public site
    • As a public user, I want a keyword search in the people module so that I can easily find people entries.

    • As a public user, I want to see related places on a place page on the main individual place page (not in a separate tab) so that I can see associated neighborhoods and also places that have similar names but are distinct

    • As a public site user, I want any JA or Arabic search to link to the equivalent search on the Arabic Papyrology Database website, so that I can find additional content not present in the PGP.

    • As a public user and content admin, I want to see two separate automatic date fields for people: one of only documents where they are mentioned as deceased and one with all other dated person-doc relations, so that I have a better understanding of a person’s active dates and their afterlives in the documentary record.

    • bugfix: Translations in Hebrew script do not pick up correct Hebrew font

  • admin
    • As a content admin, I want to be able to merge person-to-person relationship types, so that I can combine duplicates or revise categorization.

    • As a content admin, I want to merge person-document relationship types, so that I can keep the website current as our thinking changes (but without losing data)

    • As a content editor, I want to be able to tag people with various group names so that I can sort them in another way/portray more information on the public site.

    • As a content admin, I want the ability to enter asymmetrical place-place relations, so that I can adapt to changes in the way we sort and represent data (e.g. representing a neighborhood within a place).

    • As a content admin, when merging documents (for joins) I want to see image thumbnails of each document so I can be sure the join is correct.


  • public site
    • As a front end user, I want to be able to access up-to-date metadata exports about people and places via GitHub, so that I can use that data in my own research.

    • As a public site user, I want to see formatted citations at the bottom of the doc detail pages so that I know how to cite the doc detail page as a whole.

    • As a public site user, in the network graph, I want the number of relationships between people to be represented by differing line thicknesses, with an option to hover over and see the exact number, so that I can see at a glance the strength of certain relationships in the documentary record.

    • As a frontend user, I want to search in Judaeo-Arabic (Hebrew script) and get search results from both Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic transcriptions so that I can find more content that matches my search.

    • As a public site user, I want the image in the transcription viewer to rotate clockwise so it goes to the right margin first to facilitate the reading and transcription of the text.

    • As a public user, I want to be able to filter people records by those who do and do not have people pages, so that I can easily find important people or people with further context.

    • bugfix: When searching in Hebrew, search results are excluded when the keyword searched is longer than the word that appears in transcriptions

    • bugfix: Collections on document detail page sometimes listed in the wrong order for joins

    • bugfix: Partial search in RegEx introducing spaces before and after the search term even if it’s part of a word

    • chore: Remove edition information from the top of the doc detail page

    • chore: Weiss PhD and MA transcription ingest

    • chore: Please format automatic date field for person page (in admin and public) to delete commas after days and to remove spaces around the en-dash between years.

  • admin
    • As a content admin, I do not want the button to delete a document-place relationship type to appear inline, as it may appear to indicate only removing one relationship and not the type.

    • As a content editor, when entering person-person relationships, I want help text pointing towards both automatic and manual relationships, so that we avoid duplicating relationships between two people.

    • bugfix: Line numbers for transcription not appearing in admin transcription editor (but they appear fine on the public site)

    • bugfix: Transcription/translation alignment fails, during editing only


  • bugfix: Ensure slugs are generated for new Place records


  • bugfix: Correct content type labels for public csv exports


  • public site
    • As a public site user, I want a page to view details about an individual person, so that I can learn more about their life and presence in documents.

    • As a public site user, I want to be able to filter people in the browse page by gender, social role, and relation to documents, so that I can narrow down my browse results.

    • As a public site user, I want a page to view details about an individual place, so that I can learn more about it and its presence in geniza documents.

    • As a public site user, I want a way to browse all the people in the database, so that I can find a specific person I am looking for, or get an overview of all people.

    • As a public user, I want to see a properly-formatted citation at the bottom of each individual person page, so that I can be sure I am citing my sources (and the PGP) correctly.

    • As a public site user, I want to be able to sort people in the browse page by date, name, and other criteria so that I can quickly find the most relevant result.

    • As a public site user, I want a tab where I can list and sort documents related to a person or place, so I can see where they actually appear in the PGP.

    • As a public site user, I want the image/transcription/translation viewer on the document detail page to use buttons instead of headers to open and close sections, so that it is less confusing how to interact with them.

    • As a public site user, I want the image/transcription/translation viewer on the document detail page to have a 3-up display, and default to this display when possible, so that I can see image, transcription, AND translation together.

    • As a public site user, I want to be able to sort and filter people in the browse page by dates active in geniza documents, so that I can narrow down my browse results.

    • As a public site user, I want a tab where I can list and sort places related to a person, so I can understand their geographical movement throughout the PGP.

    • As a public site user, I want a tab where I can list and sort people related to a place, so I can understand geographical groupings of people in the PGP.

    • As a public site user, I want to be able to see a bibliography of formatted citations for a person, so I can find out where the information came from and learn more about them offsite.

    • As a public site user, I want lists of related people and places, by category of relation, with links, on the document detail page, so that I can get an overview of all relations.

    • As a public site user, I want the document detail page to match the designs of the Person and Place detail pages, so I am not confused by the inconsistency.

    • As a public site user, I want to see a section on the document detail page telling me “what’s in the PGP”, so that at a glance I can tell whether there is a transcription or translation without scrolling down.

    • As a public site user, I want the documents search page to match the designs of the People and Places browse pages, so that I am not confused by inconsistency.

    • As a public site user, I want to be able to filter/sort documents by inferred dates, so that I can locate documents by those dates in addition to explicit ones.

    • As a public site user, I want to see the translation/transcription editor on the “select bibliography” tab of the doc detail page so that I can clearly see which scholarship records have been digitized on PGP.

    • As a public site user, I want a way to browse all the places in the database, so that I can find a specific place I am looking for, or get an overview of all places.

    • As a public site user, I want applied filters to appear above the browse results at all time, without having the filters menu open, so that I can quickly tell which filters are applied and remove them one by one.

    • As a front end user, I want old shelfmarks to show up in search results and on the individual document pages (alongside the new shelfmark names)

    • As a public site user, I want a grid view for the people browse page, so that I can visualize the information differently.

    • As a public site user, I want content pages to match the style of the rest of the website, so that I am not confused by the inconsistency.

    • As a public site user, I want to see a list of events related to a person, so I can get an overview of events in their life.

    • As a public site user, I want to be able to filter on language of translation, so that I can find all translations in my preferred language.

    • As a public site user, I want a tab where I can list and sort other people related to a person, so I can understand their interpersonal relationships throughout the PGP.

    • As a public site user, I want a search that strictly matches character sequences in transcriptions, and allows the use of regular expressions, so that I can get results like PGPv3 and make more flexible searches.

    • As a public user, I want to see which PGPIDs are tied to events on people’s events timelines so that I can see the origin of the information.

    • As a public user, I want a fragment’s collection name and holding institution name written out on the doc detail page (with links to the holding instiution library) so that it’s clear to me what all the shelfmark abbreviations stand for and where to look for this information.

    • As a public site user, I want an interactive network graph of related people, so that I can visually comprehend a person’s interpersonal relationships.

    • bugfix: Description snippets in search results appear inaccurately continuous when joined

    • bugfix: Downloading csv of all Documents causes out of memory error, empty file

  • admin
    • As a content admin, I want a separate date range field for each person page that autopopulates from the related documents linked with said person so that I can see date ranges at a glance and the field is always updated.

    • As a content admin, I want manual override for the auto-populated date range for each person page so that I can update the date range to more accurately reflect our state of knowledge outside the document dates.

    • As a content admin, I want an event model that can be linked to multiple people, places, and documents, so that I can recreate a person’s timeline and link related data in new ways.

    • As a content admin, I want to see document dates and inferred dates displayed for people pages in admin so that I can see at a glance a person’s active dates and where that information comes from.

    • As a content admin, I want a person with 10+ associated documents to automatically generate a front-end People Page, so that content editors do not have to manually make significant people pages live.

    • As a content editor, I want to downloand csvs of people and places so that I can filter them offline/mass upload them into other databases.

    • bugfix: When actively editing a translation, you cannot choose between transcription options to display (if there is more than one transcription)


  • chore: Use self-hosted tinyMCE


  • bugfix: Unable to rotate or reorder images in admin due to undefined rotation controls


  • bugfix: Pin django-dbml to 0.7 and dbdocs to 0.8, until django-dbml supports dbdocs 0.9+


  • public site
    • As a public site user, I would like to see date ranges separated with an en-dash (–) instead of an em-dash (—).

    • As a front end user, I only want to see one document number for a source displayed in the scholarship records on the public site.

    • As a frontend user, I want to see dating information displayed on document details when available, so that I can find out the time frame of a document when it is known.

    • bugfix: Double quotes search returning unexpected results

    • bugfix: Issues with shelfmark scoped search

    • bugfix: Highlighting context shows entire transcription or translation in search result

    • bugfix: Transcription search results not always formatted correctly

    • bugfix: Bracket and other character search is functioning unpredictably

    • bugfix: Incorrect words are highlighted in complete word quotation search (Hebrew script)

    • bugfix: Some partial search results in description not boosted by relevancy

    • chore: accessibility issues flagged by DubBot

  • image, transcription, translation viewer/editor
    • As a transcription editor, I should see an error if I try to update an annotation with out of date content so that I don’t overwrite someone else’s changes.

    • bugfix: Autofill for source search (when inputting a transcription source) not functioning properly

  • admin
    • As a content editor, I want to record places-to-places relationship on the place page and on the document detail page, so that I can track ambiguity.

    • As a content admin, I want to drop down a pin on a map and then be able to move the pin around so that I can manually adjust the coordinates of a place before saving the location.

    • As a content editor, I want there to be a notes field in the places pages so that I can add more detail about places that are hard-to-find.

    • As a content admin, I want a provenance field on the document detail page so that I can note the origin and aquisition history of fragments when available.

    • As a content editor, I want clearer help text for the name field of the person page so I know how best to present people’s names on their pages

    • As a content editor, I would like to see Historic Shelfmark on the Document edit page, to ensure that my work is correct when working with old scholarship.

    • bugfix: Full shelfmark search for multiple shelfmarks not working in admin

    • bugfix: Invalid lat/long coordinates are allowed for Places, but don’t persist

    • bugfix: People names are not diacritic neutral when adding them from Document Detail page


  • bugfix: Add undefined check for OSD navigator


  • public site
    • bugfix: Some records have Unicode non-breaking space

    • bugfix: Empty lines cause line number display issues in search results

    • bugifx: Indexing issues with creating documents in Hebrew or Arabic

  • image, transcription, translation viewer/editor
    • bugfix: Some newly added transcriptions and translations misaligned

    • bugfix: Polygon annotation box requires hard refresh to start working (does not work immediately)

    • bugfix: Zoom thumbnail of document image in transcription editor behaving unpredictably

    • bugfix: Dark mode styles are broken for new transcription/translation source input

  • admin
    • As a content editor, I want an option to include inferred dates in the admin date filter, so that they are included in CSV exports from filtered results.

    • As a content admin, I want to be able to merge two (identical) people pages without losing any data

    • As a content editor, I want to override the orientation of images displayed for a document so I can rotate images to display in logical orientation for readability/useability.

    • As a content admin, I want to add related documents directly from people pages to facilitate data entry.

    • bugfix: “PGPID OR PGPID” search does not work in the admin

    • bugfix: Cannot merge a document into a primary that does not have a description

    • chore: Automatic ingest of old/historic shelfmarks into the PGP for both backend and front end visibility


  • bugfix: Last chosen person not populating in person-document relations dropdown


  • bugfix: do not require browser in Google Docs ingest script


  • bugfix: pin python dependency piffle==0.4 due to breaking change


  • public site
    • bugfix: On tag change, document indexing is one revision behind

    • bugfix: Input date not always populating

    • bugfix: Digital translation footnote in scholarship records behaving incorrectly, excluding other footnotes on source

  • image, transcription, translation viewer/editor
    • As a front end desktop user, I would like to see a bigger version of the document image in order to read the document (especially when no transcription exists).

    • As a public site viewer, I would like to see translation alongside the document image by default if both are present, so that I can read the document in my native language.

    • As a content editor, I want the “pop out” button in the transcription editor up higher, so it’s immediately accessible.

    • As a content editor, I want the ability to add polygon annotation boxes using the transcription editor, so I can draw accurate bounding boxes around text.

    • As a content editor, I want the location field for digital edition/translations to automatically populate from an existing edition/translation on the same source, so that I can save time manually re-entering it.

    • bugfix: Editing/deleting parts of annotation box titles results in unexpected behavior (no change or deleting entire annotation box)

    • bugfix: In Safari, ITT panel toggles leave trails

    • bugfix: Annotations on the document detail page do not respect reordering

    • bugfix: Transcription and translation may become misaligned when resizing window

    • bugfix: Alignment between Arabic transcriptions and English translations is slightly off

  • admin
    • As a content admin, I would like filters in the document admin to search by English and Hebrew language of translation, so that I can collect those documents for CSV export for use in teaching.

    • As a content admin, I would like to include a rationale for the inferred date field from a list of options, so that I can enter data more efficiently and consistently.

    • As a content admin, I want inferred date and accompanying notes in the csv exports of documents, so that I can keep track of this information in my own research.

    • As a content editor, I want a “no language” option when entering source languages (with help text) for unpublished transcriptions because the language will automatically be determined by the document languages already present on the doc detail pages.

    • As a content editor, I want clear help text when adding a source to explain how to select the source language, so that it is done consistently for translations and transcriptions.

    • As a content admin, I want both dates on document and inferred dates to merge when I merge duplicate PGPIDS so no data is lost when cleaning up duplicates. If there are two different dates on documents for the same PGPID, I want there to be an error message drawing my attention to the issue so I can choose the correct date or otherwise record the discrepancy.

    • As a content editor, I want a way to filter documents by date in the admin for enhanced csv exports

    • bugfix: Mixed inlines/formsets breaks on lack of permissions

    • bugfix: Merging two documents with digital content footnotes for the same source results in unique constraint violation

  • people and places
    • As a content editor, I want a separate field to record people’s names and roles in each document, so that I can build a structured dataset of all people across the PGP.

    • As a content editor, I want a separate field in the document detail page so that I can record place information mentioned in the document.

    • As a content editor, I want Person-Person relationship types visually sorted into their categories in the admin form, so that I can select them at a glance.

    • As a content admin, when adding people-to-people relationships in person pages, I want an added “ambiguity” category to the drop down so I can clarify when people are similar/not the same.

    • As a content admin, when viewing people-to-people relationships in person pages, I want reverse relationships to be visible, so that I don’t inadvertently add a relationship twice.


  • bugfix: fix tinyMCE text direction and API key instantiation


  • bugfix: fix typo in permissions for tag merge


  • public site
    • As a front end user, I want a translation module added to the image/transcription viewer so I can see translations of documents into my native language.

    • As a front-end user, I want to be able to search on the content of translations, so that I can find documents relating to terms that only appear within translations.

    • As a front-end user, I want transcription lines always aligned with translation lines when I view both, so that I can compare the two texts line-by-line.

    • bugfix: Dropdown header menu partially hidden behind search filters (z-index)

  • admin
    • As a content editor, I want a way to track inferred dates for documents in a structured way so that it can be used for filtering, sorting, and display.

    • As a content editor, I want to filter the document list view to include translation (Y/N) in order to find translations

    • As a content editor, I want Seleucid dates automatically converted to standard dates when possible, so that dates can be compared and used for filtering and sorting

    • As a content editor, I want a translation module added to the transcription editor so I can add and edit translations to Geniza documents using the same interface as transcriptions.

    • As a content admin, I want translation backups to populate automatically in GitHub, alongside but differentiated from transcriptions, so that I can track changes in versioned translation content.

    • bugfix: Tags may be saved with identical names, case-insensitive

    • bugfix: Content Admins do not have correct permissions to merge tags


  • public site
    • As a public site user, I want to be able to search descriptions for words/phrases in quotations, so that I can find exact matches for my search terms.

    • bugfix: Styles missing for JTS logo

  • admin
    • As a content editor, I want to add transcriptions to documents without images in the PGP in the admin interface, so that I do not need to keep switching over to the public site to add transcriptions.

    • As a content editor working in the admin interface, I want a warning/error if I try to save a new document without a shelfmark.

    • As a content editor, I want a warning or validation to prevent adding more than one digital edition footnote for the same document source to avoid creating duplicates.

    • Prevent content editors from clicking more than one option for a digital edition, and explain to them the difference between edition and digital edition

    • As a content editor, I want the log entry to record and differentiate between users who input someone else’s transcription versus users who created a new transcription so I can give the appropriate credit where it’s due.

    • As a content editor, I want to merge similar tags so I can consolidate redundant tags and decrease clutter in the database.

    • chore: Merge JTS and ENA collections

    • chore: Add help text to note section of footnote

  • transcription editor
    • As content editor using the transcription editor, I want the image to be sticky so that I can always have the image beside the text as I scroll down.

    • Include two placeholder images for each fragment without images; give placeholder images unique labels corresponding to each fragment’s shelfmark

    • bugfix: Clicking outside the current annotation zone and/or into another zone in the transcription editor cancels unsaved changes without warning

    • bugfix: Updated transcriptions failing to populate in search index

  • iiif
    • bugfix: Some Bodleian iiif manifests were generated with incorrect shelfmarks

    • bugfix: Some JRL manifests say “recto” for the second image of a fragment


  • Revise annotation model to link footnotes using foreign keys instead of URIs

  • As a content editor working on transcriptions, I want to be able to move transcriptions from one document to another, so that I can fix a mistake if a transcription was associated incorrectly.

  • bugfix: transcriptions can be orphaned or lost when merging records


  • bugfix: Admin shelfmark search on “BL OR …” gives too many and irrelevant results

  • bugfix: Partial search in descriptions sorted by relevance not working well

  • bugfix: Public site search of Latin script descriptions does not ignore diacritics and behaves unpredictably

  • bugfix: transcription labels in search results are RTL

  • bugfix: transcription html/text export cleanup

  • bugfix: some public metadata exports include empty columns for admin-only fields

  • bugfix: 500 error on wagtail pages for a deleted page model


  • As a frontend user, I want search results to include partial matches of phrases in descriptions sorted by relevance, so that I can search by incomplete phrases and view the closest matches first.

  • As a content admin, I want document data exports synchronized to github so that there is a publicly accessible, versioned copy of project data available for researchers.

  • As a content admin, I want fragment data exports available in django admin and synchronized to github so that there is a publicly accessible, versioned copy of project data available for researchers.

  • As a content admin, I want scholarship records exported to github so that there is a publicly accessible, versioned copy of project data available for researchers.

  • As a content admin, I want data exports to include information about who made edits when possible, so that I see who contributed to changes in project data.

  • As a content editor, I want scholarship record summary information included in documents metadata so I can quickly see who has published on the document without switching context.

  • As a content admin I would like to see counts and/or be able to export user log entries so that I can quantify how much work a content editor has contributed to the database.

  • As a content editor, I want to view source URLs when I download the sources CSV in order to more easily find/update external sources.

  • bugfix: search results don’t always highlight matches in description text


  • bugfix: annotation export script errors if manifest uri doesn’t resolve to a valid document (handle deleted annotations on deleted documents)

  • bugfix: documents in admin should be sorted by shelfmark by default


  • public site
    • As a frontend user, I want search results to include partial matches of words in transcriptions, so that I can search by substrings of words.

    • As a front-end user, when I sort documents by shelfmark I want it sorted in logical, human-readable order instead of by string so that I can more easily find the records I’m interested in.

    • As a frontend user, I want keyword search for Seleucid dates to give me complete matches first so that I can browse by decreasing relevancy in the date field.

    • As a front end user who speaks Hebrew or Arabic, I want document types in search results in the currently active language, so that I can read and understand them.

  • transcription editor
    • OpenSeadragon navigator should not be visible on placeholder images

    • As a content editor, I want commit messages for transcription export data on GitHub to include PGPID so that I can more easily find the changes I’m interested in.

    • bugfix: sometimes transcriptions changes appear not to save in the editor

    • bugfix: in transcription editor, there is no way to tell whether saving changes has succeeded or failed

  • admin
    • As a content editor, I want the admin csv download to include transcription and translation indicators (Y/N) so that I can filter documents to those with or without transcription or translation.

    • As a content editor, I want database translation fields for Hebrew and Arabic content in the admin site to render text RTL, so that I can read and edit the content properly.

    • bugfix: In .csv downloads from the admin interface, for joins, the IIIF_url field needs a space after the semicolon.

    • bugfix: support for switching between multiple digital editions on a single document in admin version of image + transcription panel

    • transcription type styles in admin view

  • maintenance/other
    • include ISSN in public site footer

    • accessibility: transcription content should have a lang attribute in html

    • design: implement the revised RTL mobile headers

    • upgrade to python 3.9


transcription migration and new transcription editor

public site

  • As a content editor, I want transcription formatting preserved in search result display but ignored for search text so that I can see where in the transcription matching terms are.

  • As a user, I want to see all transcription content for a document even if it extends beyond the currently available iiif images.

  • As a frontend user, I want to search by partial shelfmarks so I can more easily find documents by exact shelfmark or groups of shelfmarks.

  • As a frontend user, I want to be able to search by historic shelfmark so I can find documents by what they’re called today.

  • As a frontend user I want to search on document date information so I can find records by calendar or historic date.

  • As a user, I want to see an image thumbnail when I’m zooming and panning on images, so that I can see what I’m looking at in the context of the whole image.

  • bugfix: corrects a problem with Arabic script exact phrase searching

transcription editing

  • As a content editor, I want to add block-level transcription to documents with images so that I can make existing transcription content available in the site.

As a user, when I’m reading transcription text, numbered lines should only wrap when necessary (based on display width), so that I can see more clearly how the lines match up with the original. #755 - As a content editor, I want to add and edit transcriptions on a separate page from the document detail or admin edit form, so that permissions and saving just the transcription can be managed more easily. - As a content editor, I want transcription content linked to a scholarship record so that it is clearly documented who authored the transcription and where it came from. - As a content editor I want to add or edit labels for blocks of transcription text so that I can indicate new sections or different kinds of texts. - As a content editor I want to use basic formatting in transcription content so that I can enter lines as numbered lists or tag when the language changes within a document. - As a transcription editor, I want to move transcription blocks to a different image so that I can easily correct content associated with the wrong image. - As a transcription editor, I want to reorder transcription blocks within a page so that I can make sure text content matches logical document order. - As a content editor, I want new and revised transcriptions available for search immediately so that changes and new content are all available to all site users. - As a content editor, I want footnotes to indicate when a digital edition is available so that I can see and filter on records with and without transcription in the admin interface. - As a content editor, I want to add and edit transcriptions for records without all IIIF images available so that transcriptions aren’t limited to records with all images. - As a transcription editor I want to edit and rearrange transcription content as numbered lists so that I can correct line wrapping introduced to match printed editions. - As a content editor, I want to cut and paste transcription content from a Google Doc or similar and have it display properly with site styles so that I can easily add existing transcription content.

transcription migration and backup

  • As an admin, I want transcription content synchronized from annotation storage to a GitHub repository so that the content is backed up, versioned, and available for use in generating a text corpus.

  • As an admin I want TEI transcription content migrated to IIIF annotation so that I can manage and edit it in the new transcription editor.

  • As a content admin, I want to add content editor user’s github coauthor emails and link their account to scholarship records so that their contributions will be properly documented.

  • As a content admin, I want TEI contributors documented in the new GitHub annotation and transcription backups so that there is a record of everyone who has contributed to the transcription structure and content.

  • As a content admin, I want transcription content backups to be regularly updated as edits are made, so that the backup is up to date, version history is more granular, and I can compare changes.

  • As a content admin, I want transcription backups to include information about who made edits when possible, so that I can track changes in versioned transcription content.

  • As a content editor, I want to navigate the transcription export data on GitHub so that I can find exported content by PGPID.


  • Implement a language switch so that users can choose to view the site in English, Hebrew, or Arabic

  • Implement the Hebrew type styles


This release includes scripts to generate iiif manifests for Bodleian and Manchester images and support for importing and displaying those manifests.

  • As a content admin, I want images from the Bodleian Genizah collection made available as IIIF so they can be displayed on the site and be linked to transcription text.

  • As a content admin, I want IIIF from the Manchester JRL Genizah collection remixed to match our data model so that images can be displayed on the site and be linked to transcription text.


  • bugfix: In .csv downloads from the admin interface, for joins, the IIIF_url field needs a space after the semicolon.

  • add a configurable warning banner that can be displayed during the TEI migration and then turned off

  • As an admin/content editor, I want to see all the images associated with a document so that I can determine whether I need to associate more images, clone the record, etc.


  • remediate sort selection drop-down (interactive controls must not be nested)

  • light/dark mode toggle is not inside a landmark (all page content should be contained by landmarks)

  • about menu id is duplicated — same id used in both header and footer nav (ids must be unique)


  • bugfix: documents without images can’t be edited in django admin (makes image order override optional in django admin)


  • public site
    • As a front end user, I want results boosted that match the exact language of my search query so that I get results in the same language first.

    • As a frontend user, I want smart quotes to be converted to normal quotation marks so I can get exact phrase search results when I use them.

    • bugfix: improved handling for bidirectional text in the document search input

  • content/data admin
    • As a content editor, I want to override the order images are displayed for a document so that I can set the images to display in logical order for joins.

    • bugfix: not possible to edit recto/verso information for fragments without images

  • accessibility
    • fixed twitter links in footer (previously same text but different urls)

  • other - footnote superscripts were removed from TEI transcriptions - scripts for generating and working with static iiif content


Includes new document “excluded images” display, as well as tagging improvements for content editors.

  • public site
    • As a user viewing document details I want to see which images are not part of the document so that I understand which parts of the fragment are used for the current document.

    • As a user looking at images for a single document, I want easy access to documents on images from the same fragment that are not part of the current document.

  • content/data admin
    • As a content editor I want to select images in the related fragment view in order to determine which images belong with the document.

    • As a content editor, when I search for tags to add to a document I want the search to ignore case so that I don’t create variations of the same tag.

    • As a content editor, I want to be able to search for tags with or without diacritics and get the same results.

    • refined logic for identifying transcription chunks that indicate new image for sync_transcriptions script

  • visual design
    • Implement the light/dark mode toggle so that users can use the site in the UI mode they prefer.


Includes new image+transcription panel display.

  • public site
    • As a user I want to toggle content panels so that I can view image or transcription separately or both at the same time, so I can read the content I am interested in.

    • As a user I want to see all images and first available transcription for a document, so that I can see and read the content.

    • As a user I want content panel toggles to be disabled when a record type for a document is not available, so that I know what content is available.

    • As a user I want to see page side and shelfmark information above each image so that I know what part of the document I’m viewing.

    • As a user I want to find image source and permissions within the image+transcription panel so that I can find out where fragment images come from and how I can use them.

    • As a user, I want the full citation for a transcription in context so I know who authored it and where it came from.

    • As a user I want to click or tap on image controls to turn on deep zoom so I can inspect the image in more detail.

    • As a desktop user, I want to click to rotate the deep zoom image of a fragment so that I can view it in alternate orientations.

    • As a desktop user, I want an angle control to rotate the deep zoom image of a fragment, so that I can control the rotation more finely than 90º increments.

    • As a user, when I search for a document that is only on one side of a fragment, I want to see the relevant image first so that I can preview the document more accurately.

  • content/data admin
    • On the admin site, I want the tag list view to include counts for how many times its used, in order to understand the scope of tags and clean them.

    • As a content editor, when I select a fragment “side” in the document edit form I want an indicator of which fragment images will be displayed so that I can confirm I’m selecting the correct side or sides.

    • As an admin, I want TEI transcription synchronization to ignore documents that only contain labels, so that transcription content is prioritized over “see other” labels.

    • As a content editor, I want to view and edit transcription edit synced from TEI so that I can correct or remove incorrectly synced content when necessary.

    • bugfix: admin footnote download results in an empty csv file (headers only)

  • visual design
    • bugfix: dark mode header display corrected for wide displays

    • revise tags display to match larger tap target for accessibility

    • change text in dark mode to not be pure white, for accessibility


  • public site

    • As a user when viewing a document I want to see if there are any related documents so that I can easily discover other documents on the same shelfmarks.

    • As a front end user, I want to filter documents by date so that I can find documents known to be from a particular time period.

    • As a front-end user, I want to sort documents by document date so I can find the oldest or newest records within my search results when document date is known.

    • As a user, I would like to see historic and converted dates in document search results so that I can easily scan date information when it is known.

    • As a frontend user, I would like to see converted dates displayed in a standard, readable format so that I can easily understand the calendar information.

    • As a front-end user, I want to see provenance information for images when available so that I know where images and content is coming from for various shelfmarks.

    • As a frontend user, I want document descriptions displayed with line breaks from the content editors so that I can more easily read longer or more structured descriptions.

    • bugfix: sort should not automatically switch to relevance when the search term is revised

    • bugfix: server error for documents associated with Heidelberg IIIF (PGPIDs 34016, 34017, 34018)

  • content/data admin

    • As a content editor, I want to see other documents on the same fragment as part of a document detail view in order to ensure I’m not creating a duplicate description.

    • As a content editor, I want Anno Mundi dates automatically converted to standard dates when possible, so that dates can be compared and used for filtering and sorting.

    • As a content editor, I want Hijrī dates automatically converted to standard dates when possible, so that dates can be compared and used for filtering and sorting.

    • As an content editor, I want the Document original date and calendar to be required together, so that I cannot produce incomplete records.

    • As a content editor, I want standard document dates validated so that I am prevented from entering dates the system can’t use for searching and display.

    • As a content editor, I want standardized dates entered before validation was applied automatically cleaned up so they can be used for filtering and sorting in the public site.

    • As a content editor, I want fragment url importing to ignore upper/lower case differences when matching shelfmarks, so that I can import urls when the shelfmarks don’t match exactly.

    • bugfix: improve language autocomplete search options on document edit form

    • bugfix: improve speed of language autocomplete on document edit form

    • bugfix: search for sources in admin interface doesn’t include volume field

    • bugfix: spurious error message about caching failure when adding IIIF URLs to Fragment records

    • chore: automatically clean redundant manifest uris generated by some iiif viewers

  • visual design

    • implement the search results page in RTL orientation for Hebrew and Arabic


  • bugfix: nav menu button light/dark toggle overlapping on tablet/mobile


  • public site

    • As a front end user, I want a filter for documents that have images, so that I can limit results to documents where I’ll have ready access to visuals of the fragments.

    • As a front-end user, I want to sort documents by shelfmark so that I can view records organized based on owning institution and/or collection.

    • As a front-end user, I want to sort documents by input date so I can find the most recently added records or those that have been in PGP the longest.

    • As a frontend user, I want to search in Arabic script and get search results from both Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic transcriptions so that I can find more content that matches my search.

    • As a user, I would like to see historic and converted dates on the document details page so that I can easily find date information when it is known.

    • As a front-end user, I want to see logos for museums and libraries providing image content, so I have a better sense of where the content is coming from.

    • As a front-end user, I want a way to access the museum or library view of the fragment (when available), so I can see more context about the source.

    • As a user, I want documents that span fragments with consecutive shelfmarks to have their shelfmark displayed using a range, so that it’s easier for me to read.

  • content/data admin

    • As a content editor, when I’m editing a source I want footnotes sorted by location so I can review them in the same order they appear in the source.

    • As an admin user in document view, I’d like to be able to zoom on the fragment’s IIIF image thumbnail so I can determine the language and check other metadata details as I’m writing or editing a description.

    • bugfix: Bad Request 400 when trying to move attachments

    • bugfix: Long lines in transcriptions break layout in admin interface

  • public site visual design

    • RTL search form for light and dark mode for desktop and mobile

    • logotype files in the header for the Hebrew site

    • revised document detail view fields on top of the page on desktop and mobile

    • revised image permissions statement

    • flipped order of tabs for RTL

    • Revise the placement of the burger menu on mobile so that it’s on the opposite side from the logotype

    • RTL footer designs for light and dark mode for desktop and mobile

    • revised header styles

    • homepage banner for light and dark mode for desktop and mobile

    • site header for the Hebrew site

    • pagination for the hebrew site

  • maintenance/other

    • Resolve issue with Percy sporadically failing to load fonts

    • Set up autogenerated python code documentation


  • bugfix: edit link on public document detail page wasn’t loading correctly due to Turbo


  • public site - As a front-end user, I want the document search to automatically reload when I change my search terms, filters, or other options so that I can see the changed results more quickly. - As a frontend user, I want to see primary and secondary languages when they’ve been assigned so that I have access to the known information about the document. - As a frontend user, I want to easily find other documents on the same fragment in order to better interpret the images and gain context. - As a frontend user, I want to easily select shelfmarks on the document detail page, so that I can copy and paste that information elsewhere.

  • content/data admin - As a content editor, I want to add SVG images to content pages so that I can include data visualizations and other scalable images.

  • public site visual design - implement tabs for Hebrew / RTL - wider search results on mobile when search result numbering is lower

  • maintenance/other - Implement Turbo to improve internal link speed - refactor all JS to Stimulus

4.2.1 — bugfix release

  • handle descriptions with tags so they don’t cause malformed HTML in search results

  • last modified header should not be set for document search if sort is random

  • off-screen menu no longer shows up when resizing browser window or navigating on mobile

  • transcription lines should be right-aligned in admin interface

  • fix twitter/open graph title and description previews for wagtail pages


  • public site - As a front-end user, I want keyword searches automatically sorted by relevance, so that I see the most useful results first. - As a user, I want an option to sort documents randomly so that I can easily discover documents I haven’t looked at before. - As a front-end user, I want visual indicators for filtering search results, in a separate panel from the main search functions, so that I know where they are and can easily ignore them if I do not want to filter. - As a front end user, I want to filter search results to records with transcription available, so that I can easily find documents that have already been transcribed and will be easier for me to use. - As a front end user, I want to filter search results to records with translations available, so that I can find documents that are easier for me to work on. - As a front end user, I want to filter search results to records with discussion available, so that I can find documents with existing scholarly notes. - As a front end user, I want an easy way to apply selected filters, so that I can filter results without closing the filters panel. - As a front end user, I want to click on the document title in search results so I can get to the details more easily. - As a user, when I share PGP urls I want to see previews on social media, Slack or other supported platforms so that the content is more engaging. - As a frontend user, when a PGPID is referenced in a document description, I want it to link to the corresponding document so that I can easily access referenced documents.

  • content/data admin - As an admin, I want documents automatically reindexed when I add or update scholarship records, so that database edits are immediately available in the public site. - As a content editor, I want to add translations for document types to the database, in order to make the content more accessible to Hebrew and Arabic users of the public site.

  • public site visual design - logotype in header for both dark and light modes - selected state for scholarship records filters in search - new site favicon based on the logo

  • maintenance/other - As an admin, I want documents automatically reindexed when I add or update scholarship records, so that database edits are immediately available in the public site. - last modified headers and conditional processing on document search and document detail pages - bugfix: correct an invalid prefetch field in Document.items_to_index - bugfix: search sort options dropdown shouldn’t move following page content down - bugfix: image viewer breaks on mobile for documents with images but no transcriptions


  • public site - As a user, I want to see image thumbnails with search results when available, so that I can quickly see which records have images and what they look like. - As a frontend user, I want my search terms to match variant forms of the words I enter so that I can find all related content. - As a researcher, I want to see Goitein’s unpublished editions labeled more clearly, so I’m not confused by the ambiguous title “typed texts”. - As a front end user, I want to see all transcriptions expanded by default when viewing a document so that I can easily access content when there are multiple transcriptions. - As a front-end user, I want to know which images are associated with each attribution, so that I am not confused by a list of attributions at the image and transcription display.

  • content/data admin - As a content editor, I want to merge document records without losing data so that I can combine records when I’ve identified duplicates or joins. - As a content admin, I want to search for documents by transcription content so I can work with and export content based on transcription text. - As a content admin, I want to be able to see which transcriptions belong with which footnote so I can manage the content properly. - As a content admin, I want to see multiple transcriptions arranged horizontally on the document edit page, instead of vertically. - increase footnote source field size in document edit page so the names and titles are visible - As a content editor, I want to add alternate text and captions for images in Wagtail so that I can describe and present images more clearly. - As a content editor, I want to be able to underline text in Wagtail pages so I can use formatting in the glossary. - As a content editor, I want to a way to add Hebrew descriptions of documents to the document record, so that available information can be managed in the same place. - As an admin, I want to configure which languages are available on the site without disabling them in the admin site, to avoid people accidentally receiving a partially-translated version of the site that isn’t ready.

  • maintenance/other - setup google analytics - include software version in site footer


Initial public version of Princeton Geniza Project v4.0

  • public site - As researcher, I want footnotes from the same source counted and displayed as a single scholarship record so that multiple links to parts of same document don’t inflate the scholarship count and display. - As a frontend user, I want all tags to be clickable so I can easily view all documents with those tags. - As a front end user, I need to be able to see when more than 5 tags exist for search results because it’s confusing to search for a tag and not see it displayed. - As a front-end user, I should not be able to sort by relevance without any search text, since relevance is not meaningful without search terms. - As a front end user, I want to see a homepage when I first visit the website so I can learn context for its contents. - As a front end user, I want a transcription and image display that works on mobile devices, and allows me to zoom in and out on images. - As an admin, I want the site to provide XML sitemaps for document and content pages so that site content will be findable by search engines - As a long-time geniza researcher, I want links that I’ve bookmarked to redirect to the same content on the new version of the PGP site so I can access the same documents on the new site - various small improvements to document details page - bugfix: search for partial shelfmarks doesn’t yield the expected results

  • content/data admin - As a content admin, I want to easily see and sort documents that need review so that I can manage the queue more efficiently. - As an admin, I want TEI transcription synchronization to handle documents with multiple transcriptions, so that content is not lost or hidden in the new system. - As a content editor, I need to see volume for unpublished sources when editing footnotes so that I can select the correct source. - bugfix: editing documents should not result in log entries linked to proxy document objects

  • public site visual design - links in all states (hover, click, focus) - template and styles for 404 not found error page - template and styles for 500 server error page - pagination links in all modes and interactions (hover, click, focus, disabled) - buttons in all states (hover, click, focus, disabled) - colors for light and dark mode - tabs on document detail and scholarship records (hover, click, focus, disabled) - site footer with a list of site menu items, licensing, accessibility, and links to social media - header and main menu - search form and search page interactions (hover, click, focus, disabled) - Updated versions of fonts (extended character support) - Improved fallback font styles

  • maintenance/other - Resolve failing lighthouse tests - Improve handling for IIIF content to work better with PUL/JTS materials


  • public site search and document display - As a front-end user, I want to use fields in my keyword searches so I can make my searches more specific and targeted. - As a front-end user, I want to see all shelfmarks associated with a document, so that I can identify and find the supporting information from its various sources. - bugfix: suppressed documents shouldn’t be included in public document search - As a frontend user, I want all tags to be clickable so I can easily view all documents with those tags. - As a scholar, I want to get a copy of transcription text so that I can easily reference it and use it elsewhere. - As a front-end user, I want to be able to switch between dark and light mode manually with a toggle or button so that I am not stuck viewing the site in the mode that matches my OS preference.

  • content/data admin - bugfix: permissions error trying to delete a document because it wants to delete the associated log entry - As a content editor, I want to be able to manage pages and page order in the site navigation menu or about submenu, so that I can update the site as content changes. - As a content admin, I want to add and edit page ranges in Source records so I can document where in a book or journal the content appears. - bugfix: multi-word tags get broken up into single-word tags - bugfix: django admin document filter by “has transcription” reports inaccurate numbers

  • public site visual design implementation - header & main menu visuals and interactions - search form styles and interactions - fonts and type styles - tab styles on document detail page

  • maintenance - Removed add_links manage command from version 0.7 (one-time import) - made percy visual review workflow opt-in to avoid paying for excessive screenshots - image files used in site design organized in site media, and organization documented


  • document search - As a user I would like to know explicitly when a search result does not have any scholarship records so that I don’t have to compare with results that do. - As a user I would like to see transcription excerpts in my search results so I can tell which records have a transcription and can see some of the content. - As a user I would like to see which page I’m on when viewing search results and navigate between pages so I can see more results. - As a user I would like to filter my search by document type so that I can view specific types of documents. - As a user, I want to sort search results by the number of scholarship records so I can easily find documents with scholarly work available or that have not been written about. - As a user, when I search on shelfmark I want to see documents associated directly with that fragment before documents that include the shelfmark in a description or notes, so I can easily find documents by shelfmark. - As a user viewing search results, when my search terms occur in the description I want to see keywords in context so that I can see why the document was included in the search results. - As a user, I want to see document titles that include shelfmark and type so I can distinguish documents at a glance.

  • document details - As a user, if I try to access a document by an old PGPID, I want to be automatically redirected to the correct page so that I can find the record I’m looking for. - As a user I would like to see a permalink for each document so that I can easily document, remember and share links. - As a user I would like to see scholarship records for each document so that I can learn more about research that has been done about each document - As a front-end user, I want to see brief citations in the Document Detail view, more concise than those in Scholarship Records. - Scholarship reference citations should include language if it is specified and not English - As a front-end user, I want to be able to quickly see the section a footnote is referencing in a particular source. - As a user, I want to see images and transcription, if any, for all fragments associated with a document so I can see the full contents that are available.

  • As an admin, I want data from PGP v3 links database imported into the new database so that I can manage links from the main admin site.

  • As an admin, I want an easy way to get from the public document view to the edit view on the admin site, so I can make edits and correct errors.

  • As an admin, I want numeric footnote locations automatically prefixed with ‘pp.’ so the meaning of the numbers will be clear to public site users.

  • As an admin, I want TEI transcription content regularly synchronized to the new database so that transcriptions are updated with changes in the current system.

  • As a content editor, I want to create and edit content pages on the site so that I can update text on the site when information changes.

  • As a content editor, I want to to download a list of sources which have footnote “editions” so that we can determine which books have yet to be mined for transcriptions.

  • As a user, I want to change site language so that I can switch languages when I don’t want to use the browser-detected default.

  • bugfix: scholarship counts should always be displayed in search results

  • bugfix: omit volume when outputting footnote/source string for unpublished sources (i.e. Goitein “typed texts”)

  • Design and UI: - Update sitewide type to use purchased fonts, new styles - Implement sites styles for navigation on desktop and mobile - Implement designs for search form

  • Configured Lighthouse CI testing with GitHub Actions

  • Implemented visual review workflow with Percy and GitHub Actions

  • Configured and applied djhtml commmit hook for consistent formatting in django templates


  • As a content editor, I want duplicate joined documents to be automatically merged without losing their unique metadata, so that I don’t have to merge them manually.

  • Setup for webpack build for frontend scss/js assets and static files

  • bugfix: 500 error saving documents with footnotes (bad footnote equality check)


  • As a Content Editor, I want to see help text for Document Type so that I can make an informed decision while editing documents.

  • As a content editor, I want a one time consolidation of India Book sources so that the source list correctly represents the book volumes.

  • As a content editor, I want to be able to edit the Historic Shelfmark so that I can correct errors in the metadata.

  • As a content editor, I want to see admin actions beyond my most recent ten or a specific document’s history, so that I can review past work.

  • As a user, I want to view detailed information about all the sources that cite this document so that I can learn the volume and kind of academic engagement with the document.

  • Rename document languages to primary languages and probable languages to secondary languages

  • Adopted isort python style and configured pre-commit hook


  • As a content editor, I would like to input dates in a separate field, so that both content editors and site users can sort and filter documents by date.

  • As a content editor, I want to import fragment view and IIIF urls from a csv file into the database so that I can provide access to images for fragments.

  • As a content editor, I want to be able to filter documents by library, so that I can narrow down clusters of documents and perform other research and data tasks

  • As a content editor, I want to search documents by combined shelfmark without removing the + so I can quickly find documents that are part of joins.

  • As a user, I want to search documents by keyword or phrase so that I can find materials related to my interests.

  • As a user, I want to see updates and changes made in the new database in the current pgp site while the new website is still in development so that I can reference current information.

  • bugfix: Fragment reassociation doesn’t update the search index

  • bugfix: Sorting fragments by collection raises a 500 error

  • bugfix: admin document csv export has wrong date for first input

  • bugifx: 500 error when trying to create a new document in the admin

  • removed code related to import

  • Adopted black code style and configured pre-commit hook


  • As a Global Admin, I want new documents created in the database after data import to receive PGPIDs higher than the highest imported PGPID, so that identifiers will be unique and semi-sequential.

  • As a Global Admin, I want documents associated with language+script based on display name when importing documents from metadata spreadsheet.

  • As a Global Admin, I want display name included in the one-time import of languages and scripts, so that I can start using display names while the import is still being developed and tested.

  • As a Global Admin, I want to import additional spreadsheets as part of the data import so that I can ensure demerged records are imported.

  • As a Content Admin, I want notes and technical notes parsed and optionally imported into the database so I can preserve and act on important information included in those fields.

  • As a Content Admin, I want book sections, unknown sources, translation language, and other information included in editor import so that more of the scholarship records are handled automatically.

  • As a Content Admin, I want a one time import of a document’s edit history to start building a history of who has worked on the document and when.

  • As a Content Editor, I want to download a CSV version of all or a filtered list of sources in the backend, in order to data work or facilitate my own research.

  • As a Content Editor, I want to download a CSV version of all or a filtered list of footnotes in the backend, in order to data work or facilitate my own research.

  • As a Content Editor, I want scholarship records from known journals imported as articles even if no title is present, so I can identify the resources and augment them later.

  • As a Content Editor, when editor and translator information is imported I want urls associated with the footnote so I can get to the resource if available.

  • As a Content Editor, I want to use the Text Block area to mark shelfmarks that are potential joins without adding to the string of shelfmarks, so that we can connect related documents without certainty.

  • As a Content Editor, I want to add and edit all footnotes associated with a single source to make bulk data entry easy and efficient.

  • As a Content Editor, I want to see and sort on the footnote count for sources so that I can find out how many times a source has been referenced in the database.

  • As a Content Editor, I want to view and search on PGPID so I can distinguish documents on the same shelfmark and refer to the same documents in the spreadsheet and database.

  • As a Content Editor, I want to download a CSV version of all or a filtered list of documents in the backend, in order to data work or facilitate my own research.

  • As a Content Editor, I want to see who first input a document and who last edited it, and when, so that I can ensure records are kept up-to-date.

  • As a Content Editor I want to link a source to a document as a footnote, in order to show that the source is helpful for understanding the document.

  • As a Content Editor, I want a one time import of the translator and editor information so I know which scholars have transcribed or translated a document. (first pass)

  • As a Content Editor, I want to create and edit scholarship records so that I can keep track of relevant scholarship on documentary geniza fragments.

  • As a Content Editor, I want to filter documents by those with at least one fragment image, so that I can create useful visual datasets for download and producing teaching materials.

  • As a User, I want to view detailed information for a single Geniza document so that I can learn about that document.