Source code for

**hathi_import** is a custom manage command for bulk import of HathiTrust
materials into the local database for management.  It does *not* index
into Solr for search and browse; use the **index** script for that after

This script expects a local copy of dataset files in pairtree format
retrieved by rsync.  (Note that pairtree data must include pairtree
version file to be valid.)

Contents are inspected from the configured **HATHI_DATA** path;
:class:`~ppa.archive.models.DigitizedWork` records are created or updated
based on identifiers found and metadata retrieved from the HathiTrust
Bibliographic API.  Page content is only reflected in the database
via a total page count per work (but page contents will be indexed in
Solr via **index** script).

By default, existing records are updated only when the Hathi record has changed
or if requested via `--update`` script option.

Supports importing specific items by hathi id, but the pairtree content
for the items still must exist at the configured path.

Example usage::

    # import everything with defaults
    python hathi_import
    # import specific items
    python hathi_import htid1 htid2 htid3
    # re-import and update records
    python hathi_import --update
    # display progressbar to show status and ETA
    python hathi_import -v 0 --progress


import logging
import os
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from glob import glob

import progressbar
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.admin.models import ADDITION, CHANGE, LogEntry
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django.template.defaultfilters import pluralize
from django.utils.timezone import now
from pairtree import pairtree_client, storage_exceptions
from parasolr.django.signals import IndexableSignalHandler

from ppa.archive.hathi import HathiBibliographicAPI, HathiItemNotFound
from ppa.archive.models import DigitizedWork

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Command(BaseCommand): """Import HathiTrust digitized items into PPA to be managed and searched""" help = __doc__ bib_api = None hathi_pairtree = {} stats = None options = {} #: normal verbosity level v_normal = 1 verbosity = v_normal
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( "htids", nargs="*", help="Optional list of specific volumes to import by HathiTrust id.", ) parser.add_argument( "-u", "--update", action="store_true", help="Update local content even if source record has not changed.", ) parser.add_argument( "--progress", action="store_true", help="Display a progress bar to track the status of the import.", )
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **kwargs): # disconnect signal handler for on-demand indexing, for efficiency # (index in bulk after an update, not one at a time) IndexableSignalHandler.disconnect() self.bib_api = HathiBibliographicAPI() self.verbosity = kwargs.get("verbosity", self.v_normal) self.options = kwargs self.digwork_content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(DigitizedWork) # bulk import only for now # - eventually support list of ids + rsync? # for now, start with existing rsync data # - get list of ids, rsync data, grab metadata # - populate database only (does not index in solr); if a work # has already been imported, will only update if changed in hathi # or update requested in script options self.stats = defaultdict(int) # if ids are explicitly specified on the command line, only # index those items # (currently still requires rsync data to be present on the filesystem) if self.options["htids"]: ids_to_import = self.options["htids"] self.stats["total"] = len(ids_to_import) else: # otherwise, find and import everything in the pairtree data ids_to_import = self.get_hathi_ids() self.stats["total"] = self.count_hathi_ids() if self.options["progress"]: progbar = progressbar.ProgressBar( redirect_stdout=True, max_value=self.stats["total"], max_error=False ) else: progbar = None # initialize access to rsync data as dict of pairtrees by prefix self.initialize_pairtrees() for htid in ids_to_import: if self.verbosity >= self.v_normal: self.stdout.write(htid) self.stats["count"] += 1 digwork = self.import_digitizedwork(htid) # if no item is returned, either there is an error or no update # is needed; update count and go to the next item if not digwork: if progbar: progbar.update(self.stats["count"]) continue # count pages in the pairtree zip file and update digwork page count try: self.stats["pages"] += digwork.count_pages() # update page count in the database if digwork.has_changed("page_count"): except ( storage_exceptions.ObjectNotFoundException, IndexError, ): # IndexError on filepath self.stderr.write("%s not found in datastore" % digwork.source_id) if progbar: progbar.update(self.stats["count"]) summary = ( "\nProcessed {:,d} item{} for import." + "\nAdded {:,d}; updated {:,d}; skipped {:,d}; " + "{:,d} error{}; imported {:,d} page{}." ) summary = summary.format( self.stats["total"], pluralize(self.stats["total"]), self.stats["created"], self.stats["updated"], self.stats["skipped"], self.stats["error"], pluralize(self.stats["error"]), self.stats["pages"], pluralize(self.stats["pages"]), ) self.stdout.write(summary)
[docs] def initialize_pairtrees(self): """Initialize pairtree storage clients for each subdirectory in the configured **HATHI_DATA** path.""" # if the configured directory does not exist or is not # a directory, bail out if not os.path.isdir(settings.HATHI_DATA): raise CommandError( "Configuration error for HATHI_DATA dir (%s)" % settings.HATHI_DATA ) # HathiTrust data is constructed with instutition short name # with pairtree root underneath each if not self.hathi_pairtree: hathi_dirs = glob(os.path.join(settings.HATHI_DATA, "*")) for ht_data_dir in hathi_dirs: # ignore non-directories! this is useful because # the rsync may copy txt files, .DS_Store from Mac # may be in there, and so forth. if os.path.isdir(ht_data_dir): prefix = os.path.basename(ht_data_dir) logger.debug( f"Initializing pair tree in ({ht_data_dir}) [prefix={prefix}]" ) hathi_ptree = pairtree_client.PairtreeStorageClient( prefix, ht_data_dir ) # store initialized pairtree client by prefix for later use self.hathi_pairtree[prefix] = hathi_ptree
[docs] def get_hathi_ids(self): """Generator of hathi ids from previously rsynced hathitrust data, based on the configured **HATHI_DATA** path in settings.""" self.initialize_pairtrees() for prefix, hathi_ptree in self.hathi_pairtree.items(): for hathi_id in hathi_ptree.list_ids(): # NOTE: prefix should automatially be handled based on # pairtree_prefix, but python pairtree library doesn't # yet include logic for that yield "%s.%s" % (prefix, hathi_id)
[docs] def count_hathi_ids(self): """count items in the pairtree structure without loading all into memory at once.""" start = time.time() count = sum(1 for i in self.get_hathi_ids()) logger.debug("Counted hathi ids in %f sec" % (time.time() - start)) return count
[docs] def import_digitizedwork(self, htid): """Import a single work into the database. Retrieves bibliographic data from Hathi api. If the record already exists in the database, it is only updated if the hathi record has changed or if an update is requested by the user. Creates admin log entry for record creation or record update. Returns None if there is an error retrieving bibliographic data or no update is needed; otherwise, returns the :class:`~ppa.archive.models.DigitizedWork`.""" # store the current time to find log entries created after before = now() try: digwork = DigitizedWork.add_from_hathi( htid, self.bib_api, update=self.options["update"], log_msg_src="via hathi_import script", ) except HathiItemNotFound: self.stdout.write("Error: Bibliographic data not found for '%s'" % htid) self.stats["error"] += 1 return except DigitizedWork.MultipleObjectsReturned: self.stdout.write("Error: Multiple entries found for '%s'" % htid) self.stats["error"] += 1 return # check log entries for this record to determine what was done log_entries = LogEntry.objects.filter(,, action_time__gte=before, ) # no log entry - nothing was done (not new, no update needed) if not log_entries.exists(): # local copy is newer than last source modification date if self.verbosity > self.v_normal: self.stdout.write( "Source record last updated %s, no update needed" % ) # nothing to do; continue to next item self.stats["skipped"] += 1 elif log_entries.first().action_flag == CHANGE: # report if record was changed and update not forced if not self.options["update"]: self.stdout.write( "Source record last updated %s, update needed" % ) # count the update self.stats["updated"] += 1 elif log_entries.first().action_flag == ADDITION: # count the new record self.stats["created"] += 1 return digwork