Source code for

**hathi_excerpt** is a custom manage command to convert existing
HathiTrust items into excerpts or articles. It takes a CSV file
with information about the items to excerpt. It does handle
multiple excerpts for the same source id, as long as that
source id is present in the database and data is available
in the HathiTrust pairtree data.

The CSV **must** include the following fields:
    * Item Type
    * Volume ID
    * Title
    * Sort Title
    * Book/Journal Title
    * Digital Page Range
    * Collection
    * Record ID

If the CSV includes these **optional** fields, they will be used:
    * Author
    * Publication Date
    * Publication Place
    * Publisher
    * Enumcron
    * Original Page Range
    * Notes
    * Public Notes

Updated and added records are automatically indexed in Solr.

import csv
import logging
from collections import Counter

import intspan
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.admin.models import ADDITION, CHANGE, LogEntry
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from parasolr.django.signals import IndexableSignalHandler

from ppa.archive.models import Collection, DigitizedWork

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Command(BaseCommand): """Convert existing HathiTrust full works into excerpts""" help = __doc__ #: normal verbosity level v_normal = 1 verbosity = v_normal # item type lookup for supported types item_type = {"Excerpt": DigitizedWork.EXCERPT, "Article": DigitizedWork.ARTICLE}
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument("csv", help="CSV file with excerpt information")
[docs] def setup(self): "Run common setup steps for running the script or testing" self.stats = Counter() self.script_user = User.objects.get(username=settings.SCRIPT_USERNAME) self.digwork_contentype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(DigitizedWork) # load collections from the database self.load_collections()
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **kwargs): # disconnect signal handler so indexing can be controlled IndexableSignalHandler.disconnect() self.verbosity = kwargs.get("verbosity", self.v_normal) # load csv file and check required fields excerpt_info = self.load_csv(kwargs["csv"]) self.setup() for row in excerpt_info: self.excerpt(row) self.stdout.write( f"\nExcerpted {self.stats['excerpted']:,d} existing records; " + f"created {self.stats['created']:,d} new excerpts. " + f"{self.stats['error']:,d} errors." )
[docs] def load_collections(self): """load collections from the database and create a lookup based on collection names""" self.collections = { c for c in Collection.objects.all()}
[docs] def excerpt(self, row): """Process a row of the spreadsheet, and either convert an existing full work to an excerpt or create a new excerpt.""" # volume id in spreadsheet is our source id source_id = row["Volume ID"] # by default, assume we're modifying an existing record created = False # get a queryset for all works from this source source_works = DigitizedWork.objects.filter( source_id=source_id, source=DigitizedWork.HATHI ) # first look for an existing full work to convert to excerpt digwork = source_works.filter( item_type=DigitizedWork.FULL, ).first() # if there is no existing work to convert, create a new one if not digwork: digwork = DigitizedWork(source_id=source_id, source=DigitizedWork.HATHI) # get source url from existing record for same source in the database # (we expect this to be present, except for in some unit tests) if source_works.first(): digwork.source_url = source_works.first().source_url # set created flag to true created = True # update all fields from spreadsheet data # - required fields digwork.item_type = self.item_type[row["Item Type"]] digwork.title = row["Title"] digwork.subtitle = ( "" # clear out any existing subtitle; excerpts don't have them ) digwork.sort_title = row["Sort Title"] digwork.book_journal = row["Book/Journal Title"] # intspan requires commas; allow semicolons in input but convert to commas digwork.pages_digital = row["Digital Page Range"].replace(";", ",") digwork.record_id = row["Record ID"] # - optional fields = row.get("Author", "") digwork.pub_date = ( row.get("Publication Date", "") or None ) # numeric, not string digwork.pub_place = row.get("Publication Place", "") digwork.publisher = row.get("Publisher", "") digwork.enumcron = row.get("Enumcron", "") digwork.pages_orig = row.get("Original Page Range", "") digwork.notes = row.get("Notes", "") digwork.public_notes = row.get("Public Notes", "") try: # save to create or update in the database # page count is automatically calculated on save for excerpts # Could trigger parse error if page span is invalid. except intspan.ParseError as err: self.stderr.write("Error saving %s: %s" % (source_id, err)) ) self.stats["error"] += 1 return # set collection membership based on spreadsheet data: # collection is a single field with collection names delimited by semicolon if row["Collection"]: digwork_collections = [ self.collections[coll] for coll in row["Collection"].split(";") ] if digwork_collections: digwork.collections.set(digwork_collections) self.log_action(digwork, created) if created: self.stats["created"] += 1 # pages are automatically indexed when saving a new excerpt else: self.stats["excerpted"] += 1 # Indexed pages are automatically updated for existing records on save # when page range has changed. DigitizedWork.index_items([digwork])
[docs] def log_action(self, digwork, created=True): """Create a log entry to document excerpting or creating the record. Message and action flag are determined by created boolean.""" if created: log_message = "Created via hathi_excerpt script" log_action = ADDITION else: log_message = "Converted to excerpt" log_action = CHANGE # create log entry to record what was done LogEntry.objects.log_action(,,, object_repr=str(digwork), change_message=log_message, action_flag=log_action, )
csv_required_fields = [ "Item Type", "Volume ID", "Title", "Sort Title", "Book/Journal Title", "Digital Page Range", "Collection", "Record ID", ] # supported but not required: # Author, Publication Date, Publication Place, Publisher, Enumcron, Original Page Range, # Notes, Public Notes,
[docs] def load_csv(self, path): """Load a CSV file with digworks to be excerpted.""" try: with open(path, encoding="utf-8-sig") as csvfile: csvreader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) data = [ row for row in csvreader if any(row.values()) ] # skip blank rows except FileNotFoundError: raise CommandError("Error loading the specified CSV file: %s" % path) csv_keys = set(data[0].keys()) csv_key_diff = set(self.csv_required_fields).difference(csv_keys) # if any required fields are not present, error and quit if csv_key_diff: raise CommandError( "Missing required fields in CSV file: %s" % ", ".join(csv_key_diff) ) return data