Source code for mep.accounts.models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re

from cached_property import cached_property
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericRelation
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.core.validators import ValidationError
from django.db import models
from django.template.defaultfilters import pluralize
from djiffy.models import Canvas

from mep.accounts.event_set import EventSetMixin
from mep.accounts.partial_date import DatePrecisionField, PartialDate, \
from mep.books.models import Edition, Work
from mep.common.models import Named, Notable
from mep.footnotes.models import Bibliography, Footnote
from mep.people.models import Location, Person

[docs]class Account(models.Model, EventSetMixin): '''Central model for all account and related information, M2M explicity to :class:`people.Person`''' persons = models.ManyToManyField(Person, blank=True, verbose_name='Account holder(s)') # convenience access to associated locations, although # we will probably use Address for most things locations = models.ManyToManyField(Location, through='Address', blank=True) card = models.ForeignKey(Bibliography, blank=True, null=True, help_text='Lending Library Card for this account', limit_choices_to={'source_type__name': 'Lending Library Card'}, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) def __repr__(self): names = '' if and self.persons.count(): names = ' %s' % \ ';'.join([str(person) for person in self.persons.all()]) return '<Account pk:%s%s>' % ( or '??', names) def __str__(self): if not self.persons.exists() and not self.locations.exists(): return 'Account #%s' % if self.persons.exists(): return 'Account #%s: %s' % (, ', '.join( for person in self.persons.all()) ) if self.locations.exists(): return 'Account #%s: %s' % (, '; '.join( if else address.street_address if address.street_address else for address in self.locations.all().order_by( 'city', 'street_address', 'name')) ) class Meta: ordering = ('persons__sort_name',)
[docs] def list_persons(self): '''List :class:`mep.people.models.Person` instances associated with this account. ''' return ', '.join( for person in self.persons.all().order_by('name'))
list_persons.short_description = 'Account holder(s)' @property def subscription_set(self): '''associated subscription events, as queryset of :class:`Subscription`''' return Subscription.objects.filter( @property def reimbursement_set(self): ''' associated reimbursement events, as queryset of :class:`Reimbursement` ''' return Reimbursement.objects.filter(
[docs] def list_locations(self): '''List of associated :class:`mep.people.models.Location` ''' return '; '.join([str(loc) for loc in self.locations.distinct()])
list_locations.short_description = 'Locations'
[docs] def has_card(self): '''Account has an associated lending card''' return bool(self.card)
has_card.boolean = True @staticmethod def validate_etype(etype): etype = etype.lower() if etype not in ['borrow', 'event', 'subscription', 'purchase', 'reimbursement']: raise ValueError('etype must be one of borrow, event, purchase,' ' subscription, or reimbursement') @staticmethod def str_to_model(etype): # moving mapping here so that we can forward reference classes # not yet declared mapping = { 'borrow': Borrow, 'reimbursement': Reimbursement, 'event': Event, 'purchase': Purchase, 'subscription': Subscription } return mapping[etype]
[docs] def add_event(self, etype='event', **kwargs): '''Helper function to add a :class:`Event` or subclass to an instance of :class:`Account`. Requires that the :class:`Account` object be saved first (so it has a set primary key). This provides functionality normally in the ``self.*_set`` functionality of Django, but not provided with subclassed table inheritence. :param etype: ``str`` One of ``borrow``, ``event``, ``subscription``, ``purchase``, ``reimbursement`` ''' # Catch an invalid class of event or subevent and raise # ValueError self.validate_etype(etype) # Create the event self.str_to_model(etype).objects.create(account=self, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_events(self, etype='event', **kwargs): '''Helper function to retrieve related events of any valid type for :class:`Account.add_event()`. This provides functionality normally in the ``self.*_set`` functionality, but not provided with subclassed table inheritence. :param etype: ``str`` One of ``borrow``, ``event``, ``subscription``, ``purchase``, ``reimbursement`` :Keyword Arguments: Any valid query kwargs for :class:`Account`, defaults to equivalent of ``Foo.objects.all()``. ''' # Catch an invalid class of event or subevent self.validate_etype(etype) return self.str_to_model(etype).objects.filter(account=self, **kwargs)
[docs] def member_card_images(self): '''Return a queryset for card images that are part of this account's associated card manifest OR that have events for this account. Note that this returns a union queryset, which puts some retrictions on supported operations. ''' if not self.card or not self.card.manifest: return Canvas.objects.none() # get all canvases that belong to the manifest assigned as the # card for this account (including blanks) # mark as priority 1 to allow sorting manifest_cards = self.card.manifest.canvases.all() \ .annotate(priority=models.Value('1', output_field=models.IntegerField())) # find all canvas associated with events for this account via footnote # (excluding those already in the manifest) event_cards = Canvas.objects.exclude(manifest=self.card.manifest) \ .filter( \ .annotate(priority=models.Value('2', output_field=models.IntegerField())) \ .distinct() # combine the two sets; removes duplicates by default # Sort primary manifests cards first, then sort by order return manifest_cards.union(event_cards).order_by('priority', 'order')
[docs]class Address(Notable, PartialDateMixin): '''Address associated with an :class:`Account` or a :class:`~mep.people.models.Person`. Used to associate locations with people and accounts, with optional start and end dates and a care/of person.''' location = models.ForeignKey(Location, on_delete=models.CASCADE) account = models.ForeignKey( Account, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, help_text='Associated library account') person = models.ForeignKey( Person, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, help_text='For personal addresses not associated with library accounts.') start_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True) end_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True) care_of_person = models.ForeignKey( Person, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name='care_of_addresses') class Meta: verbose_name_plural = 'Addresses' def __repr__(self): # use pk to make it easy to find again; string representation # for recognizability return '<Address pk:%s %s>' % ( or '??', str(self)) def __str__(self): details = self.account or self.person or '' if self.start_date or self.end_date: details = '%s (%s)' % (details, ' – '.join([ date.strftime('%Y') if date else '' for date in [self.start_date, self.end_date]])) if self.care_of_person: details = '%s c/o %s' % (details, self.care_of_person) # include details if there are any if details: return '%s%s' % (self.location, details) # otherwise just location return str(self.location)
[docs] def clean(self): '''Validate to require one and only one of :class:`Account` or :class:`~mep.people.models.Person`''' if not self.account and not self.person: raise ValidationError('Address must be associated with an account or person') if self.account and self.person: raise ValidationError('Address must only be associated with one of account or person')
[docs]class EventQuerySet(models.QuerySet): '''Custom :class:`~django.db.models.Queryset` for :class:`Event` with filter methods for generic events and each event subtype.'''
[docs] def generic(self): '''Generic events only (excludes subscriptions, reimbursements, borrows, and purchases).''' return self.filter(subscription__isnull=True, reimbursement__isnull=True, borrow__isnull=True, purchase__isnull=True)
def _subtype(self, event_type): return self.filter(**{'%s__isnull' % event_type: False})
[docs] def subscriptions(self): '''Events with associated subscription event only''' return self._subtype('subscription')
[docs] def reimbursements(self,): '''Events with associated reimbursement event only''' return self._subtype('reimbursement')
[docs] def borrows(self): '''Events with associated borrow event only''' return self._subtype('borrow')
[docs] def purchases(self): '''Events with associated purchase event only''' return self._subtype('purchase')
[docs] def membership_activities(self): '''Subscription and reimbursement events''' return self.filter(models.Q(subscription__isnull=False) | models.Q(reimbursement__isnull=False))
[docs] def book_activities(self): '''All events tied to a :class:`~mep.books.models.Work`.''' return self.filter(work__isnull=False)
[docs] def known_years(self): '''Filter out any events with unknown years for start or end date.''' return self.exclude(start_date_precision__knownyear=False) \ .exclude(end_date_precision__knownyear=False)
[docs]class Event(Notable, PartialDateMixin): '''Base table for events in the Shakespeare and Co. Lending Library''' account = models.ForeignKey(Account, on_delete=models.CASCADE) start_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True) end_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True) work = models.ForeignKey( Work, null=True, blank=True, help_text='Work associated with this event, if any.', on_delete=models.deletion.SET_NULL) edition = models.ForeignKey( Edition, null=True, blank=True, help_text='Edition of the work, if known.', on_delete=models.deletion.SET_NULL) footnotes = GenericRelation(Footnote, related_query_name='events') objects = EventQuerySet.as_manager() class Meta: # NOTE: ordering events by account person seems to be very slow # disabling for now # ordering = ('start_date', 'account__persons__sort_name') ordering = ('start_date', ) def __repr__(self): '''Generic representation string for Event and subclasses''' return '<%s pk:%d account:%s %s>' % \ (self.__class__.__name__,,, self.date_range) def __str__(self): '''Generic string method for Event and subclasses''' return '%s for account #%s %s' % \ (self.__class__.__name__,, self.date_range) @cached_property def event_type(self): try: return self.subscription.get_subtype_display() except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass if getattr(self, 'reimbursement', None): return 'Reimbursement' if getattr(self, 'borrow', None): return 'Borrow' if getattr(self, 'purchase', None): return 'Purchase' return 'Generic' #: notation in private notes indicating kind of nonstandard events nonstandard_notation = { 'NOTATION: LOAN': 'Loan', 'NOTATION: SBGIFT': 'Gift', 'NOTATION: BOUGHTFOR': 'Purchase', 'NOTATION: SOLDFOR': 'Purchase', 'NOTATION: REQUEST': 'Request', 'STRIKETHRU': 'Crossed out', 'NOTATION: PERIODICALSUBSCRIPTION': 'Periodical Subscription' } re_nonstandard_notation = re.compile( '(%s)' % '|'.join(nonstandard_notation.keys())) @cached_property def event_label(self): '''Event type label that includes nonstandard events indicated by notation in private notes as well as all the standard types.''' # NOTE: takes precedence over generic type if it occurs if self.notes: match =, self.notes) if match: return self.nonstandard_notation[] return self.event_type
[docs]class SubscriptionType(Named, Notable): '''Type of subscription'''
[docs]class CurrencyMixin(models.Model): '''Mixin for currency field with currency symbol display''' USD = 'USD' FRF = 'FRF' GBP = 'GBP' # NOTE: Preliminary currency set for now CURRENCY_CHOICES = ( ('', '----'), (USD, 'US Dollar'), (FRF, 'French Franc'), (GBP, 'British Pound') ) symbols = { FRF: '₣', USD: '$', GBP: '£' } currency = models.CharField(max_length=3, blank=True, choices=CURRENCY_CHOICES, default=FRF) class Meta: abstract = True
[docs] def currency_symbol(self): '''symbol for the selected currency''' return self.symbols.get(self.currency, self.currency)
# NOTE: could use ¤ (generic currency), but probably not that well known currency_symbol.short_description = '$' currency_symbol.admin_order_field = 'currency'
[docs]class Subscription(Event, CurrencyMixin): '''Records subscription events in the MEP database''' duration = models.PositiveIntegerField( 'Days', blank=True, null=True, help_text='Subscription duration in days. ' + 'Automatically calculated from start and end date.') volumes = models.DecimalField( blank=True, null=True, max_digits=4, decimal_places=2, help_text='Number of volumes for checkout') category = models.ForeignKey( SubscriptionType, null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, help_text='Code to indicate the kind of subscription') #: date the purchase was bought; not necessarily the day it started! purchase_date = models.DateField( blank=True, null=True, help_text='Date the subscription was purchased.') purchase_date_precision = DatePrecisionField(null=True, blank=True) partial_purchase_date = PartialDate( 'purchase_date', 'purchase_date_precision', PartialDateMixin.UNKNOWN_YEAR, label='purchase date') # NOTE: Using decimal field to take advantage of Python's decimal handling price_paid = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, blank=True, null=True) deposit = models.DecimalField( max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, blank=True, null=True ) SUPPLEMENT = 'sup' RENEWAL = 'ren' OTHER = 'oth' EVENT_TYPE_CHOICES = ( ('', 'Subscription'), (SUPPLEMENT, 'Supplement'), (RENEWAL, 'Renewal'), (OTHER, 'Other'), ) subtype = models.CharField( verbose_name='Type', max_length=50, blank=True, choices=EVENT_TYPE_CHOICES, help_text='Type of subscription event, e.g. supplement or renewal.')
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # recalculate duration on save if dates are available, # so that duration is always accurate even if dates change if self.start_date and self.end_date: self.calculate_duration() super(Subscription, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def calculate_duration(self): '''calculate and set subscription duration based on start and end date, when both are known''' # NOTE: duration calculation currently ignores partial dates; # assumes when partial dates are used they are used # consistently for both start and end dates if self.start_date and self.end_date: # calculate duration in days as timedelta from end to start self.duration = (self.end_date - self.start_date).days
[docs] def validate_unique(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Validation check to prevent duplicate events from being added to the system. Does not allow more than one subscription for the same account and date.''' super(Subscription, self).validate_unique(*args, **kwargs) # check to prevent duplicate event # should not have same date + account + event subtype # (can't use unique_together because of multi-table inheritance) # adapted from qs = Subscription.objects.filter(start_date=self.start_date, account=self.account, subtype=self.subtype) # if current work is already saved, exclude it from the queryset if not self._state.adding and is not None: qs = qs.exclude( if qs.exists(): raise ValidationError('Subscription event is not unique')
[docs] def readable_duration(self): '''Generate a human-readable version of the subscription duration. Intended to follow Beach's conventions, e.g. 1 year rather than 12 months; 1 week rather than 7 days.''' # simple case - days/weeks less than a month if self.duration and self.duration < 28: # weeks are sets of 7 days exactly if self.duration % 7 == 0: weeks = self.duration / 7 return '%d week%s' % (weeks, pluralize(weeks)) # days less than a week if self.duration < 7: return '%d day%s' % (self.duration, pluralize(self.duration)) # otherwise, use relativedelta to generate duration in years/months/days # and aggregate the different units parts = [] rel_dur = relativedelta(self.end_date, self.start_date) if rel_dur.years: parts.append('%d year%s' % (rel_dur.years, pluralize(rel_dur.years))) if rel_dur.months: parts.append('%d month%s' % (rel_dur.months, pluralize(rel_dur.months))) if rel_dur.days: parts.append('%d day%s' % (rel_dur.days, pluralize(rel_dur.days))) # if there are multiple parts (e.g., 1 month and 11 days) and # duration is evenly divisible by 7, display as weeks # NOTE: this could potentially match 1 year + some number of months; # unclear what behavior would be preferred in that case, # but unlikely to happen with current MEP data if len(parts) > 1 and self.duration % 7 == 0: weeks = self.duration / 7 return '%d week%s' % (weeks, pluralize(weeks)) # otherwise, combine months & days return ', '.join(parts)
readable_duration.short_description = 'Duration' readable_duration.admin_order_field = 'duration'
[docs] def total_amount(self): '''total amount paid (price paid + deposit if any)''' # NOTE: using sum to simplify decimal/float issues for zeroes return sum([x for x in (self.price_paid, self.deposit) if x])
[docs]class Borrow(Event): '''Inherited table indicating borrow events''' #: :class:`~mep.books.models.Work` that was borrowed; #: optional to account for unclear titles ITEM_RETURNED = 'R' ITEM_BOUGHT = 'B' ITEM_MISSING = 'M' STATUS_CHOICES = ( ('', 'Unknown'), (ITEM_RETURNED, 'Returned'), (ITEM_BOUGHT, 'Bought'), (ITEM_MISSING, 'Missing'), ) item_status = models.CharField( max_length=2, blank=True, help_text='Status of borrowed item (bought, missing, returned)', choices=STATUS_CHOICES)
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # if end date is set and item status is not, automatically set # status to returned if self.end_date and not self.item_status: self.item_status = self.ITEM_RETURNED super(Borrow, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Purchase(CurrencyMixin, Event): '''Inherited table indicating purchase events; extends :class:`Event`''' price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=8, decimal_places=2, blank=True, null=True)
[docs] def date(self): '''alias of :attr:`date_range` for display; since reimbersument is a single-day event will always be a single partial date.''' return self.date_range
date.admin_order_field = 'start_date'
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # override save to always set start = end, end will be disabled in # admin self.end_date_precision = self.start_date_precision self.end_date = self.start_date super().save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Reimbursement(Event, CurrencyMixin): '''Reimbursement event; extends :class:`Event`''' refund = models.DecimalField(max_digits=8, decimal_places=2, null=True, blank=True)
[docs] def date(self): '''alias of :attr:`start_date` for display, since reimbersument is a single-day event''' return self.partial_start_date
date.admin_order_field = 'start_date'
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Reimbursement is a single-day event; populate end date on save to make that explicit and simplify any generic event date range searching and filtering.''' self.end_date = self.start_date # copy precision in case of partially-known start date self.end_date_precision = self.start_date_precision super(Reimbursement, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def validate_unique(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Validation check to prevent duplicate events from being added to the system. Does not allow more than one reimbursement for the account and date. Used instead of `unique_together` because of multi-table inheritance.''' super(Reimbursement, self).validate_unique(*args, **kwargs) # check to prevent duplicate event (reimbursement + date + account) # should not have same date + account try: qs = Reimbursement.objects.filter(start_date=self.start_date, account=self.account) except ObjectDoesNotExist: # bail out without making any further assertions because # we've had a missing related field and other checks # will catch it return # if current work is already saved, exclude it from the queryset if not self._state.adding and is not None: qs = qs.exclude( if qs.exists(): raise ValidationError('Reimbursement event is not unique')