Deploy and Upgrade notes


  • Provision and configure a ZOTERO_API_KEY and ZOTERO_LIBRARY_ID before running zotero export script.

  • Run data export scripts to generate dataset for deposit and reuse:

    python reference_data
    python intervention_data
    python export_zotero
  • This update includes changes to the Solr indexing (but not to the Solr schema). You should refresh the Solr index:

    python update_index


  • Solr XML configuration files schema.xml and solrconfig.xml need to be generated and deployed to production Solr server. Use python build_solr_schema to generate the schema. Reload the Solr core or restart Solr after updating the configuration.

  • After Solr configurations are in place, run python rebuild_index --noinput to update the index based on content in the Derrida database.


  • Migration from Plum to Figgy requires that a new auth token be added to local settings under DJIFFY_AUTH_TOKENS for loading restricted IIIF Manifests.

  • Solr XML configuration files schema.xml and solrconfig.xml need to be generated and deployed to production Solr server. Use python build_solr_schema to generate the schema. Reload the Solr core or restart Solr after updating the configuration.

  • After Solr configurations are in place, run python rebuild_index --noinput to update the index based on content in the Derrida database.

  • Production should have updated settings to use the extended signal processor for Haystack managed models:

    HAYSTACK_SIGNAL_PROCESSOR = 'derrida.books.signals.RelationSafeRTSP'
  • This update includes a migration to update cached Plum IIIF Manifest and Canvas data to the new equivalent Figgy URLs. This migration will update records, but to update IIIF content (i.e. after additional labeling work), run:

    python import_digitaleds PUL --update

0.8 Interventions Phase I

  • This release adds django.contrib.sites to INSTALLED_APPS, so you will need to manually configure your site domain in Django admin.

  • An auth token must be configured using DJIFFY_AUTH_TOKENS in in order to import restricted IIIF manifests.

  • To load IIIF digitized content for documenting interventions, you should use the import_digitaleds script. Use PUL to load the entire collection:

    python import_digitaleds PUL


We include sample deploy scripts in the form of a short Ansible playbook and associated configuration files. In the current usage, assuming Ansible is installed and the appropriate server key is loaded via ssh-add:

cd derrida-django/deploy/
ansible-playbook prod_derrida-django_.yml <-e github reference>

Any valid Github tag type is accepted, but the script defaults to master. ansible.cfg and hosts set up the host group and configuration used in the commands.

The production deploy does not involve itself with Apache configuration, because that is handled server side and now handles running a database backup, migrations, and resetting symlinks to make the deployment go live.