Source code for

**setup_site_pages** is a custom manage command to install
a default set of pages and menus for the Wagtail CMS. It is designed not to
touch other content.

Example usage::

    python setup_site_pages
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from import BaseCommand
from wagtail.models import Page
from wagtail.models import Site as WagtailSite

from ppa.editorial.models import EditorialIndexPage
from ppa.pages.models import CollectionPage, ContentPage, ContributorPage, HomePage

[docs] class Command(BaseCommand): """Setup initial wagtail site and pages needed for PPA navigation""" help = __doc__ #: normal verbosity level v_normal = 1 verbosity = v_normal content_pages = { "history": "History of the Archive", "prosody": "What is Prosody", "search": "How to Search", "cite": "How to Cite", "contributors": "Contributors and Board Members", "contact": "Contact Us", }
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **kwargs): # wagtail creates the root page for us Page.objects.get(slug="root") # NOTE: logic for creating pages based on wagtail core migration # 0002 initial data, which creates initial site and welcome page # delete default home wagtail home page Page.objects.filter(slug="home", title__contains="Welcome").delete() # Create PPA homepage home = HomePage.objects.filter(slug="home").first() if not home: home = HomePage.objects.create( title="Princeton Prosody Archive", slug="home", depth=2, numchild=0, show_in_menus=True, path="00010001", content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(HomePage), ) home.show_in_menus = True home.path = "00010001" home.url_path = "/home/" # create editorial index page editorial = EditorialIndexPage.objects.first() if not editorial: editorial = EditorialIndexPage.objects.create( title="Editorial", slug="editorial", depth=home.depth + 1, show_in_menus=False, path=home.path + "0001", content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(EditorialIndexPage), ) ## create collections page collections = CollectionPage.objects.first() if not collections: collections = CollectionPage.objects.create( title="About the Collections", slug="collections", depth=home.depth + 1, show_in_menus=False, path=home.path + "0002", content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(CollectionPage), ) # create content page stubs if they are not already present index = 3 for slug, title in self.content_pages.items(): cpage = Page.objects.filter(slug=slug).first() if not cpage: # use special contributor page for contributors if slug == "contributors": page_type = ContributorPage else: page_type = ContentPage ContentPage.objects.create( title=title, slug=slug, depth=home.depth + 1, path="{}{:04d}".format(home.path, index), show_in_menus=True, content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(page_type), ) index += 1 # create wagtail site from django site and associate new homepage # self.create_wagtail_site(home) self.create_wagtail_site(home.page_ptr) # associate default page previews for home page if not set if not any([home.page_preview_1, home.page_preview_2]): home.page_preview_1 = ContentPage.objects.get(slug="prosody") home.page_preview_2 = ContentPage.objects.get(slug="history") # let treebeard fix the hierarchy Page.fix_tree()
[docs] def create_wagtail_site(self, root_page): """Create a wagtail site object from the current default Django site.""" current_site = Site.objects.get(pk=settings.SITE_ID) # split domain into name and port if ":" in current_site.domain: domain, port = current_site.domain.split(":") else: domain = current_site.domain port = 80 # create wagtail site with same config and associate home page wagtail_site, created = WagtailSite.objects.get_or_create( hostname=domain, port=port,, root_page=root_page, is_default_site=True, ) return wagtail_site