Source code for mep.accounts.partial_date

import datetime
import re

from django import forms
from django.core.validators import RegexValidator, ValidationError
from django.db import models
from flags import Flags

[docs]class DatePrecision(Flags): '''Flag class to indicate which parts of a date are known.''' year = () month = () day = ()
[docs]class DatePrecisionField(models.PositiveSmallIntegerField): '''Integer representation of a :class:`DatePrecision`.''' description = 'Integer representation of DatePrecision flags.'
[docs] def to_python(self, value): '''Convert integer to :class`DatePrecision` if set''' return DatePrecision(value) if value else None
[docs] def from_db_value(self, value, expression, connection): '''Convert values returned from database to :class:`DatePrecision` using :meth:`to_python`''' return self.to_python(value)
[docs] def value_to_string(self, obj): '''Customize string value for JSON serialization''' value = self.value_from_object(obj) # return as integer rather than string representation of the flags return self.get_prep_value(value)
[docs]class PartialDate: '''Descriptor that gets and sets a related :class:`` and :class:`DatePrecision` from partial date strings, e.g. --05-02.''' description = 'Partial date generated from date and date precision flags' partial_date_re = re.compile( r'^(?P<year>\d{4}|-)?(?:-(?P<month>[01]\d))?(?:-(?P<day>[0-3]\d))?$' ) def __init__(self, date_field, date_precision_field, unknown_year=1, label=None): self.date_field = date_field self.date_precision_field = date_precision_field self.unknown_year = unknown_year # set attributes for display/sort in django admin self.admin_order_field = date_field if label: self.short_description = label def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): '''Use :meth:`date_format` to transform a :class:`` and :class:`DatePrecision` to a partial date string. If the date doesn't exist yet, return None.''' if obj is None: return self date_val = getattr(obj, self.date_field, None) if date_val: date_precision_val = getattr(obj, self.date_precision_field) return date_val.strftime(self.date_format(date_precision_val)) def __set__(self, obj, val): '''Call :meth:`parse_date` to parse a partial date and set the :class:`` and :class:`DatePrecision`. If a falsy value was passed, set them both to None.''' (date_val, date_precision_val) = self.parse_date(val) if val else (None, None) setattr(obj, self.date_field, date_val) setattr(obj, self.date_precision_field, date_precision_val)
[docs] @staticmethod def date_format(value): '''Return a format string for use with :meth:`` to output a date with the appropriate precision''' parts = [] # Handle NULL as indicating full date precision if value is None: return '%Y-%m-%d' # cast integer to date precision to check flags value = DatePrecision(value) # If the date was not set, this value will be defaulted to no flags, # which is a boolean falsy, i.e. 0., so return no date. if not value: return '' if value.year: parts.append('%Y') else: # if no year, indicate with -- parts.append('-') if value.month: parts.append('%m') if parts.append('%d') # this is potentially ambiguous in some cases, but those cases # may not be meaningful anyway return '-'.join(parts)
[docs] def parse_date(self, value): '''Parse a partial date string and return a :class:`` and precision value.''' # partial date parsing adapted in part from django_partial_date # match = self.partial_date_re.match(value) if match: match_info = match.groupdict() # turn matched values into numbers for initializing date object date_values = {} date_parts = [] for key, val in match_info.items(): try: date_values[key] = int(val) date_parts.append(key) except (TypeError, ValueError): # value was None or '-' date_values[key] = self.unknown_year if key == 'year' else 1 # error if the regex matched but got an unusable set of date parts if date_parts in (['day'], ['month'], ['year', 'day']): raise ValidationError('"%s" is not a recognized date.''' % value) # determine known date parts based on regex match values # and initialize pecision flags accordingly precision = DatePrecision.from_simple_str('|'.join(date_parts)) return (**date_values), precision) raise ValidationError('"%s" is not a recognized date.''' % value)
[docs]class PartialDateMixin(models.Model): '''Mixin to add fields for partial start and end dates to a model using :class:`DatePrecisionField` and :class:`PartialDate`.''' UNKNOWN_YEAR = 1900 start_date_precision = DatePrecisionField(null=True, blank=True) end_date_precision = DatePrecisionField(null=True, blank=True) partial_start_date = PartialDate( 'start_date', 'start_date_precision', UNKNOWN_YEAR, label='start date') partial_end_date = PartialDate( 'end_date', 'end_date_precision', UNKNOWN_YEAR, label='end date') class Meta: abstract = True
[docs] def calculate_date(self, kind, dateval=None, earliest=None, latest=None): '''Calculate end or start date based on a single value in a supported partial date form or based on earliest/latest datetime.''' # kind must be either start_date or end_date if kind not in ['start_date', 'end_date']: raise ValueError # if there is a single date value, use partial date to parse it # and set date precision if dateval: setattr(self, 'partial_%s' % kind, dateval) # special case: # 1900 dates were used to indicate unknown year; book store didn't # open until 1919, so any year before that should be marked unknown if getattr(self, kind).year < 1919: setattr(self, '%s_precision' % kind, DatePrecision.month | # no exact date, but earliest/latest possible dates elif earliest and latest: # store earliest datetime setattr(self, kind, earliest) precision = DatePrecision() # calculate the precision based on values in common if earliest.year == latest.year: precision |= DatePrecision.year if earliest.month == latest.month: precision |= DatePrecision.month if == precision |= # store the precision setattr(self, '%s_precision' % kind, precision)
@property def date_range(self): '''Borrowing event date range as string, using partial dates. Returns a single date in partial date format if both dates are set to the same date. Uses "??" for unset dates, and returns in format start/end.''' # NOTE: this is the same logic as the Event date range method, # just substituting partial start and end dates and dropping the # isoformat method call. # if both dates are set and the same, return a single date if self.partial_start_date and self.partial_end_date and \ self.partial_start_date == self.partial_end_date: return self.partial_start_date # otherwise, use both dates with ?? to indicate unknown date return '/'.join([dt if dt else '??' for dt in [self.partial_start_date, self.partial_end_date]])
[docs]class PartialDateFormMixin(forms.ModelForm): '''Provides form validation and setting for models that inherit from :class:`mep.accounts.models.PartialDateMixin`.''' partial_date_validator = RegexValidator( regex=PartialDate.partial_date_re, message="Value is not a recognized date." ) partial_date_help_text = "Enter as much of the date as known, in any of the \ following formats: yyyy, yyyy-mm, yyyy-mm-dd, --mm-dd" partial_start_date = forms.CharField( validators=[partial_date_validator], required=False, help_text=partial_date_help_text, label="Start date") partial_end_date = forms.CharField( validators=[partial_date_validator], required=False, help_text=partial_date_help_text, label="End date")
[docs] def get_initial_for_field(self, field, name): if name == 'partial_start_date': return self.instance.partial_start_date if name == 'partial_end_date': return self.instance.partial_end_date return super().get_initial_for_field(field, name)
[docs] def clean(self): '''Parse partial dates and save them on form submission.''' cleaned_data = super().clean() if not self.errors: try: self.instance.partial_start_date = cleaned_data['partial_start_date'] self.instance.partial_end_date = cleaned_data['partial_end_date'] except ValueError as verr: raise ValidationError('Date validation error: %s' % verr) return cleaned_data
[docs]@models.Field.register_lookup class KnownYear(models.Lookup): '''Custom lookup to filter on known year in `:class:`DatePrecisionField`''' lookup_name = 'knownyear' prepare_rhs = False def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): lhs, params = compiler.compile(self.lhs) bit_compare = "%s & %d" % (lhs, int(DatePrecision.year)) # if true (year is known), precision should be null or year bit set # (has to include null check since field is currently configured # to allow null rather than defaulting to full precision) if self.rhs: return "%s IS NULL OR %s != 0" % (lhs, bit_compare), params # for false (year is unknown), bit should not be set return "%s = 0" % bit_compare, params