Source code for djiffy.importer

from collections import OrderedDict

from django.conf import settings

from djiffy.models import (

[docs]class ManifestImporter(object): """Manifest importer. Intended for use with Django manage commands. :param stdout: optional stdout, if status output is desired :param stderr: optional stderr, if error output is desired :param style: optional django command style object, for styled output """ stdout = None stderr = None style = None # verbosity level? check_import_supported = getattr(settings, "DJIFFY_IMPORT_CHECK_SUPPORTED", True) # TODO: should have better reporting on what was done def __init__(self, stdout=None, stderr=None, style=None, update=False): self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr = style self.update = update
[docs] def output(self, msg): """Output a message if stdout is configured (used to support output via manage command)""" if self.stdout: self.stdout.write(msg)
[docs] def error_msg(self, msg): """Output an error message if stderr is configured (used to support output via manage command).""" if self.stderr: if msg = self.stderr.write(msg)
[docs] def import_paths(self, paths): """Import a list of paths - file or url, collection or manifest. Returns a list of imported manifests (includes previously imported objects for the requested URIs, if already in the database).""" imported = [] for path in paths: try: manifest = IIIFPresentation.from_file_or_url(path) except IIIFException as err: self.error_msg(str(err)) continue if manifest.type == "sc:Collection": collection_imported = self.import_collection(manifest) if collection_imported: imported.extend(collection_imported) if manifest.type == "sc:Manifest": imported_manifest = self.import_manifest(manifest, path) if imported_manifest: imported.append(imported_manifest) return imported
[docs] def import_supported(self, manifest): """Check if import is supported (currently limited to paged or individuals, left-to-right content).""" # if import check is disabled, bypass checks and return true if not self.check_import_supported: return True view_hint = getattr(manifest, "viewingHint", None) view_direction = getattr(manifest, "viewingDirection", None) if (view_hint and manifest.viewingHint in ["paged", "individuals", None]) or ( view_direction and manifest.viewingDirection in ["left-to-right", "right-to-left"] ): return True else: self.error_msg( "Currently import only supports paged or individuals, left-to-right manifests; skipping %s (hint: %s, direction: %s)" % (, view_hint, view_direction) ) return False
[docs] def import_manifest(self, manifest, path): """Process a single IIIF manifest and create :class:`~djiffy.models.Manifest` and :class:`~djiffy.models.Canvas` objects. :param manifest: :class:`~djiffy.models.IIIFPresentation` :param path: file or url import path """ self.output("Importing %s" % path) # flag to indicate if we are updating an existing record update_existing = False # check if manifest with uri identifier has already been imported db_manifest = Manifest.objects.filter( if db_manifest: # TODO: would be nice to compare last-modified or etag # and see if we actually need to update.. # NOTE: not updating for now; may want to add later if self.update: update_existing = True else: self.error_msg( "%s has already been imported; use --update to request update" % path ) return db_manifest # check if the type of manifest is supported if not self.import_supported(manifest): return # make sure the manifest has sequences defined # (workaround for a bug in Plum) try: getattr(manifest, "sequences") except AttributeError: self.error_msg("%s has no sequences; skipping" % path) return # create a new manifest if not updating a previous import if not update_existing: db_manifest = Manifest() # label can be either a list/tuple or a bare string; handle both # TODO: generalize this and move into model classes if isinstance(manifest.label, str): db_manifest.label = manifest.label else: if len(manifest.label) == 1: db_manifest.label = manifest.label[0] else: db_manifest.label = "; ".join(manifest.label) # set uri & short id if creating a new record if not update_existing: db_manifest.uri = db_manifest.short_id = IIIFPresentation.short_id( # convert metadata into a more usable format if hasattr(manifest, "metadata"): metadata = OrderedDict( [(item["label"], item["value"]) for item in manifest.metadata] ) # handle single values as well as lists for key, value in metadata.items(): if not isinstance(value, list): metadata[key] = [value] db_manifest.metadata = metadata # if manifest has any seeAlso links, store the urls; # if format is JSON, fetch it and store in the extra data # NOTE: primary reason for this is to store the ARK identifier # if there is one, since that will be more permanent than # the manifest id; extra data may also include important # rights information if hasattr(manifest, "seeAlso"): links = [] db_manifest.extra_data = OrderedDict() # collect seeAlso links and formats, whether they # appear as a single element or a list # single link, not in a list if isinstance(manifest.seeAlso, str): # link with no format links.append((manifest.seeAlso, "")) elif hasattr(manifest.seeAlso, "format"): links.append((, manifest.seeAlso.format)) # list of seeAlso links else: for see_also in manifest.seeAlso: links.append((, see_also.format)) # process all the seeAlso links and add to extra data for url, fmt in links: db_manifest.extra_data[url] = {} if fmt == "application/ld+json": # TODO: error handling on the request? response = get_iiif_url(url) db_manifest.extra_data[url] = response.json() # also check for logo, license, and attribution and add to extra data for field in ["logo", "license", "attribution"]: if hasattr(manifest, field): db_manifest.extra_data[field] = getattr(manifest, field) thumbnail_id = None if hasattr(manifest, "thumbnail"): # if available as IIIF image, use that if hasattr(manifest.thumbnail, "service"): thumbnail_id = # otherwise, id is a path to an image else: thumbnail_id = # for now, only worry about the first sequence # create a db canvas element for each canvas for order, canvas in enumerate(manifest.sequences[0].canvases): # when updating an existing manifest, look for existing canvas if update_existing: db_canvas = db_manifest.canvases.filter( if not update_existing or not db_canvas: # otherwise, create a new canvas (new import or updating # a manifest where this canvas did not previously exist) db_canvas = Canvas(manifest=db_manifest) # set order and label db_canvas.order = order db_canvas.label = canvas.label # keep canvas id to obscure image id if necessary for security db_canvas.uri = # get short id (extensible for subclasses) db_canvas.short_id = self.canvas_short_id(canvas) # only support single image per canvas for now db_canvas.iiif_image_id = canvas.images[0] # check if this page is the thumbnail image if thumbnail_id is not None and db_canvas.iiif_image_id == thumbnail_id: db_canvas.thumbnail = True # include other fields as extra_data for now for field in ["rendering", "width", "height"]: if hasattr(canvas, field): db_canvas.extra_data[field] = getattr(canvas, field) # if updating, check for previously imported canvases that are no # longer preseent if update_existing: # get a list of all ids in the db all_ids = db_manifest.canvases.all().values_list("uri", flat=True) # get all ids in the current manifest current_ids = [ for canvas in manifest.sequences[0].canvases] # identify outdated ids in the database but not the manifest outdated_ids = set(all_ids).difference(set(current_ids)) if outdated_ids: outdated_canvases = db_manifest.canvases.filter(uri__in=outdated_ids) if outdated_canvases: self.output( "Updating %s; removing %d canvases no longer included" % (, len(outdated_canvases)) ) outdated_canvases.delete() # return the manifest db object that was created return db_manifest
[docs] def import_collection(self, manifest): """Process a single IIIF collection and import all supported manifests referenced in the collection. :gedram manifest: :class:`~djiffy.models.IIIFPresentation` """ if manifest.type == "sc:Collection": # import all manifests in the collection imported = [] for brief_manifest in manifest.manifests: # check if content is supported if hasattr(brief_manifest, "viewingHint") or hasattr( brief_manifest, "viewingDirection" ): if not self.import_supported(brief_manifest): continue self.output( 'Importing "%s" %s' % (brief_manifest.first_label, ) try: manifest = IIIFPresentation.from_file_or_url( except IIIFException as err: manifest = None self.error_msg(str(err)) if manifest: db_manifest = self.import_manifest(manifest, imported.append(db_manifest) return imported
[docs] def canvas_short_id(self, canvas): """Method for generating short id from canvas; default is :meth:`djiffy.models.IIIFPresentation.short_id`. """ return IIIFPresentation.short_id(