Source code for mep.footnotes.models

import logging
from collections import defaultdict

from django.apps import apps
from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericForeignKey
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.functions import Coalesce
from django.utils.html import format_html
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from djiffy.models import Canvas, Manifest
from parasolr.django.indexing import ModelIndexable

from mep.common.models import Named, Notable

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BibliographySignalHandlers: '''Signal handlers for indexing :class:`Bibliography` records when related records are saved or deleted.'''
[docs] @staticmethod def debug_log(name, count, mode='save'): '''shared debug logging for card signal save handlers''' logger.debug('%s %s, reindexing %d related card%s', mode, name, count, '' if count == 1 else 's')
[docs] @staticmethod def person_save(sender=None, instance=None, raw=False, **kwargs): '''when a person is saved, reindex bibliography card records associated through an account''' # raw = saved as presented; don't query the database if raw or not return # find any cards associated via an account cards = Bibliography.objects.filter( if cards.exists(): BibliographySignalHandlers.debug_log('person', cards.count()) ModelIndexable.index_items(cards)
[docs] @staticmethod def person_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs): '''when a person is deleted, reindex any bibliography card records associated through an account''' card_ids = Bibliography.objects \ .filter( \ .values_list('id', flat=True) if card_ids: # find the items based on the list of ids to reindex cards = Bibliography.objects.filter(id__in=list(card_ids)) # clear the assocation so items will index without this person instance.account_set.clear() BibliographySignalHandlers.debug_log('person', cards.count(), mode='delete') ModelIndexable.index_items(cards)
[docs] @staticmethod def account_save(sender=None, instance=None, raw=False, **_kwargs): '''when an account is saved, reindex any associated library lending card.''' # raw = saved as presented; don't query the database if raw or not return # find any cards associated with this account cards = Bibliography.objects.filter( if cards.exists(): BibliographySignalHandlers.debug_log('account', cards.count()) ModelIndexable.index_items(cards)
[docs] @staticmethod def account_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs): '''when an account is deleted, reindex any associated library lending card''' card_ids = Bibliography.objects.filter( \ .values_list('id', flat=True) if card_ids: # delete the assocation so cards will index without the account instance.card = None # find the items based on the list of ids to reindex cards = Bibliography.objects.filter(id__in=list(card_ids)) BibliographySignalHandlers.debug_log('account', cards.count(), mode='delete') ModelIndexable.index_items(cards)
[docs] @staticmethod def manifest_save(sender=None, instance=None, raw=False, **kwargs): '''when a manifest is saved, reindex associated library lending card''' # raw = saved as presented; don't query the database if raw or not return # find any cards associated with this account cards = Bibliography.objects.filter( if cards.exists(): BibliographySignalHandlers.debug_log('manifest', cards.count()) ModelIndexable.index_items(cards)
[docs] @staticmethod def manifest_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs): '''when a manifest is deleted, reindex associated library lending card''' card_ids = Bibliography.objects.filter( \ .values_list('id', flat=True) if card_ids: # delete the assocation so cards will index without the account instance.bibliography_set.clear() # find the items based on the list of ids to reindex cards = Bibliography.objects.filter(id__in=list(card_ids)) BibliographySignalHandlers.debug_log('manifest', cards.count(), mode='delete') ModelIndexable.index_items(cards)
[docs] @staticmethod def canvas_save(sender=None, instance=None, raw=False, **kwargs): '''when a canvas is saved, reindex library lending card associated via manifest''' # raw = saved as presented; don't query the database if raw or not return # find any cards associated with this canvas, via manifest cards = Bibliography.objects.filter( if cards.exists(): BibliographySignalHandlers.debug_log('canvas', cards.count()) ModelIndexable.index_items(cards)
[docs] @staticmethod def canvas_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs): '''when a canvas is deleted, reindex library lending card associated via manifest''' cards = Bibliography.objects.filter( if cards.exists(): BibliographySignalHandlers.debug_log('canvas', cards.count(), mode='delete') ModelIndexable.index_items(cards)
[docs] @staticmethod def event_save(sender=None, instance=None, raw=False, **_kwargs): '''when an event is saved, reindex library lending card associated via account''' # NOTE: should this also/instead rely on footnote associatio? # raw = saved as presented; don't query the database if raw or not return # find any cards associated with this event, via account cards = Bibliography.objects.filter( if cards.exists(): BibliographySignalHandlers.debug_log('event', cards.count()) ModelIndexable.index_items(cards)
[docs] @staticmethod def event_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs): '''when an event is deleted, reindex library lending card associated via account''' cards = Bibliography.objects.filter( if cards.exists(): BibliographySignalHandlers.debug_log('event', cards.count(), mode='delete') ModelIndexable.index_items(cards)
[docs]class SourceType(Named, Notable): '''Type of source document.'''
[docs] def item_count(self): '''number of associated bibliographic items''' return self.bibliography_set.count()
item_count.short_description = '# items'
[docs]class Bibliography(Notable, ModelIndexable): # Note: citation might be better singular bibliographic_note = models.TextField( help_text='Full bibliographic citation') source_type = models.ForeignKey(SourceType, on_delete=models.CASCADE) #: digital version as instance of :class:`djiffy.models.Manifest` manifest = models.ForeignKey( Manifest, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, help_text='Digitized version of lending card, if locally available') class Meta: verbose_name_plural = 'Bibliographies' ordering = ('bibliographic_note',) def __str__(self): return self.bibliographic_note
[docs] def footnote_count(self): '''number of footnotes this item is referenced in''' return self.footnote_set.count()
footnote_count.short_description = '# footnotes'
[docs] @classmethod def index_item_type(cls): """Label for this kind of indexable item.""" # override default behavior (using model verbose name) # since we are only care about indexing cards, and not # all bibliography records return 'card'
[docs] @classmethod def items_to_index(cls): '''Custom logic for finding items for bulk indexing; only include records associated with an account and with a IIIF manifest.''' return cls.objects.filter(account__isnull=False, manifest__isnull=False)
index_depends_on = { 'account_set': { 'post_save': BibliographySignalHandlers.account_save, 'pre_delete': BibliographySignalHandlers.account_delete }, 'account_set__persons': { 'post_save': BibliographySignalHandlers.person_save, 'pre_delete': BibliographySignalHandlers.person_delete }, # NOTE: using app.Model notation here because # parasolr doesn't currently support foreignkey relation lookup 'djiffy.Manifest': { 'post_save': BibliographySignalHandlers.manifest_save, 'pre_delete': BibliographySignalHandlers.manifest_delete }, 'djiffy.Canvas': { 'post_save': BibliographySignalHandlers.canvas_save, 'post_delete': BibliographySignalHandlers.canvas_delete }, 'accounts.Event': { 'post_save': BibliographySignalHandlers.event_save, 'post_delete': BibliographySignalHandlers.event_delete, }, # unfortunately the generic event signals aren't fired # when subclass types are edited directly, so bind the same signal 'accounts.Borrow': { 'post_save': BibliographySignalHandlers.event_save, 'post_delete': BibliographySignalHandlers.event_delete, }, 'accounts.Purchase': { 'post_save': BibliographySignalHandlers.event_save, 'post_delete': BibliographySignalHandlers.event_delete, }, 'accounts.Subscription': { 'post_save': BibliographySignalHandlers.event_save, 'post_delete': BibliographySignalHandlers.event_delete, }, 'accounts.Reimbursement': { 'post_save': BibliographySignalHandlers.event_save, 'post_delete': BibliographySignalHandlers.event_delete, } }
[docs] def index_data(self): '''data for indexing in Solr''' index_data = super().index_data() # only library lending cards are indexed; if bibliography # does not have a manifest or is not associated with an account, # return id only. # This will blank out any previously indexed values, and item # will not be findable by any public searchable fields. account = self.account_set.all().first() if not self.manifest or not self.account_set.all().exists(): del index_data['item_type'] return index_data # we expect a thumbnail, but possible there is none if self.manifest.thumbnail: iiif_thumbnail = self.manifest.thumbnail.image # for now, store iiif thumbnail urls directly index_data['thumbnail_t'] = str(iiif_thumbnail.size(width=225)) index_data['thumbnail2x_t'] = str(iiif_thumbnail.size(width=225 * 2)) names = [] account_years = set() for account in self.account_set.all(): for person in account.persons.all(): names.append(person.sort_name) account_years.update(set(date.year for date in account.event_dates)) if names: index_data.update({ 'cardholder_t': names, 'cardholder_sort_s': names[0], }) if account_years: index_data.update({ 'years_is': list(account_years), 'start_i': min(account_years), 'end_i': max(account_years), }) return index_data
[docs]class FootnoteQuerySet(models.QuerySet): '''Custom :class:`models.QuerySet` for :class:`Footnote`'''
[docs] def on_events(self): '''Filter to footnotes that are associated with events''' return self.filter( content_type__app_label='accounts', content_type__model__in=['event', 'borrow', 'purchase'])
[docs] def events(self): '''Return an Events queryset for all events associated with the current footnote queryset.''' # use get model to avoid circular import Event = apps.get_model('accounts', 'Event') # get Event content type event_content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Event) # get a list of event ids from the current footnote queryset event_ids = self.filter(content_type=event_content_type) \ .values_list('object_id', flat=True) # find and return corresponding events return Event.objects.filter(pk__in=event_ids)
[docs] def event_date_range(self): '''Find earliest and latest dates for any events associated with footnotes in this queryset. Returns a tuple of earliest and latest dates, or None if no dates are found.''' # find corresponding events, filter out unknown years, # and aggregrate dates to get earliest and latest from this set # date_values = Event.objects.filter(filter_q).known_years() \ date_values = \ .annotate( start_dates=Coalesce('start_date', 'end_date'), end_dates=Coalesce('end_date', 'start_date')) \ .aggregate(first=models.Min('start_dates'), last=models.Max('end_dates')) # return earliest and latest dates, unless result is None if date_values['first']: return date_values['first'], date_values['last']
[docs]class Footnote(Notable): '''Footnote that can be associated with any other model via generic relationship. Used to provide supporting documentation for or against information in the system. ''' bibliography = models.ForeignKey(Bibliography, on_delete=models.CASCADE) location = models.TextField( blank=True, help_text='Page number for a book, URL for part of a website,' + ' or other location inside of a larger work.') snippet_text = models.TextField(blank=True) content_type = models.ForeignKey( ContentType, on_delete=models.CASCADE, # restrict choices to "content" models (exclude django/admin models) # and models that are available in django admin # (otherwise, lookup is not possible) # TODO: add items here as the application expands limit_choices_to=models.Q( app_label='people', model__in=['country', 'person', 'address', 'profession']) | models.Q( app_label='accounts', model__in=['account', 'event']) | models.Q(app_label='books', model__in=['work']) ) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() content_object = GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id') is_agree = models.BooleanField( 'Supports', help_text='True if the evidence ' + 'supports the information in the system, False if it contradicts.', default=True) image = models.ForeignKey( Canvas, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, help_text='Image location from an imported manifest, if available.') # override default manager with customized version objects = FootnoteQuerySet.as_manager() def __str__(self): return 'Footnote on %s (%s)' % \ (self.content_object, ' '.join([str(i) for i in [self.bibliography, self.location] if i])) # NOTE: for convenient access from other models, add a # reverse generic relation # # from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericRelation # from mep.footnotes.models import Footnote # # footnotes = GenericRelation(Footnote)
[docs] def image_thumbnail(self): '''Use admin thumbnail from image if available, but wrap in a link using rendering url from manifest when present''' if self.image: img = self.image.admin_thumbnail() if 'rendering' in self.image.manifest.extra_data: img = format_html( '<a target="_blank" href="{}">{}</a>', self.image.manifest.extra_data['rendering']['@id'], mark_safe(img)) return img
image_thumbnail.allow_tags = True