Source code for mep.books.views

from dal import autocomplete
from django.db.models import F, Q
from django.http import Http404, HttpResponsePermanentRedirect
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.html import strip_tags
from django.views.generic import DetailView, ListView
from django.views.generic.edit import FormMixin

from mep.accounts.models import Event
from mep.accounts.templatetags.account_tags import as_ranges
from mep.books.forms import WorkSearchForm
from mep.books.models import Work
from mep.books.queryset import WorkSolrQuerySet
from mep.common import SCHEMA_ORG
from mep.common.utils import absolutize_url, alpha_pagelabels
from mep.common.views import AjaxTemplateMixin, FacetJSONMixin, \
    LabeledPagesMixin, RdfViewMixin, SolrLastModifiedMixin
from mep.footnotes.models import Footnote

[docs]class WorkList(LabeledPagesMixin, SolrLastModifiedMixin, ListView, FormMixin, AjaxTemplateMixin, FacetJSONMixin, RdfViewMixin): '''List page for searching and browsing library items.''' model = Work page_title = "Books" page_description = "Search and lending library books by title, author," + \ " or keyword and filter by circulation date." template_name = 'books/work_list.html' ajax_template_name = 'books/snippets/work_results.html' paginate_by = 100 context_object_name = 'works' rdf_type = SCHEMA_ORG.SearchResultPage solr_lastmodified_filters = {'item_type': 'work'} form_class = WorkSearchForm _form = None initial = {'sort': 'title'} #: mappings for Solr field names to form aliases range_field_map = { 'event_years': 'circulation_dates', } #: fields to generate stats on in self.get_ranges stats_fields = ('event_years',)
[docs] def get_form_kwargs(self): kwargs = super().get_form_kwargs() form_data = self.request.GET.copy() # set defaults for key, val in self.initial.items(): form_data.setdefault(key, val) # set relevance sort as default when there is a search term if form_data.get('query', None): form_data.setdefault('sort', 'relevance') kwargs['data'] = form_data # get min/max configuration for range fields kwargs['range_minmax'] = self.get_range_stats() return kwargs
# adapted from member list view
[docs] def get_range_stats(self): """Return the min and max for fields specified in :class:`WorkList`'s stats_fields :returns: Dictionary keyed on form field name with a tuple of (min, max) as integers. If stats are not returned from the field, the key is not added to a dictionary. :rtype: dict """ stats = WorkSolrQuerySet().stats(*self.stats_fields).get_stats() min_max_ranges = {} if not stats: return min_max_ranges for name in self.stats_fields: try: min_year = int(stats['stats_fields'][name]['min']) max_year = int(stats['stats_fields'][name]['max']) # map to form field name if an alias is provided min_max_ranges[self.range_field_map.get(name, name)] \ = (min_year, max_year) # If the field stats are missing, min and max will be NULL, # rendered as None. # The TypeError will catch and pass returning an empty entry # for that field but allowing others to be passed on. except TypeError: pass return min_max_ranges
[docs] def get_form(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self._form: self._form = super().get_form(*args, **kwargs) return self._form
# map form sort to solr sort solr_sort = { 'relevance': '-score', 'title': 'sort_title_isort', 'author': 'sort_authors_isort', 'pubdate': '-pub_date_i', 'circulation': '-event_count_i', 'circulation_date': 'first_event_date_i', } # NOTE: might be able to infer reverse sort from _desc/_za # instead of hard-coding here #: bib data query alias field syntax (configured defaults is edismax) search_bib_query = '{!qf=$bib_qf pf=$bib_pf v=$bib_query}'
[docs] def get_queryset(self): # NOTE faceting so that response doesn't register as an error; # data is currently unused sqs = WorkSolrQuerySet().facet_field('format', exclude='format') form = self.get_form() # empty qs if not valid if not form.is_valid(): sqs = sqs.none() # otherwise apply filters, query, sort, etc. else: search_opts = form.cleaned_data if search_opts.get('query', None): sqs = \ .raw_query_parameters(bib_query=search_opts['query']) \ .also('score') # include relevance score in results sort_opt = self.solr_sort[search_opts['sort']] sqs = sqs.order_by(sort_opt) # when not sorting by title, use title as secondary sort if self.solr_sort['title'] not in sort_opt: sqs = sqs.order_by(self.solr_sort['title']) # range filter by circulation dates, if set if search_opts['circulation_dates']: sqs = sqs.filter( event_years__range=search_opts['circulation_dates']) self.queryset = sqs return sqs
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) facets = self.object_list.get_facets().get('facet_fields', None) error_message = '' # facets are not set if there is an error on the query if facets: self._form.set_choices_from_facets(facets) else: # if facets are not set, the query errored error_message = 'Something went wrong.' context.update({ 'page_title': self.page_title, 'page_description': self.page_description, 'error_message': error_message, 'uncertainty_message': Work.UNCERTAINTY_MESSAGE }) return context
[docs] def get_page_labels(self, paginator): '''generate labels for pagination''' # if form is invalid, page labels should show 'N/A' form = self.get_form() if not form.is_valid(): return [(1, 'N/A')] sort = form.cleaned_data['sort'] if sort in ['title', 'author', 'pubdate', 'circulation_date']: sort_field = self.solr_sort[sort].lstrip('-') # otherwise, when sorting by alpha, generate alpha page labels # Only return sort name; get everything at once to avoid # hitting Solr for each page / item. pagination_qs = self.queryset.only(sort_field) \ .get_results(rows=100000) # cast to string so integers (year) can be treated the same alpha_labels = alpha_pagelabels( paginator, pagination_qs, lambda x: str(x.get(sort_field, '')), max_chars=4) # alpha labels is a dict; use items to return list of tuples return alpha_labels.items() # otherwise use default page label logic return super().get_page_labels(paginator)
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self): '''Get the full URI of this page.''' return absolutize_url(reverse('books:books-list'))
[docs] def get_breadcrumbs(self): '''Get the list of breadcrumbs and links to display for this page.''' # NOTE we can't set this as an attribute on the view because it calls # reverse() via get_absolute_url(), which needs the urlconf to be loaded return [ ('Home', absolutize_url('/')), (self.page_title, self.get_absolute_url()) ]
[docs]class WorkLastModifiedListMixin(SolrLastModifiedMixin): '''last modified mixin with common logic for all work detail views'''
[docs] def get_solr_lastmodified_filters(self): '''filter solr query by item type and slug''' # NOTE: slug_s because not using aliased queryset return {'item_type': 'work', 'slug_s': self.kwargs['slug']}
[docs]class WorkPastSlugMixin: '''View mixin to handle redirects for previously used slugs. If the main view logic raises a 404, looks for a work by past slug; if one is found, redirects to the corresponding work detail page with the new slug. '''
[docs] def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): '''Handle a 404 on the default GET logic — if the slug matches a past slug, redirect to the equivalent url for that work; otherwise raise the 404.''' try: return super().get(request, *args, **kwargs) except Http404: # if not found, check for a match on a past slug work = Work.objects.filter(past_slugs__slug=self.kwargs['slug']) \ .first() # if found, redirect to the correct url for this view if work: # patch in the correct slug for use with get absolute url self.kwargs['slug'] = work.slug self.object = work # used by member detail absolute url return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(self.get_absolute_url()) # otherwise, raise the 404 raise
[docs]class WorkDetail(WorkPastSlugMixin, WorkLastModifiedListMixin, DetailView, RdfViewMixin): '''Detail page for a single library book.''' model = Work template_name = 'books/work_detail.html' context_object_name = 'work' rdf_type = SCHEMA_ORG.ItemPage
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self): '''Get the full URI of this page.''' return absolutize_url(self.object.get_absolute_url())
[docs] def get_breadcrumbs(self): '''Get the list of breadcrumbs and links to display for this page.''' return [ ('Home', absolutize_url('/')), (WorkList.page_title, WorkList().get_absolute_url()), (self.object.title, self.get_absolute_url()) ]
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) description = '' if self.object.authors: description = 'By %s' % ','.join( [ for a in self.object.authors]) if self.object.year: description += ', %s' % self.object.year description += '. ' # text-only readable version of membership years for meta description circ_years = strip_tags(as_ranges(self.object.event_years) .replace('</span>', ',')).rstrip(',') description += '%d event%s in %s. ' % \ (self.object.event_count, '' if self.object.event_count == 1 else 's', circ_years) if self.object.public_notes: description += self.object.public_notes context.update({ 'page_title': self.object.title, 'page_description': description, }) return context
[docs]class WorkCirculation(WorkPastSlugMixin, WorkLastModifiedListMixin, ListView, RdfViewMixin): '''Display a list of circulation events (borrows, purchases, etc) for an individual work.''' model = Event template_name = 'books/circulation.html'
[docs] def get_queryset(self): '''Fetch all events associated with this work.''' return super().get_queryset() \ .filter(work__slug=self.kwargs['slug']) \ .select_related('borrow', 'purchase', 'account', 'edition') \ .prefetch_related('account__persons')
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): # should 404 if invalid work slug # store work before calling super() so available for breadcrumbs = get_object_or_404(Work, slug=self.kwargs['slug']) context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) context.update({ 'work':, 'page_title': '%s Circulation Activity' % }) return context
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self): '''Get the full URI of this page.''' return absolutize_url(reverse('books:book-circ', kwargs=self.kwargs))
[docs] def get_breadcrumbs(self): '''Get the list of breadcrumbs and links to display for this page.''' return [ ('Home', absolutize_url('/')), (WorkList.page_title, WorkList().get_absolute_url()), (, absolutize_url(, ('Circulation', self.get_absolute_url()) ]
[docs]class WorkCardList(WorkPastSlugMixin, WorkLastModifiedListMixin, ListView, RdfViewMixin): '''Card thumbnails for lending card associated with a single library member.''' model = Footnote template_name = 'books/work_cardlist.html' context_object_name = 'footnotes'
[docs] def get_queryset(self): # find the associated book; 404 if not found = get_object_or_404(Work, slug=self.kwargs['slug']) # find footnotes for events associated with this work # that have images return super().get_queryset() \ .on_events() \ .filter( \ .filter(image__isnull=False) \ .prefetch_related('content_object', 'image') \ .order_by(F('events__start_date_precision').desc(), F('events__start_date').asc(nulls_last=True))
# NOTE: sorting by date precision decending (with default nulls first) # so that full precision dates (null or 7) come before partial dates
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self): '''Full URI for work card list page.''' return absolutize_url(reverse('books:book-card-list', kwargs=self.kwargs))
[docs] def get_breadcrumbs(self): '''Get the list of breadcrumbs and links to display for this page.''' return [ ('Home', absolutize_url('/')), (WorkList.page_title, WorkList().get_absolute_url()), (, absolutize_url(, ('Cards', self.get_absolute_url()) ]
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) page_title = 'Lending library cards that reference %s' % \ # there should always be at least one card, but handle in # case of data errors page_image = None if self.object_list.count(): page_image = self.object_list.first().image.image card_count = self.object_list.count() page_description = '%d card%s' % \ (card_count, 's' if card_count != 1 else '') context.update({ 'work':, 'page_title': page_title, 'page_description': page_description, 'page_iiif_image': page_image }) return context
[docs]class WorkAutocomplete(autocomplete.Select2QuerySetView): '''Basic autocomplete lookup, for use with django-autocomplete-light and :class:`mep.books.models.Work` for borrowing and purchasing events'''
[docs] def get_queryset(self): '''Get a queryset filtered by query string. Only searches on title, mep id and notes for now, since that is all our stub records include. ''' return Work.objects.filter( Q(title__icontains=self.q) | Q(mep_id__icontains=self.q) | Q(notes__icontains=self.q) ).order_by('title') # meaningful default sort?