Source code for mep.common.models

from django.db import models
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError

# abstract models with common fields to be
# used as mix-ins

[docs]class AliasIntegerField(models.IntegerField): '''Alias field adapted from to allow accessing an existing db field by a different name, both for user display and in model and queryset use. '''
[docs] def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name, private_only=False): # configure as a non-concrete field (no db column associated) super(AliasIntegerField, self).contribute_to_class( cls, name, private_only=True,) self.concrete = False setattr(cls, name, self)
def __get__(self, instance, instance_type=None): # if no instance is defined, return the descriptor object if not instance: return self return getattr(instance, self.db_column) def __set__(self, instance, value, instance_type=None): if not instance: raise AttributeError('Are you trying to set a field that does not ' 'exist on the aliased model?') return setattr(instance, self.db_column, value)
[docs]class Named(models.Model): '''Abstract model with a 'name' field; by default, name is used as the string display.''' #: unique name (required) name = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True) class Meta: abstract = True ordering = ['name'] def __repr__(self): # name is unique, so should be sufficient to identify return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, def __str__(self): return
[docs]class Notable(models.Model): '''Abstract model with an optional notes text field''' #: optional notes notes = models.TextField(blank=True) class Meta: abstract = True
[docs] def has_notes(self): '''boolean flag indicating if notes are present, for display in admin lists''' return bool(self.notes)
has_notes.boolean = True snippet_length = 75
[docs] def note_snippet(self): '''First 75 letters of the note, for brief display''' return ''.join([ self.notes[:self.snippet_length], ' ...' if len(self.notes) > self.snippet_length else '' ])
note_snippet.short_description = 'Notes' note_snippet.admin_order_field = 'notes'
[docs]class DateRange(models.Model): '''Abstract model with optional start and end years, and a custom dates property to display the date range nicely. Includes validation that requires end year falls after start year.''' #: start year (optional) start_year = models.SmallIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) #: end year (optional) end_year = models.SmallIntegerField(null=True, blank=True) class Meta: abstract = True @property def dates(self): '''Date or date range as a string for display''' # no dates are set if not self.start_year and not self.end_year: return '' if not self.end_year: # only start year # '100 BCE –' / '1900 –' return '%s –' % DateRange._year_str(self.start_year) # only end year if not self.start_year: # '– 100 BCE' / '– 1900' return '– %s' % DateRange._year_str(self.end_year) # same year if self.start_year == self.end_year: # '100 BCE' / '1900' return DateRange._year_str(self.start_year) # start date is BCE if self.start_year < 0: # end date is BCE if self.end_year < 0: # '100 – 50 BCE' return '%s%s BCE' % (abs(self.start_year), abs(self.end_year)) # '100 BCE – 20 CE' return '%s BCE – %s CE' % (abs(self.start_year), self.end_year) # both CE, '1900 – 1901' return '%s%s' % (self.start_year, self.end_year)
[docs] def clean(self): '''validate that end year is greater than or equal to start year''' # require end year to be greater than or equal to start year # (allowing equal to support single-year ranges) if self.start_year and self.end_year and \ self.start_year > self.end_year: raise ValidationError('End year must be after start year')
@staticmethod def _year_str(year): if year < 0: return '%s BCE' % abs(year) return str(year)
[docs]class TrackChangesModel(models.Model): ''':class:`~django.models.Model` mixin that keeps a copy of initial data in order to check if fields have been changed. Change detection only works on the current instance of an object.''' # NOTE: copied from ppa-django codebase class Meta: abstract = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # store a copy of model data to allow for checking if # it has changed self.__initial = self.__dict__.copy()
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Saves data and reset copy of initial data.''' super().save(*args, **kwargs) # update copy of initial data to reflect saved state self.__initial = self.__dict__.copy()
[docs] def has_changed(self, field): '''check if a field has been changed''' return getattr(self, field) != self.__initial[field]
[docs] def initial_value(self, field): '''return the initial value for a field''' return self.__initial[field]