Source code for cdhweb.projects.views

from django.urls import reverse
from django.views.generic.list import ListView

from cdhweb.pages.views import LastModifiedListMixin
from cdhweb.projects.models import Project

[docs]class ProjectListView(ListView, LastModifiedListMixin): """Base class for project list views.""" model = Project lastmodified_attr = "last_published_at" #: title for this category of projects page_title = "Projects" #: title for past projects in this category of projects past_title = "Past Projects"
[docs] def get_queryset(self): """Get all published projects ordered by newest grant.""" return super().get_queryset().live().order_by_newest_grant().distinct()
[docs] def get_current(self): """Get current projects from the queryset. Override to customize which filter is used.""" return self.object_list.current()
[docs] def get_past(self): """Get past projects from the queryset. Override to customize which filter is used.""" return self.object_list.not_current()
[docs] def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs): """Add projects, titles, and navigation to context.""" context = super().get_context_data(*args, **kwargs) context.update( { "current": self.get_current(), "past": self.get_past(), "page_title": self.page_title, "past_title": self.past_title, "archive_nav_urls": ( ("Sponsored Projects", reverse("projects:sponsored")), ("Staff Projects", reverse("projects:staff")), ("DH Working Groups", reverse("projects:working-groups")), ), } ) return context
[docs]class SponsoredProjectListView(ProjectListView): """Main project list, i.e. not staff/postdoc/working group.""" page_title = "Sponsored Projects"
[docs] def get_queryset(self): """Get all published sponsored projects.""" return super().get_queryset().not_staff_or_postdoc()
[docs]class StaffProjectListView(ProjectListView): """Staff and postdoc projects, based on grant type.""" page_title = "Staff Projects"
[docs] def get_queryset(self): """Get all published staff/postdoc projects.""" return super().get_queryset().staff_or_postdoc()
[docs]class WorkingGroupListView(ProjectListView): """DH Working group list, based on working group project flag.""" page_title = "DH Working Groups"
[docs] def get_queryset(self): """Get all published DH working groups.""" return Project.objects.working_groups()
[docs] def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs): """Override so that working groups are never shown as past.""" context = super().get_context_data(*args, **kwargs) context["current"] = self.object_list # use cached queryset context["past"] = [] return context