Source code for djiffy.models

from collections import OrderedDict

import json
import os.path

import urllib

# cached property is only available in Python 3.8+
    from functools import cached_property
except ImportError:
    cached_property = None

from attrdict import AttrMap
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import models
from django.urls import reverse
from django.templatetags.static import static
from django.utils.html import format_html
from jsonfield import JSONField
from piffle import iiif
import rdflib
from rdflib.namespace import DC
import requests
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError

# use cached property if python3.8 or greater; fallback to regular property
c_property_if38 = cached_property or property

[docs]def get_iiif_url(url): '''Wrapper around :meth:`requests.get` to support conditionally adding an auth token based on the domain of the request url and any **AUTH_TOKENS** configured in django settings.''' request_options = {} AUTH_TOKENS = getattr(settings, 'DJIFFY_AUTH_TOKENS', None) if AUTH_TOKENS: domain = urllib.parse.urlparse(url).netloc if domain in AUTH_TOKENS: request_options['params'] = {'auth_token': AUTH_TOKENS[domain]} return requests.get(url, **request_options)
[docs]class IIIFException(Exception): '''Custom exception for IIIF/djiffy specific errors''' pass
[docs]class Manifest(models.Model): '''Minimal db model representation of an IIIF presentation manifest''' #: label label = models.TextField() #: short id extracted from URI short_id = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True) #: URI uri = models.URLField() #: iiif presentation metadata for display metadata = JSONField(load_kwargs={'object_pairs_hook': OrderedDict}) #: date local manifest cache was created created = models.DateField(auto_now_add=True) #: date local manifest cache was last modified last_modified = models.DateField(auto_now=True) #: extra data provided via a 'seeAlso' reference extra_data = JSONField(load_kwargs={'object_pairs_hook': OrderedDict}, default=OrderedDict) class Meta: verbose_name = 'IIIF Manifest' # add custom permissions; change and delete provided by django permissions = ( ('view_canvas', 'Can view %s' % verbose_name), ) # todo: metadata? thumbnail references # - should we cache the actual manifest file? # TODO: thumbnail doesn't have to be a IIIF image! Support thumbnail url? def __str__(self): return self.label or self.short_id @property def thumbnail(self): '''thumbnail url for associated canvas''' return self.canvases.filter(thumbnail=True).first()
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self): ''''url for this manifest within the django site''' return reverse('djiffy:manifest', args=[self.short_id])
[docs] def admin_thumbnail(self): '''thumbnail for convenience display in admin interface''' if self.thumbnail: return self.thumbnail.admin_thumbnail()
admin_thumbnail.short_description = 'Thumbnail' @c_property_if38 def logo(self): '''manifest logo, if there is one''' return self.extra_data.get('logo', None) @c_property_if38 def attribution(self): '''manifest attribution, if there is one''' return self.extra_data.get('attribution', None) @c_property_if38 def license(self): '''manifest license, if there is one''' return self.extra_data.get('license', None) @c_property_if38 def license_uri(self): '''manifest license as :class:`rdflib.URIRef`, if there is a license''' license = self.license if license: # CC uri is also http rather than https if urllib.parse.urlparse(license).hostname == '': # remove language from url if present url_parts = license.rstrip("/").split('/') # url looks like # if the last part is a language code, remove it if url_parts[-1].startswith("deed."): url_parts = url_parts[:-1] license = "%s/" % '/'.join(url_parts) # URI requires trailing slash return rdflib.URIRef(license) @c_property_if38 def rights_statement_id(self): '''short id for license''' # rightstatement uri is http, not https if self.license and urllib.parse.urlparse(self.license).hostname == '': return self.license.rstrip(' /').split('/')[-2] @c_property_if38 def creativecommons_id(self): '''short id for creative commons license''' if self.license and urllib.parse.urlparse(self.license).hostname == '': if "publicdomain/zero/" in self.license: return "cc-zero" if "publicdomain/mark/" in self.license: return "publicdomain" @c_property_if38 def license_image(self): '''license image, if we can generate one''' if self.rights_statement_id: return static("img/rightsstatements_org/%s.svg" % self.rights_statement_id) if self.creativecommons_id: return static("img/creativecommons/%s.svg" % self.creativecommons_id) _rights_graph = None # TODO: should use django current language if possible
[docs] def license_label(self, lang='en'): '''Get the text label for the rights license. Uses local value from edm rights if available; otherwise uses data for the URI to get the preferred label or title.''' # Some manifests have a seeAlso data contains an "edm_rights" # section with a label for the rights statement. # Use that if available (NOTE: ignores specified language) # NOTE: possibly PUL specific, but shouldn't hurt to look locally first for data in self.extra_data.values(): if 'edm_rights' in data and 'pref_label' in data['edm_rights']: return data['edm_rights']['pref_label'] # if license/rights label is not available locally, get via uri if self._rights_graph is None: # if license is defined and a url if self.license and urllib.parse.urlparse(self.license).scheme in ['http', 'https']: self._rights_graph = rdflib.Graph() url_hostname = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.license).hostname try: # rights statement org does content-negotiation for json-jd, # but rdflib doesn't handle that automatically if url_hostname == '': resp = requests.get(self.license, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}, allow_redirects=False) if resp.status_code == self._rights_graph.parse(resp.headers['location'], format='json-ld') # creative commons doesn't support content negotiation, # but you can add rdf to the end of the url elif url_hostname == '': # license uri removes language if present and adds trailing slash self._rights_graph.parse("%srdf" % self.license_uri) except Exception: # possible to get an exception when parsing the # rdf, maybe on the request; don't choke if we do! # NOTE: using generic Exception here becuase unfortunately # that is what rdflib raises when it can't parse RDF pass # get the preferred label for this license in the requested language; # returns a list of label, value; use the first value if self._rights_graph: license_uri = self.license_uri preflabel = self._rights_graph.preferredLabel(license_uri, lang=lang) if preflabel: # convert rdflib Literal to string return str(preflabel[0][1]) # otherwise, get dc title # iterate over all titles and return one with a matching language code for title in self._rights_graph.objects(subject=license_uri, predicate=DC.title): if title.language == lang: return str(title)
[docs]class IIIFImage(iiif.IIIFImageClient): '''Subclass of :class:`piffle.iiif.IIIFImageClient`, for generating IIIF Image URIs for manifest canvas images.''' #: long edge size for single page display single_page_size = 1000 #: long edge size for thumbnail thumbnail_size = 300 #: long edge size for mini thumbnail mini_thumbnail_size = 100 thumbnail_format = getattr(settings, 'DJIFFY_THUMBNAIL_FORMAT', 'png')
[docs] def thumbnail(self): '''thumbnail''' return self.size(height=self.thumbnail_size, width=self.thumbnail_size, exact=True).format(self.thumbnail_format)
[docs] def mini_thumbnail(self): '''mini thumbnail''' return self.size(height=self.mini_thumbnail_size, width=self.mini_thumbnail_size, exact=True) \ .format(self.thumbnail_format)
[docs] def page_size(self): '''page size for display: :attr:`SINGLE_PAGE_SIZE` on the long edge''' return self.size(height=self.single_page_size, width=self.single_page_size, exact=True)
[docs]class Canvas(models.Model): '''Minimal db model representation of a canvas from an IIIF manifest''' #: label label = models.TextField() #: short id extracted from URI short_id = models.CharField(max_length=255) #: URI uri = models.URLField() #: URL of IIIF image for this canvas iiif_image_id = models.URLField() #: :class:`Manifest` this canvas vbelongs to manifest = models.ForeignKey(Manifest, related_name='canvases', on_delete=models.CASCADE) #: boolean flag to indicate if this canvas should be used as thumbnail thumbnail = models.BooleanField(default=False) #: order of this canvas within associated manifest primary sequence order = models.PositiveIntegerField() # (for now only stores a single sequence, so just store order on the page) # format? size? (ocr text eventually?) #: extra data not otherwise given its own field, serialized as json extra_data = JSONField(load_kwargs={'object_pairs_hook': OrderedDict}, default=OrderedDict) class Meta: ordering = ["manifest", "order"] verbose_name = 'IIIF Canvas' verbose_name_plural = 'IIIF Canvases' unique_together = ("short_id", "manifest") # add custom permissions; change and delete provided by django permissions = ( ('view_manifest', 'Can view %s' % verbose_name), ) def __str__(self): return '%s %d (%s)%s' % (self.manifest, self.order + 1, self.label, '*' if self.thumbnail else '') @property def image(self): '''Associated IIIF image for this canvas as :class:`IIIFImage`''' # NOTE: piffle iiif image wants service & id split out. # Should update to handle iiif image ids as provided in manifests # for now, split into service and image id. (is this reliable?) return IIIFImage(*self.iiif_image_id.rsplit('/', 1)) @property def plain_text_url(self): '''Return plain text url for a canvas if one exists''' rendering = self.extra_data.get('rendering', None) if rendering: # handle both cases where this is a list and where it is just # a dictionary, to be safe if isinstance(rendering, list): for item in rendering: # iterate over the list and return the first plain text url # we find if 'format' in item and item['format'] == 'text/plain': return item['@id'] else: # otherwise, if it's a dictionary, check if it's plaintext and # return if 'format' in rendering \ and rendering['format'] == 'text/plain': return rendering['@id'] # finally return None if no plain text is available or no rendering return None @property def width(self): return self.extra_data.get('width', None) @property def height(self): return self.extra_data.get('height', None)
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self): ''''url for this canvas within the django site''' return reverse('djiffy:canvas', args=[self.manifest.short_id, self.short_id])
[docs] def next(self): '''Next canvas after this one in sequence (within manifest primary sequence). Returns an empty queryset if there is no next canvas.''' return Canvas.objects.filter(manifest=self.manifest, order__gt=self.order) \ .first()
[docs] def prev(self): '''Previous canvas before this one in sequence (within manifest primary sequence). Returns an empty queryset if there is no next canvas.''' return Canvas.objects.filter(manifest=self.manifest, order__lt=self.order) \ .last()
[docs] def admin_thumbnail(self): '''thumbnail for convenience display in admin interface''' return format_html('<img src="{}" />', self.image.mini_thumbnail())
admin_thumbnail.short_description = 'Thumbnail'
[docs]class IIIFPresentation(AttrMap): ''':class:`attrdict.AttrMap` subclass for read access to IIIF Presentation content''' # TODO: document sample use, e.g. @ fields at_fields = ['type', 'id', 'context']
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, path): '''Iniitialize :class:`IIIFPresentation` from a file.''' with open(path) as manifest: data = json.loads( return cls(data)
[docs] @classmethod def from_url(cls, uri): '''Iniitialize :class:`IIIFPresentation` from a URL. :raises: :class:`IIIFException` if URL is not retrieved successfully, if the response is not JSON content, or if the JSON cannot be parsed. ''' try: response = get_iiif_url(uri) if response.status_code == try: return cls(response.json()) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as err: # if json fails, two possibilities: # - we didn't actually get json (e.g. redirect for auth) if 'application/json' not in response.headers['content-type']: raise IIIFException('No JSON found at %s' % uri) # - there is something wrong with the json raise IIIFException('Error parsing JSON for %s: %s' % (uri, err)) raise IIIFException('Error retrieving manifest at %s: %s %s' % (uri, response.status_code, response.reason)) except ConnectionError: # could not reach URL to get a status code in the first place raise IIIFException('Error connecting to manifest at %s' % uri)
[docs] @classmethod def is_url(cls, url): '''Utility method to check if a path is a url or file''' return urllib.parse.urlparse(url).scheme != ""
[docs] @classmethod def from_file_or_url(cls, path): '''Iniitialize :class:`IIIFPresentation` from a file or a url.''' if os.path.isfile(path): return cls.from_file(path) elif cls.is_url(path): return cls.from_url(path) else: raise IIIFException('File not found: %s' % path)
[docs] @classmethod def short_id(cls, uri): '''Generate a short id from full manifest/canvas uri identifiers for use in local urls. Logic is based on the recommended url pattern from the IIIF Presentation 2.0 specification.''' # shortening should work reliably for uris that follow # recommended url patterns from the spec # # manifest: {scheme}://{host}/{prefix}/{identifier}/manifest # canvas: {scheme}://{host}/{prefix}/{identifier}/canvas/{name} # remove trailing /manifest at the end of the url, if present if uri.endswith('/manifest'): uri = uri[:-len('/manifest')] # split on slashes and return the last portion return uri.split('/')[-1]
def __getattr__(self, key): """ Access an item as an attribute. """ # override getattr to allow use of keys with leading @, # which are otherwise not detected as present and not valid at_key = self._handle_at_keys(key) if key not in self or \ (key not in self.at_fields and at_key not in self) or \ not self._valid_name(key): raise AttributeError( "'{cls}' instance has no attribute '{name}'".format( cls=self.__class__.__name__, name=key ) ) return self._build(self[key]) def _handle_at_keys(self, key): if key in self.at_fields: key = '@%s' % key return key def __getitem__(self, key): """ Access a value associated with a key. """ return self._mapping[self._handle_at_keys(key)] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Add a key-value pair to the instance. """ self._mapping[self._handle_at_keys(key)] = value def __delitem__(self, key): """ Delete a key-value pair """ del self._mapping[self._handle_at_keys(key)] @property def first_label(self): # label can be a string or list of strings if isinstance(self.label, str): return self.label else: return self.label[0]