Source code for ppa.archive.forms

from django import forms
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core.validators import RegexValidator
from django.db.models import Max, Min

from ppa.archive.models import NO_COLLECTION_LABEL, Collection, DigitizedWork
from ppa.common.utils import simplify_quotes

[docs] class ChoiceLabel: """Custom choice label that can be used to set an option as disabled without resulting in extra choices when normalized.""" def __init__(self, label, disabled=False): self.label = label self.disabled = disabled def __str__(self): return str(self.label)
[docs] class SelectDisabledMixin(object): """ Mixin for :class:`django.forms.RadioSelect` or :class:`django.forms.CheckboxSelect` classes to set an option as disabled. To disable, the widget's choice label option should be passed in as a dictionary with `disabled` set to True:: {'label': 'option', 'disabled': True}. """ # Using a solution at
[docs] def create_option( self, name, value, label, selected, index, subindex=None, attrs=None ): """Overide option creation to optionally disable specified values""" disabled = None if isinstance(label, dict): label, disabled = label["label"], label.get("disabled", False) elif isinstance(label, ChoiceLabel): disabled = label.disabled option_dict = super().create_option( name, value, label, selected, index, subindex=subindex, attrs=attrs ) if disabled: option_dict["attrs"].update({"disabled": "disabled"}) return option_dict
[docs] class RadioSelectWithDisabled(SelectDisabledMixin, forms.RadioSelect): """ Subclass of :class:`django.forms.RadioSelect` with option to mark a choice as disabled. """
[docs] class SelectWithDisabled(SelectDisabledMixin, forms.Select): """ Subclass of :class:`django.forms.Select` with option to mark a choice as disabled. """
[docs] class CheckboxSelectMultipleWithDisabled( SelectDisabledMixin, forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple ): """ Subclass of :class:`django.forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple` with option to mark a choice as disabled. """
class CollectionCheckboxSelectMultiple(forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple): def create_option( self, name, value, label, selected, index, subindex=None, attrs=None ): option = super().create_option( name, value, label, selected, index, subindex, attrs ) if value and value.instance.digwork_count == 0: option["attrs"]["disabled"] = "disabled" return option
[docs] class FacetChoiceField(forms.MultipleChoiceField): """Add CheckboxSelectMultiple field with facets taken from solr query""" # Borrowed from # customize multiple choice field for use with facets. # no other adaptations needed # - turn of choice validation (shouldn't fail if facets don't get loaded) # - default to not required # - use checkbox select multiple as default widget widget = forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if "required" not in kwargs: kwargs["required"] = False super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def valid_value(self, value): return True
# RangeWidget and RangeField also borrowed from Derrida codebase
[docs] class RangeWidget(forms.MultiWidget): """date range widget, for two numeric inputs""" #: separator string when splitting out values in decompress sep = "-" #: template to use to render range multiwidget # (based on multiwidget, but adds "to" between dates) template_name = "archive/widgets/rangewidget.html" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): widgets = [ forms.NumberInput(attrs={"aria-label": "Start"}), forms.NumberInput(attrs={"aria-label": "End"}), ] super().__init__(widgets, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def decompress(self, value): if value: return [int(val) for val in value.split(self.sep)] return [None, None]
[docs] class RangeField(forms.MultiValueField): widget = RangeWidget def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): fields = ( forms.IntegerField( error_messages={"invalid": "Enter a number"}, validators=[ RegexValidator(r"^[0-9]*$", "Enter a valid number."), ], required=False, ), forms.IntegerField( error_messages={"invalid": "Enter a number"}, validators=[ RegexValidator(r"^[0-9]*$", "Enter a valid number."), ], required=False, ), ) kwargs["fields"] = fields super().__init__(require_all_fields=False, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def compress(self, data_list): # if both values are set and the first is greater than the second, # raise a validation error if all(data_list) and len(data_list) == 2 and data_list[0] > data_list[1]: raise ValidationError( "Invalid range (%s - %s)" % (data_list[0], data_list[1]) ) return self.widget.sep.join(["%d" % val if val else "" for val in data_list])
[docs] class ModelMultipleChoiceFieldWithEmpty(forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField): """Extend :class:`django.forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField` to add an option for an unset or empty choice (i.e. no relationship in a many-to-many relationship such as collection membership). """ EMPTY_VALUE = NO_COLLECTION_LABEL EMPTY_ID = 0
[docs] def clean(self, value): """Extend clean to use default validation on all values but the empty id.""" try: pk_values = [val for val in value if val and int(val) != self.EMPTY_ID] except ValueError: # non-integer will raise value error raise ValidationError("Invalid collection") qs = super()._check_values(pk_values) if self.EMPTY_ID in value or str(self.EMPTY_ID) in value: return [self.EMPTY_VALUE] + list(qs) return qs
[docs] class SearchForm(forms.Form): """Simple search form for digitized works.""" SORT_CHOICES = [ ("relevance", "Relevance"), ("pub_date_asc", "Year Oldest-Newest"), ("pub_date_desc", "Year Newest-Oldest"), ("title_asc", "Title A-Z"), ("title_desc", "Title Z-A"), ("author_asc", "Author A-Z"), ("author_desc", "Author Z-A"), ] #: help text to be shown with the form #: (appears when you hover over the question mark icon) QUESTION_POPUP_TEXT = """ Boolean search within a field is supported. Operators must be capitalized (AND, OR). Use quotes for exact phrase. """ # text inputs query = forms.CharField( label="Keyword or Phrase", required=False, widget=forms.TextInput( attrs={ "placeholder": "Search full-text and metadata, including approximate titles.", "_icon": "search", "_align": "left", } ), ) title = forms.CharField( label="Title", required=False, widget=forms.TextInput( attrs={ "placeholder": "Search by exact title or subtitle.", "_icon": "search", "_align": "left", } ), ) author = forms.CharField( label="Author", required=False, widget=forms.TextInput( attrs={ "placeholder": "Search by exact author (last name, first name).", "_icon": "search", "_align": "left", } ), ) # facets # collections = FacetChoiceField(label='Collection') # NOTE: using model choice field to list all collections in the database, # even if they have no assocaited works in Solr collections = ModelMultipleChoiceFieldWithEmpty( queryset=Collection.objects.order_by("name"), label="Collection", widget=CheckboxSelectMultipleWithDisabled, # widget=CollectionCheckboxSelectMultiple, required=False, ) pub_date = RangeField( label="Publication Date", required=False, widget=RangeWidget( attrs={"size": 4, "title": "publication date", "_inline": True} ), ) #: hidden input to track cluster id, for searching within reprint/editions cluster = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput(), required=False) sort = forms.ChoiceField( widget=SelectWithDisabled, choices=SORT_CHOICES, required=False ) # booleans earliest_only = forms.BooleanField( label="Earliest Edition in Hathi", required=False, widget=forms.CheckboxInput(attrs={"disabled": True}), ) ace_only = forms.BooleanField( label="Authorized Critical Edition", required=False, widget=forms.CheckboxInput(attrs={"disabled": True}), ) dict_exclude = forms.BooleanField( label="Dictionaries", required=False, widget=forms.CheckboxInput(attrs={"disabled": True}), ) pg_exclude = forms.BooleanField( label="Pronunciation Guides", required=False, widget=forms.CheckboxInput(attrs={"disabled": True}), ) # fields to request a facet from solr facet_fields = ["collections_exact"] range_facets = ["pub_date"] # mapping of solr fields to form input solr_facet_fields = {"collections_exact": "collections"}
[docs] @staticmethod def defaults(): """Default values when initializing the form. Sort by title, pre-select collections based exclude property.""" return { "sort": "title_asc", # always include uncategorized collections; no harm if not present "collections": [ModelMultipleChoiceFieldWithEmpty.EMPTY_ID] + list( Collection.objects.filter(exclude=False).values_list("id", flat=True) ), }
def __init__(self, data=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Set choices dynamically based on form kwargs and presence of keywords. """ super().__init__(data=data, *args, **kwargs) pubdate_range = self.pub_date_minmax() self.pubdate_validation_msg = ( "Enter sequential years between {} and {}.".format( pubdate_range[0], pubdate_range[1] ) ) # because pubdate is a multifield/multiwidget, access the widgets # under the multiwidgets pubdate_widgets = self.fields["pub_date"].widget.widgets for idx, val in enumerate(pubdate_range): # don't set None as placeholder (only possible if db is empty) if val: # set max/min and initial values pubdate_widgets[idx].attrs.update( { "placeholder": pubdate_range[idx], "min": pubdate_range[0], "max": pubdate_range[1], } ) # relevance is disabled unless we have a keyword query present if not data or not self.has_keyword_query(data): self.fields["sort"].widget.choices[0] = ( "relevance", {"label": "Relevance", "disabled": True}, )
[docs] def has_keyword_query(self, data): """check if any of the keyword search fields have search terms""" return any( data.get(query_field, None) for query_field in ["query", "title", "author"] )
[docs] def get_solr_sort_field(self, sort=None): """ Set solr sort fields for the query based on sort and query strings. If sort field is not specified, will use sort in the the cleaned data in the current form. If sort is not specified and valid form data is not available, will raise an :class:`AttributeError`. :return: solr sort field """ solr_mapping = { "relevance": "-score", "pub_date_asc": "pub_date", "pub_date_desc": "-pub_date", "title_asc": "sort_title", "title_desc": "-sort_title", "author_asc": "author_exact", "author_desc": "-author_exact", } # if not specified, use sort value from current form data if sort is None: sort = self.cleaned_data.get("sort") # return solr field for requested sort option return solr_mapping.get(sort, None)
[docs] def set_choices_from_facets(self, facets): """Set choices on field from a dictionary of facets""" # update collections multiselect based on facets for facet_field, form_field in self.solr_facet_fields.items(): # currently the only configured facet field if form_field == "collections": self.fields["collections"].widget facet_dict = facets[facet_field] solr_collections = facet_dict.keys() # construct updated choice list choices = [] # iterate over existing choices (based on collections in database) # widget choice is tuple of ModelChoiceIteratorValue, name for itervalue, label in self.fields[form_field].widget.choices: # if a collection is not in solr, mark it as disabled if label not in solr_collections: # we have to use ChoiceLabel here instead of a dict # to avoid dict values being normalized into choices choices.append((itervalue, ChoiceLabel(label, disabled=True))) # otherwise, add choice unchanged else: choices.append((itervalue, label)) # if there are any items not in a collection, add an option # so they will be findable; only include if facet count is non-zero if facet_dict.get(NO_COLLECTION_LABEL, 0): choices.append( ( ModelMultipleChoiceFieldWithEmpty.EMPTY_ID, NO_COLLECTION_LABEL, ) ) # replace form field choices with updated options # Note that setting here updates both field and widget; # it runs through a normalize method, which is why # we can't use a dict for label + disabled self.fields[form_field].choices = choices
PUBDATE_CACHE_KEY = "digitizedwork_pubdate_maxmin"
[docs] def pub_date_minmax(self): """Get minimum and maximum values for :class:`~ppa.archive.models.DigitizedWork` publication dates in the database. Used to set placeholder values for the form input and to generate the Solr facet range query. Value is cached to avoid repeatedly calculating it. :returns: tuple of min, max """ maxmin = cache.get(self.PUBDATE_CACHE_KEY) if not maxmin: maxmin = DigitizedWork.objects.aggregate(Max("pub_date"), Min("pub_date")) # cache as returned from django; looks like this: # {'pub_date__max': 1922, 'pub_date__min': 1559} # don't cache if values are None # should only happen if no data is in the db if all(maxmin.values()): cache.set(self.PUBDATE_CACHE_KEY, maxmin) # return just the min and max values return maxmin["pub_date__min"], maxmin["pub_date__max"]
def _clean_quotes(self, field): value = self.cleaned_data.get(field) if value: return simplify_quotes(value) return value # return since could be None or empty string # query, author, and title could all have quotes for exact phrase
[docs] def clean_query(self): """Clean keyword search query term; converts any typographic quotes to straight quotes""" return self._clean_quotes("query")
[docs] def clean_title(self): """Clean keyword search query term; converts any typographic quotes to straight quotes""" return self._clean_quotes("title")
[docs] def clean_author(self): """Clean keyword search query term; converts any typographic quotes to straight quotes""" return self._clean_quotes("author")
[docs] class SearchWithinWorkForm(forms.Form): """ Form to search for occurrences of a string within a particular instance of a digitized work. """ #: help text to be shown with the form #: (appears when you hover over the question mark icon) QUESTION_POPUP_TEXT = """ Boolean search is supported. Operators must be capitalized (AND, OR). """ # single text input query = forms.CharField( label="Search within the Volume", required=False, widget=forms.TextInput( attrs={ "placeholder": "Search keyword or phrase", "_icon": "search", "_align": "left", } ), )
[docs] class AddToCollectionForm(forms.Form): """ Form to select a set of :class:ppa.archive.models.Collection to which to bulk add a queryset of :class:ppa.archive.models.DigitizedWork """ collections = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( required=True, queryset=Collection.objects.all().order_by("name"), help_text="Hold down ctrl or command key (on MacOS) to select " "multiple collections.", )
[docs] class ImportForm(forms.Form): """Form to import records from sources that support import.""" # only a subset of DigitizedWork.SOURCE_CHOICES can be imported importable_sources = ( (DigitizedWork.HATHI, "HathiTrust"), (DigitizedWork.GALE, "Gale"), ) source = forms.ChoiceField( label="Source", choices=importable_sources, help_text="Where should records be imported from?", required=True, widget=forms.RadioSelect, ) source_ids = forms.CharField( label="Record Identifiers", required=True, widget=forms.Textarea, help_text="List of source IDs for items to add, one per line. " + "Existing records and invalid IDs will be skipped.", )
[docs] def get_source_ids(self): """Get list of ids from valid form input. Splits on newlines, strips whitespace, and ignores empty lines.""" return [ line.strip() for line in self.cleaned_data["source_ids"].split("\n") if line.strip() ]