Source code for

import datetime
import subprocess
import sys

from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from django.conf import settings
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django.db.models import Q
from django.urls import reverse
import tweepy

from mep.accounts.models import Event
from mep.accounts.partial_date import DatePrecision
from mep.common.utils import absolutize_url

[docs]class Command(BaseCommand): # date format: Saturday, May 8, 1920 date_format = '%A, %B %-d, %Y' full_precision = DatePrecision.year | DatePrecision.month | \
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('mode', choices=['report', 'schedule', 'tweet']) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--date', help='Specify an alternate date in YYYY-MM-DD format. ' + '(default is today)') parser.add_argument( '-e', '--event', type=int, help='Database id for the event to be tweeted. ' + '(Required for tweet mode)')
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **kwargs): date = self.get_date(**kwargs) if kwargs['mode'] == 'report': elif kwargs['mode'] == 'schedule': self.schedule(date) elif kwargs['mode'] == 'tweet': # find the event and tweet it, if possible & appropriate try: ev = Event.objects.get(pk=kwargs['event']) self.tweet(ev, date) except Event.DoesNotExist: self.stderr.write('Error: event %(event)s not found' % kwargs)
[docs] def get_date(self, date=None, mode=None, **kwargs): '''Find events relative to the specified day, if set, or the date 100 years ago. Overriding the date is only allowed in **report** mode.''' # only allow overriding date for report if date and mode == 'report': try: relative_date =*[int(n) for n in date.split('-')]) except TypeError: raise CommandError('Invalid date %s' % date) else: # by default, report relative to today # determine date 100 years earlier relative_date = - relativedelta(years=100) return relative_date
[docs] def find_events(self, date): '''Find events 100 years before the current day or a specified day in YYYY-MM-DD format.''' # find all events for this date # exclude partially known dates # - purchase date precision == start date precision # (borrow end *could* have different precision than start date) events = Event.objects \ .filter(Q(start_date=date) | Q(subscription__purchase_date=date) | Q(borrow__isnull=False, end_date=date)) \ .filter(Q(start_date_precision__isnull=True) | Q(start_date_precision=int(self.full_precision))) \ .exclude(work__notes__contains="UNCERTAINTYICON") return events
[docs] def report(self, date): '''Print out the content that would be tweeted on the specified day''' for ev in self.find_events(date): tweet_text = tweet_content(ev, date) if tweet_text: self.stdout.write('Event id: %s' % self.stdout.write(tweet_text) self.stdout.write('\n')
# times: 9 AM, 12 PM, 1:30 PM, 3 PM, 4:30 PM, 6 PM, 8 PM tweet_times = ['9:00', '12:00', '13:30', '15:00', '16:30', '18:00', '20:00', '10:15', '11:30', '19:00']
[docs] def schedule(self, date): '''Schedule all tweetable events for the specified date.''' # find all events for today self.find_events(date) # filter out any that can't be tweeted events = [ev for ev in self.find_events(date) if can_tweet(ev, date)] # schedule the ones that can be tweeted for i, ev in enumerate(events): self.tweet_at(ev, self.tweet_times[i])
[docs] def tweet_at(self, event, time): '''schedule a tweet for later today''' # use current python executable (within virtualenv) cmd = 'bin/cron-wrapper %s %s/ twitterbot_100years tweet --event %s' % \ (sys.executable, settings.PROJECT_ROOT, # could add debug logging here if there are problems['/usr/bin/at', time], input=cmd.encode(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
[docs] def tweet(self, event, date): '''Tweet the content for the event on the specified date.''' # make sure the event is tweetable if not can_tweet(event, date): return content = tweet_content(event, date) if not content: return api = self.get_tweepy() api.update_status(content)
[docs] def get_tweepy(self): '''Initialize tweepy API client based on django settings.''' if not getattr(settings, 'TWITTER_100YEARS', None): raise CommandError('Configuration for twitter access not found') auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler( settings.TWITTER_100YEARS['API']['key'], settings.TWITTER_100YEARS['API']['secret_key']) auth.set_access_token(settings.TWITTER_100YEARS['ACCESS']['token'], settings.TWITTER_100YEARS['ACCESS']['secret']) return tweepy.API(auth)
tweetable_event_types = ['Subscription', 'Renewal', 'Reimbursement', 'Borrow', 'Purchase', 'Request']
[docs]def can_tweet(ev, day): '''Check if the event can be tweeted on the specified day''' # convert to string and compare against partial dates # to ensure we don't tweet an event with an unknown date day = day.isoformat() # disallows subscription on start date != purchase if ev.event_label in ['Subscription', 'Renewal'] and \ ev.subscription.partial_purchase_date != day: return False return any([ # subscription event and date matches purchase (ev.event_label == 'Subscription' and ev.subscription.partial_purchase_date == day), # borrow event and date matches end date (ev.event_label == 'Borrow' and ev.partial_end_date == day), # any other tweetable event and date matches start ev.event_label in tweetable_event_types and ev.partial_start_date == day])
tweet_format = { 'verbed': '%(member)s %(verb)s %(work)s%(period)s', 'subscription': '%(member)s %(verb)s for %(duration)s%(volumes)s.', 'reimbursement': '%(member)s received a reimbursement for ' + '%(amount)s%(currency)s.', }
[docs]def tweet_content(ev, day): '''Generate tweet content for the specified event on the specified day.''' # handle multiple members, but use first member for url member = ev.account.persons.first() if isinstance(day, str): try: day =*[int(n) for n in day.split('-')]) except TypeError: # given a partial date return # all tweets start the same way prolog = '#100YearsAgoToday on %s at Shakespeare and Company, ' % \ day.strftime(Command.date_format) # handle shared accountsr member_name = ' and '.join(m.firstname_last for m in ev.account.persons.all()) tweet_info = { 'member': member_name } event_label = ev.event_label tweet_pattern = None if event_label in ['Subscription', 'Renewal'] \ and ev.subscription.purchase_date == day: tweet_pattern = 'subscription' verb = 'subscribed' if event_label == 'Subscription' else 'renewed' # renewals include duration tweet_info.update({ 'verb': verb, 'duration': ev.subscription.readable_duration(), 'volumes': '' }) # include volume count if known if ev.subscription.volumes: tweet_info['volumes'] = ' at %d volume%s per month' % \ (ev.subscription.volumes, '' if ev.subscription.volumes == 1 else 's') elif event_label in ['Borrow', 'Purchase', 'Request']: tweet_pattern = 'verbed' # convert event type into verb for the sentence verb = '%sed' % ev.event_type.lower().rstrip('e') if event_label == 'Borrow' and ev.end_date == day: verb = 'returned' work_text = work_label( tweet_info.update({ 'verb': verb, 'work': work_text, # don't duplicate period inside quotes when no year 'period': '' if work_text[-1] == '.' else '.' }) elif event_label == 'Reimbursement': # received a reimbursement for $## tweet_pattern = 'reimbursement' tweet_info.update({ 'amount': ev.reimbursement.refund, 'currency': ev.reimbursement.currency_symbol() }) # if tweet format is set, generate tweet content if tweet_pattern: content = tweet_format[tweet_pattern] % tweet_info # use card detail url when available url = card_url(member, ev) or member.get_absolute_url() return '%s%s\n%s' % (prolog, content, absolutize_url(url))
[docs]def work_label(work): '''Convert a :class:`~mep.accounts.models.Work` for display in tweet content. Standard formats: - author’s “title” (year) - periodical: an issue of “title” Handles multiple authors (and for two, et al. for more), includes editors if there are no authors. Only include years after 1500. ''' parts = [] # indicate issue of periodical based on format if work.format() == 'Periodical': # not including issue details even if known; # too much variability in format parts.append('an issue of') include_editors = False # include author if known if work.authors: # handle multiple authors if len(work.authors) <= 2: # one or two: join by and author = ' and '.join([ for a in work.authors]) else: # more than two: first name et al author = '%s et al.' % work.authors[0].name parts.append('%s’s' % author) # if no author but editors, we will include editor elif work.editors: include_editors = True # should always have title; use quotes since we can't italicize # strip quotes if already present (uncertain title) # add comma if we will add an editor; add period if no date title_punctuation = '' if include_editors: title_punctuation = ',' elif not work.year or work.year < 1500: title_punctuation = '.' parts.append('“%s%s”' % (work.title.strip('"“”'), title_punctuation)) # add editors after title if include_editors: if len(work.editors) <= 2: # one or two: join by and editor = ' and '.join([ for ed in work.editors]) else: # more than two: first name et al editor = '%s et al.' % work.editors[0].name parts.append('edited by %s' % editor) # include work year if known not before 1500 if work.year and work.year > 1500: parts.append('(%s)' % work.year) return ' '.join(parts)
[docs]def card_url(member, ev): '''Return the member card detail url for the event based on footnote image, if present.''' footnote = ev.footnotes.first() if footnote and footnote.image: url = reverse('people:member-card-detail', kwargs={ 'slug': member.slug, 'short_id': footnote.image.short_id}) return '%s#e%d' % (url,