import logging
import re
import time
from zipfile import ZipFile
from cached_property import cached_property
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.admin.models import ADDITION, CHANGE, LogEntry
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import models
from django.urls import reverse
from flags import Flags
from intspan import ParseError as IntSpanParseError
from intspan import intspan
from pairtree import storage_exceptions
from parasolr.django import SolrQuerySet
from parasolr.django.indexing import ModelIndexable
from parasolr.indexing import Indexable
from wagtail.admin.panels import FieldPanel
from wagtail.fields import RichTextField
from wagtail.snippets.models import register_snippet
from ppa.archive import eebo_tcp
from ppa.archive.gale import GaleAPI, MARCRecordNotFound, get_marc_record
from ppa.archive.hathi import HathiBibliographicAPI, HathiObject
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#: label to use for items that are not in a collection
NO_COLLECTION_LABEL = "Uncategorized"
class TrackChangesModel(models.Model):
""":class:`~django.models.Model` mixin that keeps a copy of initial
data in order to check if fields have been changed. Change detection
only works on the current instance of an object."""
class Meta:
abstract = True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# store a copy of model data to allow for checking if
# it has changed
self.__initial = self.__dict__.copy()
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Saves data and reset copy of initial data."""
super().save(*args, **kwargs)
# update copy of initial data to reflect saved state
self.__initial = self.__dict__.copy()
def has_changed(self, field):
"""check if a field has been changed"""
# Only consider the field changed if the object has been saved
return and getattr(self, field) != self.__initial[field]
def initial_value(self, field):
"""return the initial value for a field"""
return self.__initial[field]
class Collection(TrackChangesModel):
"""A collection of :class:`ppa.archive.models.DigitizedWork` instances."""
#: the name of the collection
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
#: a RichText description of the collection
description = RichTextField(blank=True)
#: flag to indicate collections to be excluded by default in
#: public search
exclude = models.BooleanField(
default=False, help_text="Exclude by default on public search."
# configure for editing in wagtail admin
panels = [
class Meta:
ordering = ("name",)
def __str__(self):
def name_changed(self):
"""check if name has been changed (only works on current instance)"""
return self.has_changed("name")
def stats():
"""Collection counts and date ranges, based on what is in Solr.
Returns a dictionary where they keys are collection names and
values are a dictionary with count and dates.
# NOTE: if we *only* want counts, could just do a regular facet
sqs = (
.stats("{!tag=piv1 min=true max=true}pub_date")
facet_pivot = sqs.get_facets().facet_pivot
# simplify the pivot stat data for display
stats = {}
for collection in facet_pivot.collections_exact:
pub_date_stats = collection.stats.stats_fields.pub_date
stats[collection.value] = {
"count": collection.count,
"dates": "%(min)d–%(max)d" % pub_date_stats
if pub_date_stats.max != pub_date_stats.min
else "%d" % (pub_date_stats.min or 0,),
return stats
class Cluster(TrackChangesModel):
"""A model to collect groups of works such as reprints or editions that should
be collapsed in the main archive search and accessible together."""
cluster_id = models.CharField(
"Cluster ID",
help_text="Unique identifier for a cluster of digitized works",
class Meta:
ordering = ("cluster_id",)
def __str__(self):
return self.cluster_id
def __repr__(self):
return "<cluster %s>" % str(self)
class ProtectedWorkFieldFlags(Flags):
""":class:`flags.Flags` instance to indicate which :class:`DigitizedWork`
fields should be protected if edited in the admin."""
#: title
title = ()
#: subtitle
subtitle = ()
#: sort title
sort_title = ()
#: enumcron
enumcron = ()
#: author
author = ()
#: place of publication
pub_place = ()
#: publisher
publisher = ()
#: publication date
pub_date = ()
def deconstruct(cls):
"""Give Django information needed to make
:class:`ProtectedWorkFieldFlags.no_flags` default in migration."""
# (import path, [args], kwargs)
return ("ppa.archive.models.ProtectedWorkFieldFlags", ["no_flags"], {})
def __str__(self):
return ", ".join(sorted(self.to_simple_str().split("|")))
class ProtectedWorkField(models.Field):
"""PositiveSmallIntegerField subclass that returns a
:class:`ProtectedWorkFieldFlags` object and stores as integer."""
description = (
"A field that stores an instance of :class:`ProtectedWorkFieldFlags` "
"as an integer."
def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, name=None, **kwargs):
"""Make the field unnullable; by default, not allowed to be blank."""
if "blank" not in kwargs:
kwargs["blank"] = False
super().__init__(verbose_name, name, null=False, **kwargs)
def from_db_value(self, value, expression, connection):
"""Always return an instance of :class:`ProtectedWorkFieldFlags`"""
return ProtectedWorkFieldFlags(value)
def get_internal_type(self):
"Preserve type as PositiveSmallIntegerField"
return "PositiveSmallIntegerField"
def get_prep_value(self, value):
if value == "":
return 0
return int(value)
def to_python(self, value):
"""Always return an instance of :class:`ProtectedWorkFieldFlags`"""
return ProtectedWorkFieldFlags(value)
class SignalHandlers:
"""Signal handlers for indexing :class:`DigitizedWork` records when
:class:`Collection` or :class:`Cluster` records are saved or deleted."""
def collection_save(sender, instance, **kwargs):
"""signal handler for collection save; reindex associated digitized works"""
# only reindex if collection name has changed
# and if collection has already been saved
if and instance.name_changed:
# if the collection has any works associated
works = instance.digitizedwork_set.all()
if works.exists():
"collection save, reindexing %d related works", works.count()
def collection_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs):
"""signal handler for collection delete; clear associated digitized
works and reindex"""
# get a list of ids for collected works before clearing them
digwork_ids = instance.digitizedwork_set.values_list("id", flat=True)
# find the items based on the list of ids to reindex
digworks = DigitizedWork.objects.filter(id__in=list(digwork_ids))
logger.debug("collection delete, reindexing %d works" % len(digworks))
# NOTE: this sends pre/post clear signal, but it's not obvious
# how to take advantage of that
def cluster_save(sender, instance, **kwargs):
"""signal handler for cluster save; reindex pages for
associated digitized works"""
# only reindex if cluster id has changed
# and if object has already been saved to the db
if and instance.has_changed("cluster_id"):
# if the cluster has any works associated
works = instance.digitizedwork_set.all()
if works.exists():
# get a total of page count for affected works
page_count = works.aggregate(page_count=models.Sum("page_count"))
"cluster id has changed, reindexing %d works and %d pages",
page_count.get("page_count", 0),
# reindex pages (this may be slow...)
for work in works:
def cluster_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs):
"""signal handler for cluster delete; clear associated digitized
works and reindex"""
# get a list of ids for collected works before clearing them
digwork_ids = instance.digitizedwork_set.values_list("id", flat=True)
# find the items based on the list of ids to reindex
digworks = DigitizedWork.objects.filter(id__in=list(digwork_ids))
# get a total of page count for affected works
page_count = digworks.aggregate(page_count=models.Sum("page_count"))
"cluster delete, reindexing %d works and %d pages",
page_count.get("page_count", 0),
# NOTE: this sends pre/post clear signal, but it's not obvious
# how to take advantage of that for reindexing
# reindex pages (this may be slow...)
for work in digworks:
def handle_digwork_cluster_change(sender, instance, **kwargs):
"""when a :class:`DigitizedWork` is saved,
reindex pages if cluster id has changed"""
if isinstance(instance, DigitizedWork) and instance.has_changed("cluster_id"):
"Cluster changed for %s; indexing %d pages",
def validate_page_range(value):
"""Ensure page range can be parsed as an integer span"""
except IntSpanParseError as err:
raise ValidationError(
"Parse error: %(message)s",
params={"message": err},
class DigitizedWorkQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
def by_first_page_orig(self, start_page):
"find records based on first page in original page range"
return self.filter(pages_orig__regex=f"^{start_page}([,-]|:|\b|$)")
class DigitizedWork(ModelIndexable, TrackChangesModel):
Record to manage digitized works included in PPA and store their basic
GALE = "G"
EEBO = "E"
(HATHI, "HathiTrust"),
(GALE, "Gale"),
(OTHER, "Other"),
#: source of the record, HathiTrust or elsewhere
source = models.CharField(
help_text="Source of the record.",
#: source identifier; hathi id for HathiTrust materials
source_id = models.CharField(
verbose_name="Source ID",
help_text="Source identifier. Must be unique when combined with page range; "
+ "used for site URL. (HT id for HathiTrust materials.)",
#: source url where the original can be accessed
source_url = models.URLField(
verbose_name="Source URL",
help_text="URL where the source item can be accessed",
#: record id; for Hathi materials, used for different copies of
#: the same work or for different editions/volumes of a work
record_id = models.CharField(
help_text="For HathiTrust materials, record id (use to aggregate "
+ "copies or volumes); for Gale materials, ESTC id.",
#: title of the work; using TextField to allow for long titles
title = models.TextField(help_text="Main title")
#: subtitle of the work; using TextField to allow for long titles
subtitle = models.TextField(
blank=True, default="", help_text="Subtitle, if any (optional)"
#: sort title: title without leading non-sort characters, from marc
sort_title = models.TextField(
help_text="Sort title from MARC record or title without leading article",
#: enumeration/chronology (hathi-specific; contains volume or version)
enumcron = models.CharField(
help_text="Enumcron for HathiTrust material; volume for Gale material",
# NOTE: may eventually to convert to foreign key
author = models.CharField(
help_text="Authorized name of the author, last name first.",
#: place of publication
pub_place = models.CharField("Place of Publication", max_length=255, blank=True)
#: publisher
publisher = models.TextField(blank=True)
# Needs to be integer to allow aggregating max/min, filtering by date
pub_date = models.PositiveIntegerField("Publication Date", null=True, blank=True)
#: number of pages in the work (or page range, for an excerpt)
page_count = models.PositiveIntegerField(
help_text="Automatically calculated on import; "
+ "recalculated on save when digital page range changes",
#: public notes field for this work
public_notes = models.TextField(
help_text="Notes on edition or other details (displayed on public site)",
#: internal team notes, not displayed on the public facing site
notes = models.TextField(
help_text="Internal curation notes (not displayed on public site)",
#: :class:`ProtectedWorkField` instance to indicate metadata fields
#: that should be preserved from bulk updates because they have been
#: modified in Django admin.
protected_fields = ProtectedWorkField(
blank=True, # required for save as new, where we make editable to copy
help_text="Fields protected from HathiTrust bulk "
"update because they have been manually edited in the "
"Django admin.",
#: collections that this work is part of
collections = models.ManyToManyField(Collection, blank=True)
#: optional cluster for aggregating works
cluster = models.ForeignKey(
Cluster, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL
#: date added to the archive
added = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
#: date of last modification of the local record
updated = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
(PUBLIC, "Public"),
(SUPPRESSED, "Suppressed"),
#: status of record; currently choices are public or suppressed
status = models.CharField(
help_text="Changing status to suppressed will remove rsync data "
+ "for that volume and remove from the public index. This is "
+ "currently not reversible; use with caution.",
FULL = "F"
(FULL, "Full work"),
(EXCERPT, "Excerpt"),
(ARTICLE, "Article"),
#: type of record, whether excerpt, article, or full; defaults to full
item_type = models.CharField(
help_text="Portion of the work that is included; "
+ "used to determine icon for public display.",
#: book or journal title for excerpt or article
book_journal = models.TextField(
"Book/Journal title",
help_text="title of the book or journal that includes "
+ "this content (excerpt/article only)",
pages_orig = models.CharField(
"Page range (original)",
help_text="Page range in the original work (for display and citation).",
pages_digital = models.CharField(
"Page range (digital edition)",
help_text="Sequence of pages in the digital edition. "
+ "Use full digits for start and end separated by a dash (##-##); "
+ "for multiple sequences, separate ranges by a comma (##-##, ##-##). "
+ "NOTE: removing page range may have unexpected results.",
old_workid = models.CharField(
"Old Work ID",
help_text="past work id; used for excerpts previously "
+ "identified by start of digital page range",
# use custom queryset
objects = DigitizedWorkQuerySet.as_manager()
class Meta:
ordering = ("sort_title",)
# require unique combination of source id + page range,
# since we need to allow multiple excerpts from the same source
constraints = [
fields=["source_id", "pages_digital"], name="unique_sourceid_pagerange"
# we are now using original page range for unique id,
# so require source id + pages_orig to be unique
fields=["source_id", "pages_orig"], name="unique_sourceid_pages_orig"
def get_absolute_url(self):
Return object's url for
url_opts = {"source_id": self.source_id}
# start page must be specified if set but must not be included if empty
if self.pages_orig:
url_opts["start_page"] = self.first_page()
return reverse("archive:detail", kwargs=url_opts)
def __str__(self):
"""Default string display. Uses :attr:`source_id`
and :attr:`pages_orig` if any"""
if self.pages_orig:
return "%s (%s)" % (self.source_id, self.pages_orig)
return self.source_id
def index_cluster_id(self):
Convenience function to get a string representation of the cluster
(or self if no cluster). Reduces redunadancy elsewhere.
return str(self.cluster) if self.cluster else self.index_id()
def clean_fields(self, exclude=None):
if not exclude or "pages_digital" not in exclude:
# normalize whitespace before applying regex validation
self.pages_digital = " ".join(self.pages_digital.strip().split())
def is_suppressed(self):
"""Item has been suppressed (based on :attr:`status`)."""
return self.status == self.SUPPRESSED
def display_title(self):
"""admin display title to allow displaying title but sorting on sort_title"""
return self.title
display_title.short_description = "title"
display_title.admin_order_field = "sort_title"
def is_public(self):
"""admin display field indicating if record is public or suppressed"""
return self.status == self.PUBLIC
is_public.short_description = "Public"
is_public.boolean = True
is_public.admin_order_field = "status"
#: regular expresion for cleaning preliminary text from publisher names
printed_by_re = (
r"^(Printed)?( and )?(Pub(.|lished|lisht)?)?( and sold)? (by|for|at)( the)? ?"
# Printed by/for (the); Printed and sold by; Printed and published by;
# Pub./Published/Publisht at/by/for the
pubyear_re = re.compile(r"(?P<year>\d{4})")
def has_fulltext(self):
"""Checks if an item has full text (i.e., items from
HathiTrust, Gale, or EEBO-TCP)."""
return self.source in [self.HATHI, self.GALE, self.EEBO]
def hathi(self):
""":class:`ppa.archive.hathi.HathiObject` for HathiTrust records,
for working with data in HathiTrust pairtree data structure."""
if self.source == self.HATHI:
return HathiObject(self.source_id)
return None
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
# if status has changed so that object is now suppressed,
# do some cleanup
if self.has_changed("status") and self.status == DigitizedWork.SUPPRESSED:
# remove indexed page content from Solr using index id
# (i.e., if excerpt, should only remove content for this excerpt,
# not all excerpts in this volume)
self.solr.update.delete_by_query('group_id_s:"%s"' % self.index_id())
# if this is a HathiTrust item, remove pairtree data
if self.source == DigitizedWork.HATHI:
# if this is a full work (not excerpted), remove
# if this is an excerpt, should only remove if there are no other
# public excerpts from this volume
if (
self.item_type == DigitizedWork.FULL
or not DigitizedWork.objects.filter(
status=DigitizedWork.PUBLIC, source_id=self.source_id
# Solr identifier is based on combination of source id and first page;
# if either changes, remove the old record from Solr before saving
# with the new identifier
if self.has_changed("source_id") or self.has_changed("pages_digital"):
# store the updated values
new_source_id = self.source_id
new_pages_digital = self.pages_digital
# temporarily revert to previous value to remove from index
self.source_id = self.initial_value("source_id")
self.pages_digital = self.initial_value("pages_digital")
# restore new values
self.source_id = new_source_id
self.pages_digital = new_pages_digital
# if excerpt page range has changed
# OR this is a new record with a page range
if self.has_changed("pages_digital") or ( is None and self.pages_digital
# update the page count if possible (i.e., not a Gale record)
self.page_count = self.count_pages()
# if page range changed on existing record, clear out old index
if self.pages_digital and is not None:
# update index to remove all pages that are no longer in range
'source_id:"%s" AND item_type:page NOT order:(%s)'
% (self.source_id, " OR ".join(str(p) for p in self.page_span))
# any page range change requires reindexing (potentially slow)
if is None:
logger.debug("Indexing pages for new excerpt %s", self)
logger.debug("Reindexing pages for %s after change to page range", self)
# NOTE: removing a page range may not work as expected
# (does not recalculate page count; cannot recalculate for Gale items)
super().save(*args, **kwargs)
def clean(self):
"""Add custom validation to trigger a save error in the admin
if someone tries to unsuppress a record that has been suppressed
(not yet supported)."""
if self.has_changed("status") and self.status != self.SUPPRESSED:
raise ValidationError("Unsuppressing records not yet supported.")
# should not be editable in admin, but add a validation check
# just in case
if self.has_changed("source_id") and self.source in [self.HATHI, self.EEBO]:
raise ValidationError(
"Changing source ID for HathiTrust or EEBO-TCP record is not supported"
# if original page range is set, check that first page is unique
if self.pages_orig:
first_page = self.first_page_original()
# check for other excerpts in this work with the same first page
other_excerpts = DigitizedWork.objects.filter(
# if this record has already been saved, exclude it when checking
other_excerpts = other_excerpts.exclude(
if other_excerpts.exists():
raise ValidationError(
"pages_orig": f"First page {first_page} is not unique for this source",
def compare_protected_fields(self, db_obj):
"""Compare protected fields in a
:class:`ppa.archive.models.DigitizedWork` instance and return those
that are changed.
:param object db_obj: Database instance of a
changed_fields = []
# if a field has changed, append to changed fields
for field in ProtectedWorkFieldFlags.all_flags:
# field is in format of ProtectedWorkFieldFlags.title
field_name = str(field)
# if obj has a different value for a protected field
# than its db counterpart
if getattr(self, field_name) != getattr(db_obj, field_name):
# append as a now protected field
return changed_fields
def populate_fields(self, field_data):
"""Conditionally update fields as protected by flags using Hathi
bibdata information.
:param dict field_data: A dictionary of fields updated from a
:class:`ppa.archive.hathi.HathiBibliographicRecord` instance.
protected_fields = [str(field) for field in self.protected_fields]
for field, value in field_data.items():
if field not in protected_fields:
setattr(self, field, value)
def populate_from_bibdata(self, bibdata):
"""Update record fields based on Hathi bibdata information.
Full record is required in order to set all fields
:param bibdata: bibliographic data returned from HathiTrust
as instance of :class:`ppa.archive.hathi.HathiBibliographicRecord`
# create dictionary to store bibliographic information
field_data = {}
# store hathi record id
field_data["record_id"] = bibdata.record_id
# set fields from marc if available, since it has more details
if bibdata.marcxml:
# get metadata from marcxml, but don't save it yet
field_data.update(self.metadata_from_marc(bibdata.marcxml, populate=False))
# fallback behavior, if marc is not availiable
# use dublin core title
field_data["title"] = bibdata.title
# could guess at non-sort, but hopefully unnecessary
# pub date returned in api JSON is list; use first for now (if available)
if bibdata.pub_dates:
field_data["pub_date"] = bibdata.pub_dates[0]
copy_details = bibdata.copy_details(self.source_id)
# hathi version/volume information for this specific copy of a work
field_data["enumcron"] = copy_details["enumcron"] or ""
# hathi source url can currently be inferred from htid, but is
# included in the bibdata in case it changes - so let's just store it
field_data["source_url"] = copy_details["itemURL"]
# should also consider storing:
# - last update, rights code / rights string, item url
# (maybe solr only?)
# conditionally update fields that are protected (or not)
index_depends_on = {
"collections": {
"post_save": SignalHandlers.collection_save,
"pre_delete": SignalHandlers.collection_delete,
"cluster": {
"post_save": SignalHandlers.cluster_save,
"pre_delete": SignalHandlers.cluster_delete,
"archive.DigitizedWork": {
"post_save": SignalHandlers.handle_digwork_cluster_change
def first_page(self):
"""Number of the first page in range, if this is an excerpt
(first of original page range, not digital)"""
return self.first_page_original()
def first_page_digital(self):
"""Number of the first page in range (digital pages / page index),
if this is an excerpt.
:return: first page number for digital page range; None if no page range
:rtype: int, None
if self.pages_digital:
return list(self.page_span)[0]
def first_page_original(self):
"""Number of the first page in range (original page numbering)
if this is an excerpt
:return: first page number for original page range; None if no page range
:rtype: str, None
# use regex since it handles all cases (intspan only works for a subset)
match = re.match(r"([\da-z]+)([,-]|\b)", self.pages_orig)
if match:
def index_id(self):
"""use source id + first page in range (if any) as solr identifier"""
first_page = self.first_page()
if first_page:
return "%s-p%s" % (self.source_id, first_page)
return self.source_id
def index_item_type(cls):
"""override index item type label to just work"""
return "work"
def items_to_index(cls):
"""Queryset of works for indexing everything; excludes
suppressed works."""
return (
# NOTE: prefetch_related is ignored when used with Iterator,
# which parasolr indexing does
# specify chunk size; using previous django iterator default
index_chunk_size = 2000
def prep_index_chunk(cls, chunk):
# prefetch collections when indexing in chunks
# (method modifies queryset in place)
models.prefetch_related_objects(chunk, "collections")
return chunk
def index_data(self):
"""data for indexing in Solr"""
# When an item has been suppressed, return id only.
# This will blank out any previously indexed values, and item
# will not be findable by any public searchable fields.
if self.status == self.SUPPRESSED:
return {"id": self.source_id}
index_id = self.index_id()
return {
"id": index_id,
"source_id": self.source_id,
"first_page_s": self.first_page(),
"group_id_s": index_id, # for grouping pages by work or excerpt
"source_t": self.get_source_display(),
"source_url": self.source_url,
"title": self.title,
"subtitle": self.subtitle,
"sort_title": self.sort_title,
"pub_date": self.pub_date,
"pub_place": self.pub_place,
"publisher": self.publisher,
"enumcron": self.enumcron,
# set default value to simplify queries to find uncollected items
# (not set in Solr schema because needs to be works only)
"collections": [ for collection in self.collections.all()]
if self.collections.exists()
"cluster_id_s": self.index_cluster_id,
# public notes field for display on site_name
"notes": self.public_notes,
# hard-coded to distinguish from & sort with pages
"item_type": "work",
"order": "0",
"work_type_s": self.get_item_type_display()
.replace(" ", "-"), # full-work, excerpt, or article
"book_journal_s": self.book_journal,
def remove_from_index(self):
"""Remove the current work and associated pages from Solr index"""
# Default parasolr logic only removes current item record;
# we need to remove associated pages as well
"Deleting DigitizedWork and associated pages from index with group_id %s",
self.solr.update.delete_by_query('group_id_s:("%s")' % self.index_id())
def count_pages(self, ptree_client=None):
"""Count the number of pages for a digitized work. If a pages are specified
for an excerpt or article, page count is determined based on the number of pages
in the combined ranges. Otherwise, page count is based on the
number of files in the zipfile within the pairtree content (Hathi-specific).
Raises :class:`pairtree.storage_exceptions.ObjectNotFoundException`
if the data is not found in the pairtree storage. Returns page count
found; updates the `page_count` attribute on the current instance,
but does NOT save the object."""
# if this item has a page span defined, calculate number of pages
# based on the number of pages across all spans
if self.page_span:
return len(self.page_span)
if self.source == DigitizedWork.EEBO:
# update page count on the instance, but don't save changes
self.page_count = eebo_tcp.page_count(self.source_id)
return self.page_count
if not self.source == DigitizedWork.HATHI:
raise storage_exceptions.ObjectNotFoundException(
"Using Hathi-specific page count for non-Hathi item"
if not ptree_client:
ptree_client = self.hathi.pairtree_client()
# count the files in the zipfile
start = time.time()
# could raise pairtree exception, but allow calling context to catch
with ZipFile(self.hathi.zipfile_path(ptree_client)) as ht_zip:
# some aggregate packages retrieved from Data API
# include jp2 and xml files as well as txt; only count text
page_count = len(
for filename in ht_zip.namelist()
if filename.endswith(".txt")
"Counted %d pages in zipfile in %f sec", page_count, time.time() - start
# NOTE: could also count pages via mets file, but that's slower
# than counting via zipfile name list
# update page count on the instance, but don't save changes
self.page_count = page_count
# return the total
return page_count
def page_span(self):
# TODO: relabel to make it explicit that this is digital pages?
# convert the specified page numbers into an intspan
# if empty, returns an empty set
return intspan(self.pages_digital)
def get_source_link_label(self):
"""Source-specific label for link on public item detail view."""
if self.source == DigitizedWork.GALE:
return "View on Gale Primary Sources"
if self.source == DigitizedWork.OTHER:
return "View external record"
return "View on %s" % self.get_source_display()
def add_from_hathi(htid, bib_api=None, update=False, log_msg_src=None, user=None):
"""Add or update a HathiTrust work in the database.
Retrieves bibliographic data from Hathi api, retrieves or creates
a :class:`DigitizedWork` record, and populates the metadata if
this is a new record, if the Hathi metadata has changed, or
if update is requested. Creates admin log entry to document
record creation or update.
Raises :class:`ppa.archive.hathi.HathiItemNotFound` for invalid
Returns the new or updated :class:`~ppa.archive.models.DigitizedWork`.
:param htid: HathiTrust record identifier
:param bib_api: optional :class:`~ppa.archive.hathi.HathiBibliographicAPI`
instance, to allow for shared sessions in scripts
:param update: update bibliographic metadata even if the hathitrust
record is not newer than the local database record (default: False)
:param log_msg_src: source of the change to be used included
in log entry messages (optional). Will be used as "Created/updated
:param user: optional user responsible for the change,
to be associated with :class:`~django.admin.models.LogEntry`
# initialize new bibliographic API if none is passed in
bib_api = bib_api or HathiBibliographicAPI()
# set a default log message source if not specified
log_msg_src = log_msg_src or "from HathiTrust bibliographic data"
# get bibliographic data for this record from Hathi api
# - needed to check if update is required for existing records,
# and to populate metadata for new records
# could raise HathiItemNotFound for invalid id
bibdata = bib_api.record("htid", htid)
# if hathi id is valid and we have bibliographic data, create
# a new record
# find existing record or create a new one
# @NOTE @BUG: This is sometimes returning >1 entry and failing. Need to find why
digwork, created = DigitizedWork.objects.get_or_create(source_id=htid)
# get configured script user for log entries if no user passed in
if not user:
user = User.objects.get(username=settings.SCRIPT_USERNAME)
# if this is an existing record, check if updates are needed
source_updated = None
if not created and not update:
source_updated = bibdata.copy_last_updated(htid)
if > source_updated:
# local copy is newer than last source modification date
# and update is not requested; return un modified
return digwork
# populate digitized item in the database
# create a log entry to document record creation or change
# if created, action is addition and message is creation
log_change_message = "Created %s" % log_msg_src
log_action = ADDITION
# if this was not a new record, log as an update
if not created:
# create log entry for updating an existing record
# include details about why the update happened if possible
if update:
msg_detail = " (forced update)"
msg_detail = "; source record last updated %s" % source_updated
log_change_message = "Updated %s%s" % (log_msg_src, msg_detail)
log_action = CHANGE
# create log entry for record creation
return digwork
class Page(Indexable):
"""Indexable for pages to make page data available for indexing with
parasolr index manage command."""
index_chunk_size = 2000
def items_to_index(cls):
"""Return a generator of page data to be indexed, with data for
pages for each work returned by :meth:`Page.page_index_data`
for work in DigitizedWork.items_to_index():
for page_data in Page.page_index_data(work):
yield page_data
def total_to_index(cls, source=None):
"""Calculate the total number of pages to be indexed by
aggregating page count of items to index in the database."""
digworks = DigitizedWork.items_to_index()
if source is not None:
digworks = digworks.filter(source=source)
return (
digworks.aggregate(total_pages=models.Sum("page_count"))["total_pages"] or 0
def index_item_type(cls):
"""index item type for parasolr indexing script"""
return "page"
def page_index_data(cls, digwork, gale_record=None):
"""Get page content for the specified digitized work from Hathi
pairtree and return data to be indexed in solr.
Takes an optional Gale item record as returned by the Gale API,
to avoid loading API content twice. (Used on import)"""
# suppressed items are not indexed; bail out
if digwork.is_suppressed:
return []
# get a generator of page data from the appropriate source
if digwork.source == digwork.HATHI:
pages = digwork.hathi.page_data()
elif digwork.source == digwork.GALE:
pages = GaleAPI().get_item_pages(digwork.source_id, gale_record=gale_record)
elif digwork.source == digwork.EEBO:
pages = eebo_tcp.page_data(digwork.source_id)
# no other sources currently support full-text indexing
# get page span from digitized work, to handle excerpts
page_span = digwork.page_span
# if indexing an excerpt, determine highest page to be indexed
max_page = max(page_span) if page_span else None
# index id is used to group work and pages; also fallback for cluster id
# for works that are not part of a cluster
digwork_index_id = digwork.index_id()
# enumerate with 1-based index for digital page number
for i, page_info in enumerate(pages, 1):
# page info is expected to contain page_id, content, order, label
# may contain tags, image id, image url
# if indexing a page range, stop iterating once we are
# past the highest page in range and close the generator
if max_page and i > max_page:
# NOTE: on OSX, when used with multiproc index_pages, requires
# if the document has a page range defined, skip any pages not in range
if page_span and i not in page_span:
# remove page id and use in combination with digwork index id
# to generate unique id.
page_id = page_info.pop("page_id")
except KeyError:
# if page id is not set, use enumeration id
page_id = i
# update with common fields needed for all pages across sources
"id": f"{digwork_index_id}.{page_id}",
"source_id": digwork.source_id,
"group_id_s": digwork_index_id, # for grouping with work record
"cluster_id_s": digwork.index_cluster_id, # for grouping with cluster
"order": i,
# make sure label is set;
# fallback to sequence number if no (or null) label, but mark with brackets
"label": page_info.get("label") or f"[{i}]",
"item_type": "page",
yield page_info