Source code for mep.people.models

import datetime
import logging

from django.apps import apps
from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericRelation
from django.core.exceptions import MultipleObjectsReturned
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import models, transaction
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from parasolr.django.indexing import ModelIndexable
from viapy.api import ViafEntity

from mep.common.models import AliasIntegerField, DateRange, Named, Notable, \
from mep.common.validators import verify_latlon
from mep.footnotes.models import Footnote

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Country(Named): '''Countries, for documenting nationalities of a :class:`Person` or location of an :class:`Address`''' geonames_id = models.URLField('GeoNames ID', unique=True, blank=True, help_text='GeoNames identifier') code = models.CharField('Country Code', unique=True, blank=True, help_text='Two-letter country code', max_length=2) # id & code are optional to support no country/stateless class Meta: verbose_name_plural = 'countries' ordering = ('name',)
[docs]class Location(Notable): '''Locations for addresses associated with people and accounts''' #: optional name of the location (e.g., hotel) name = models.CharField( max_length=255, blank=True, verbose_name='Name of location', help_text=('Name of the place if there is one, e.g. Savoy Hotel, ' 'British Embassy, Villa Trianon') ) #: street address street_address = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) #: city or town city = models.CharField(max_length=255) #: postal code; character rather than integer to support # UK addresses and other non-numeric postal codes postal_code = models.CharField(max_length=25, blank=True) # NOTE: Using decimal field here to set precision on the head # FloatField uses float, which can introduce unexpected rounding. # This would let us have measurements down to the tree level, if necessary #: latitude latitude = models.DecimalField( max_digits=8, decimal_places=5, blank=True, null=True, validators=[verify_latlon] ) #: longitude longitude = models.DecimalField( max_digits=8, decimal_places=5, blank=True, null=True, validators=[verify_latlon] ) #: :class:`Country` country = models.ForeignKey(Country, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) #: footnotes (:class:`~mep.footnotes.models.Footnote`) footnotes = GenericRelation(Footnote) class Meta: unique_together = (("name", "street_address", "city", "country"),) def __repr__(self): return '<Location pk:%s %s>' % ( or '??', str(self)) def __str__(self): str_parts = [, self.street_address,] return ', '.join([part for part in str_parts if part])
[docs] def arrondissement(self): '''Get the arrondissement corresponding to a particular postal code in Paris. If the `Location` is not in Paris or doesn't have a postal code, return None.''' # Arrondissement is the last two digits of postal code - see: # # note that the 16th R is unique in being split into two subsections; # the northern 16th starts with 751. all others start with 750 try: prefix = self.postal_code[:3] if prefix == '750' or prefix == '751': # postcode n paris proper return int(self.postal_code[-2:]) # use last two digits except (ValueError, IndexError, AttributeError): return None
[docs] def arrondissement_ordinal(self): '''Arrondissement in Frech ordinal notation, with superscript.''' val = self.arrondissement() if val: suffix = 'er' if val == 1 else 'e' return mark_safe('%d<sup>%s</sup>' % (val, suffix)) return ''
[docs]class Profession(Named, Notable): '''Profession for a :class:`Person`'''
[docs]class PersonQuerySet(models.QuerySet): '''Custom :class:`models.QuerySet` for :class:`Person`'''
[docs] def library_members(self): '''Restrict queryset to people who are library members, based on associated account.''' return self.exclude(account=None)
[docs] @transaction.atomic def merge_with(self, person): '''Merge all person records in the current queryset with the specified person. This entails the following: - all events from accounts associated with people in the queryset are reassociated with the specified person - all addresses associated with people in the queryset or their accounts are reassociated with the specified person or their account - TODO: copy other details and update other relationships - after data has been copied over, people in the queryset and their accounts will be deleted Raises an error if the specified person has more than one account or if any people in the queryset have an account associated with another person. :param person: :class:`Person` person :raises django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned: if selected :class:`Person` has multiple accounts _or_ any person in the queryset has an account shared with another person ''' # identify the account other events will be reassociated with, if exists primary_account = None if person.has_account(): primary_account = person.account_set.first() # error if more than account, since we can't pick which to merge to if person.account_set.count() > 1: raise MultipleObjectsReturned("Can't merge with a person record that has multiple accounts.") # error if any accounts have more than one person associated if self.annotate(account_people=models.Count('account__persons')) \ .filter(account_people__gt=1).exists(): raise MultipleObjectsReturned("Can't merge a person record with a shared account.") # make sure specified person is skipped even if in the current queryset merge_people = self.exclude( Creator = apps.get_model('books', 'Creator') # prevents circular import issue for merge_person in merge_people: if merge_person.has_account(): # if the merged person had an account # store primary account card reference if there is one account_card = primary_account.card if primary_account else None for account in merge_person.account_set.all(): # if the account to be merged has an associated library card if account.card: # store the first account card reference we find, # if we don't already have one if not account_card: account_card = account.card else: # unlikely, but if we're merging two accounts with cards # log a warning so we can track it down later if necessary logger.warning('Account %s card %s association will be lost in merge', account, account.card) # if a merge person has an account, but the main person doesn't, # swap the account's owner to the main person if not person.has_account(): account.persons.add(person) account.persons.remove(merge_person) # define the new primary account primary_account = person.account_set.first() else: # reassociate all events with the main account # reassociate any addresses with the main account account.event_set.update(account=primary_account) account.address_set.update(account=primary_account) account.delete() # delete the empty account # if a card was present on the account to be merged and *not* # on the primary account, copy it if not primary_account.card and account_card: primary_account.card = account_card if merge_person.is_creator(): # if the merged person was a creator for creator in merge_person.creator_set.all(): creator.person = person # reassociate the creator relationship to the primary person # update main person record with optional properties set on # the copy if not already present on the main record for attr in ['title', 'mep_id', 'birth_year', 'death_year', 'viaf_id', 'gender', 'profession']: # if not set on main person and set on merge person, copy if not getattr(person, attr) and getattr(merge_person, attr): setattr(person, attr, getattr(merge_person, attr)) # reassociate related person data # - personal addresses merge_person.address_set.update(person=person) # - nationalities person.nationalities.add(*list(merge_person.nationalities.all())) # - relations merge_person.from_relationships.update(from_person=person) merge_person.to_relationships.update(to_person=person) # - info urls merge_person.urls.update(person=person) # - footnotes merge_person.footnotes.update( # - store merged slugs as past slugs if merge_person.slug: PastPersonSlug.objects.create(slug=merge_person.slug, person=person) # consolidate notes and preserve any merged MEP ids # in case we need to find a record based on a deleted MEP id # (e.g. for card import) # get current date to record when this merge happened iso_date ='%Y-%m-%d') notes = [person.notes] notes.extend([p.notes for p in merge_people]) notes.extend(['Merged MEP id %s on %s' % (p.mep_id, iso_date) for p in merge_people if p.mep_id]) notes.extend(['Merged %s on %s' % (, iso_date) for p in merge_people if not p.mep_id]) person.notes = '\n'.join(note for note in notes if note) # delete the now-obsolete person records merge_people.delete() # save any attribute changes
[docs]class PersonSignalHandlers: '''Signal handlers for indexing :class:`Person` records when related records are saved or deleted.'''
[docs] @staticmethod def debug_log(name, count): '''shared debug logging for person signal save handlers''' logger.debug('save %s, reindexing %d related %s', name, count, 'person' if count == 1 else 'people')
[docs] @staticmethod def country_save(sender=None, instance=None, raw=False, **kwargs): '''when a country is saved, reindex any people associated via nationality''' # raw = saved as presented; don't query the database if raw or not return # if any members are associated members = instance.person_set.library_members().all() if members.exists(): PersonSignalHandlers.debug_log('country', members.count()) ModelIndexable.index_items(members)
[docs] @staticmethod def country_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs): '''when a country is deleted, reindex any people associated via nationality before deletion is processed''' # get a list of ids for collected works before clearing them if not return person_ids = instance.person_set.library_members() \ .values_list('id', flat=True) if person_ids: # find the items based on the list of ids to reindex members = Person.objects.filter(id__in=list(person_ids)) # NOTE: this sends pre/post clear signal, but it's not obvious # how to take advantage of that instance.person_set.clear() ModelIndexable.index_items(members)
[docs] @staticmethod def account_save(sender=None, instance=None, raw=False, **kwargs): '''when an account is saved, reindex associated people''' # raw = saved as presented; don't query the database if raw or not return # if any members are associated members = instance.persons.library_members().all() if members.exists(): PersonSignalHandlers.debug_log('account', members.count()) ModelIndexable.index_items(members)
[docs] @staticmethod def account_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs): '''when an account is deleted, reindex associated people before deletion is processed''' # get a list of ids for collected works before clearing them person_ids = instance.persons.library_members() \ .values_list('id', flat=True) if person_ids: # find the items based on the list of ids to reindex members = Person.objects.filter(id__in=list(person_ids)) # NOTE: this sends pre/post clear signal, but it's not obvious # how to take advantage of that instance.persons.clear() ModelIndexable.index_items(members)
[docs] @staticmethod def event_save(sender=None, instance=None, raw=False, **kwargs): '''when an event is saved, reindex people associated with the corresponding account.''' # raw = saved as presented; don't query the database if raw or not return # if any members are associated members = instance.account.persons.library_members().all() if members.exists(): PersonSignalHandlers.debug_log('event', members.count()) ModelIndexable.index_items(members)
[docs] @staticmethod def event_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs): '''when an event is delete, reindex people associated with the corresponding account.''' # get a list of ids for deleted event members = instance.account.persons.library_members() if members.exists(): ModelIndexable.index_items(members)
[docs] @staticmethod def address_save(sender=None, instance=None, raw=False, **kwargs): '''when an address is saved, reindex people associated with the corresponding account.''' # raw = saved as presented; don't query the database if raw: return # some addresses are associated directly to members - these are no # longer valid so we check that it's associated to account instead if and instance.account: # if any members are associated through account members = instance.account.persons.library_members() if members.exists(): PersonSignalHandlers.debug_log('address', members.count()) ModelIndexable.index_items(members)
[docs] @staticmethod def address_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs): '''when an address is deleted, reindex people associated with the corresponding account.''' # check that we are associated to a member's account if instance.account: members = instance.account.persons.library_members() if members.exists(): ModelIndexable.index_items(members)
[docs]class Person(TrackChangesModel, Notable, DateRange, ModelIndexable): '''Model for people in the MEP dataset''' #: MEP xml id mep_id = models.CharField('MEP id', max_length=255, blank=True, help_text='Identifier from XML personography') #: names (first middle last) name = models.CharField(max_length=255, help_text='''Name as firstname lastname, firstname (birthname) married name, or psuedonym (real name)''') #: sort name; authorized name for people with VIAF sort_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, help_text='Sort name in lastname, firstname format; VIAF authorized name if available') #: viaf identifiers viaf_id = models.URLField('VIAF id', blank=True, help_text='Canonical VIAF URI for this person') #: birth year birth_year = AliasIntegerField(db_column='start_year', blank=True, null=True) #: death year death_year = AliasIntegerField(db_column='end_year', blank=True, null=True) #: flag to indicate organization instead of person is_organization = models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text='Check to indicate this entity is an organization rather than a person') #: verified flag verified = models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text='Check to indicate information in this record has been ' + 'checked against the relevant archival sources.') #: slug for use in urls slug = models.SlugField( max_length=100, unique=True, help_text='Short, unique identifier for public URL. ' + 'Recommended format: lastname-firstname (lastname only if unique)') #: update timestamp updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, null=True) MALE = 'M' FEMALE = 'F' NONBINARY = 'N' GENDER_CHOICES = ( (FEMALE, 'Female'), (MALE, 'Male'), (NONBINARY, 'Nonbinary'), ) #: gender gender = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=1, choices=GENDER_CHOICES) #: title title = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255) #: :class:`Profession` profession = models.ForeignKey(Profession, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) #: nationalities, link to :class:`Country` nationalities = models.ManyToManyField(Country, blank=True) #: relationships to other people, via :class:`Relationship` relations = models.ManyToManyField( 'self', through='Relationship', symmetrical=False ) #: footnotes (:class:`~mep.footnotes.models.Footnote`) footnotes = GenericRelation(Footnote) #: a field for notes publicly displayed on the website public_notes = models.TextField( blank=True, help_text='Notes for display on the public site. ' + 'Use markdown for formatting.') # convenience access to associated locations, although # we will probably use Address for most things locations = models.ManyToManyField(Location, through='accounts.Address', blank=True, through_fields=('person', 'location')) # override default manager with customized version objects = PersonQuerySet.as_manager() def __repr__(self): return '<Person pk:%s %s>' % ( or '??', self.sort_name) def __str__(self): '''String representation; use sort name if available with fall back to name''' # if not sort name, return name with title in front # NOTE: strip is there to grab extra space and comma if no title if not self.sort_name: return ('%s %s' % (self.title, # if name sort_name and it's last, first, title goes after if self.sort_name and len(self.sort_name.split(',')) > 1: return ('%s, %s' % (self.sort_name, self.title)).strip(', ') # otherwise, append it to the front for most natural format return ('%s %s' % (self.title, self.sort_name)).strip(', ') class Meta: verbose_name_plural = 'people' ordering = ['sort_name']
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Adds birth and death dates if they aren't already set and there's a viaf id for the record''' if self.viaf_id and not self.birth_year and not self.death_year: self.set_birth_death_years() # if slug has changed, save the old one as a past slug # (skip if record is not yet saved) if and self.has_changed('slug'): PastPersonSlug.objects.get_or_create(slug=self.initial_value('slug'), person=self) super(Person, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def validate_unique(self, exclude=None): # customize uniqueness validation to ensure new slugs don't # conflict with past slugs super().validate_unique(exclude) if PastPersonSlug.objects.filter(slug=self.slug) \ .exclude(person=self).count(): raise ValidationError('Slug is not unique ' + '(conflicts with previously used slugs)')
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self): ''' Return the public url to view library member's detail page ''' # Only people with accounts have member detail pages if self.has_account(): return reverse('people:member-detail', args=[self.slug])
# for now returning no url for person with no account @property def viaf(self): ''':class:`viapy.api.ViafEntity` for this record if :attr:`viaf_id` is set.''' if self.viaf_id: return ViafEntity(self.viaf_id) @property def short_name(self): '''Shortened form of name used for locations where space is tight, e.g. breadcrumb navigation''' # return the initial portion, before parenthesis or a comma return self.sort_name.split(',')[0].split('(')[0].strip() @property def firstname_last(self): '''Primary name in 'firstname lastname' format for display''' names = self.sort_name.split(', ', 1) return ' '.join(reversed(names)) @property def card(self): '''Lending library card record associated with member account''' account = self.account_set.first() if account: return account.card
[docs] def set_birth_death_years(self): '''Set local birth and death dates based on information from VIAF''' if self.viaf_id: self.birth_year = self.viaf.birthyear self.death_year = self.viaf.deathyear
[docs] def list_nationalities(self): '''Return comma separated list of nationalities (if any) for :class:`Person` list_view.''' nationalities = self.nationalities.all().order_by('name') if nationalities.exists(): return ', '.join( for country in nationalities) return ''
list_nationalities.short_description = 'Nationalities' list_nationalities.admin_order_field = 'nationalities__name'
[docs] def address_count(self): '''Number of documented addresses for this person, associated through their account.''' # used in admin list view if self.has_account(): return self.account_set.first().address_set.count() return 0
address_count.short_description = '# Addresses'
[docs] def account_id(self): '''Return the id number of the person's associated :class:`~mep.accounts.models.Account` or empty string if not.''' # used in admin list view, assumes only one account but # uses M2M prior to refactor if self.account_set.exists(): return self.account_set.first().id return ''
[docs] def has_account(self): '''Return whether an instance of :class:`mep.accounts.models.Account` exists for this person.''' return self.account_set.exists()
has_account.boolean = True
[docs] def subscription_dates(self): '''Return a semi-colon separated list of :class:`mep.accounts.models.Subscription` instances associated with this person's account(s).''' if self.account_set.exists(): subscriptions = self.account_set.first().event_set.subscriptions() # NOTE: This will return unknown year events first, followed by # actual years since presumably all correct years will follow 1900 # as the value for UNKNOWN_YEAR return '; '.join([sub.date_range for sub in subscriptions.order_by('start_date')]) return ''
[docs] def is_creator(self): '''Return whether this person is a :class:`mep.books.models.Creator` of an :class:`mep.books.models.Item` .''' return self.creator_set.exists()
is_creator.boolean = True
[docs] def in_logbooks(self): '''is there data for this person in the logbooks?''' # based on presense of subscription or reimbursement event return self.account_set.filter( models.Q(event__subscription__isnull=False) | models.Q(event__reimbursement__isnull=False) ).exists()
in_logbooks.boolean = True
[docs] def has_card(self): '''The library account for this person has an associated lending card''' return self.account_set.filter(card__isnull=False).exists()
has_card.boolean = True
[docs] def admin_url(self): '''URL to edit this record in the admin site''' return reverse('admin:people_person_change', args=[])
admin_url.verbose_name = 'Admin Link' index_depends_on = { 'nationalities': { 'post_save': PersonSignalHandlers.country_save, 'pre_delete': PersonSignalHandlers.country_delete, }, 'account_set': { 'post_save': PersonSignalHandlers.account_save, 'pre_delete': PersonSignalHandlers.account_delete, }, 'accounts.Event': { 'post_save': PersonSignalHandlers.event_save, 'post_delete': PersonSignalHandlers.event_delete, }, # unfortunately the generic event signals aren't fired # when subclass types are edited directly, so bind the same signal 'accounts.Borrow': { 'post_save': PersonSignalHandlers.event_save, 'post_delete': PersonSignalHandlers.event_delete, }, 'accounts.Purchase': { 'post_save': PersonSignalHandlers.event_save, 'post_delete': PersonSignalHandlers.event_delete, }, 'accounts.Subscription': { 'post_save': PersonSignalHandlers.event_save, 'post_delete': PersonSignalHandlers.event_delete, }, 'accounts.Reimbursement': { 'post_save': PersonSignalHandlers.event_save, 'post_delete': PersonSignalHandlers.event_delete, }, # address changes can affect arrondissement 'accounts.Address': { 'post_save': PersonSignalHandlers.address_save, 'post_delete': PersonSignalHandlers.address_delete, } }
[docs] @classmethod def items_to_index(cls): '''Custom logic for finding items to be indexed when indexing in bulk; only include library members.''' return cls.objects.library_members()
[docs] def index_data(self): '''data for indexing in Solr''' index_data = super().index_data() # only library members are indexed; if person has no # account, return id only. # This will blank out any previously indexed values, and item # will not be findable by any public searchable fields. if not self.has_account(): del index_data['item_type'] return index_data # get account membership dates account = self.account_set.first() index_data.update({ 'name_t':, 'slug_s': self.slug, # text version of sort name for search and display 'sort_name_t': self.sort_name, # sort version of sort name 'sort_name_isort': self.sort_name, 'birth_year_i': self.birth_year, 'death_year_i': self.death_year, 'has_card_b': self.has_card(), 'nationality': list(self.nationalities.all() .values_list('name', flat=True)) }) # conditionally set fields that are not always present # to avoid storing 'None' in Solr if self.gender: index_data['gender_s'] = self.get_gender_display() account_dates = account.event_dates if account_dates: # use active date ranges to get a list of all years + months # that this person was an active member # (includes subscription spans without events in that month) months = account.active_months() logbook_months = account.active_months('membership') card_months = account.active_months('books') # generate list of years from all event dates (not based on # active months since that excludes partial dates where only # year is known) account_years = set(date.year for date in account_dates) # convert sets back to list for json serialization index_data.update({ 'account_years_is': list(account_years), 'account_yearmonths_is': list(months), 'logbook_yearmonths_is': list(logbook_months), 'card_yearmonths_is': list(card_months), # use min and max because set order is not guaranteed 'account_start_i': min(account_years), 'account_end_i': max(account_years), }) if self.gender: index_data['gender_s'] = self.get_gender_display() # if the Person has associated Addresses through their account, get # the corresponding Paris arrondissements via their postal codes. If # we find any, add the unique ones for searching. if self.address_count() > 0: locs = Location.objects.filter(address__in=account.address_set.all()) arrs = list(set(filter(None, [l.arrondissement() for l in locs]))) if arrs: index_data['arrondissement_is'] = arrs return index_data
[docs]class PastPersonSlug(models.Model): '''A slug that was previously associated with a person; preserved so that former slugs will resolve to the correct person.''' #: person record this slug belonged to person = models.ForeignKey(Person, related_name='past_slugs', on_delete=models.CASCADE) #: slug slug = models.SlugField( max_length=100, unique=True, help_text='Short, durable, unique identifier for use in URLs. ' + 'Editing will change the public, citable URL for library members.')
[docs]class InfoURL(Notable): '''Informational urls (other than VIAF) associated with a :class:`Person`, e.g. Wikipedia page.''' url = models.URLField( verbose_name='URL', help_text='Additional (non-VIAF) URLs for a person.') person = models.ForeignKey(Person, related_name='urls', on_delete=models.CASCADE) class Meta: verbose_name = 'Informational URL' def __repr__(self): return "<InfoURL pk:%s %s>" % ( or '??', self.url) def __str__(self): return self.url
[docs]class RelationshipType(Named, Notable): '''Types of relationships between one :class:`Person` and another'''
[docs]class Relationship(Notable): '''Through model for :class:`Person` to ``self``''' from_person = models.ForeignKey( Person, related_name='from_relationships', on_delete=models.CASCADE) to_person = models.ForeignKey( Person, related_name='to_relationships', on_delete=models.CASCADE) relationship_type = models.ForeignKey( RelationshipType, on_delete=models.CASCADE) def __repr__(self): '''Custom method to produce a more human useable representation than dict in this case ''' return ("<Relationship {'from_person': <Person %s>, " "'to_person': <Person %s>, 'relationship_type': " "<RelationshipType %s>}>") % (,, def __str__(self): return '%s is a %s to %s.' % (,, )