Source code for cdhweb.people.views

from django.db.models import Case, Max, Value, When
from django.db.models.functions import Greatest
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.urls import reverse
from django.views.generic.list import ListView

from cdhweb.pages.views import LastModifiedListMixin
from cdhweb.people.models import Person

[docs]class PersonListView(ListView, LastModifiedListMixin): """Base class for person list views""" model = Person lastmodified_attr = "updated_at" #: title for this category of people page_title = "" #: title for non-past people in this category of people current_title = "" #: label for past people in this category of people past_title = ""
[docs] def get_queryset(self): # get people ordered by position (job title then start date) return super().get_queryset().order_by_position().distinct()
[docs] def get_current(self): """Get current people from the queryset. Override to customize which filter is used. By default, uses generic current logic that checks both positions and grants.""" return self.object_list.current()
[docs] def get_past(self): """Get past people. Override to customize filters and ordering. By default, assumes any profiles that aren't current are past.""" current = self.get_current() return self.object_list.exclude(id__in=current.values("id"))
[docs] def grant_label(self, grant): """Convert a grant into a label with date.""" # if a fellowship, display as "X fellow" if "Fellow" in grant.grant_type.grant_type: no_ship = grant.grant_type.grant_type.split("ship", 1)[0] return f"{grant.years} {no_ship}" # otherwise "X grant recipient" return f"{grant.years} {grant.grant_type.grant_type} Grant Recipient"
def display_label(self, person): # no default; force subclasses to implement raise NotImplementedError def add_display_label(self, queryset): # annotate the queryset with label to be displayed for this view for person in queryset: person.label = self.display_label(person) return queryset
[docs] def get_context_data(self): context = super().get_context_data() # update context to display current and past people separately current = self.get_current() # filter past based current ids, rather than trying to do the complicated # query to find not current people past = self.get_past() context.update( { "current": self.add_display_label(current), "past": self.add_display_label(past), "page_title": self.page_title, "past_title": self.past_title, "current_title": self.current_title or self.page_title, # use main title as default "archive_nav_urls": [ ("Staff", reverse("people:staff")), ("Students", reverse("people:students")), ("Affiliates", reverse("people:affiliates")), ("Executive Committee", reverse("people:exec-committee")), ], } ) return context
[docs]class StaffListView(PersonListView): """Display current and past CDH staff""" page_title = "Staff" past_title = "Past Staff" def display_label(self, person): # for staff list view, label based on most recent position last_position = person.positions.first() label = last_position.title # if position is not current, include years if not last_position.is_current: label = "%s %s" % (last_position.years, label) return label
[docs] def get_queryset(self): # filter to profiles with staff flag set and exclude students # (already ordered by job title sort order and then by last name) return super().get_queryset().cdh_staff().not_students()
# NOTE: if someone goes from a student role to a staff role, they need # to have their PU status changed to something that's not a student # in order to not be excluded from this page based on their previous # role
[docs] def get_current(self): # we only care about current position, grant doesn't matter; # filter out past faculty directors who are current exec members return self.object_list.current_position_nonexec()
[docs]class StudentListView(PersonListView): """Display current and past graduate fellows, graduate and undergraduate assistants.""" page_title = "Students" past_title = "Alumni"
[docs] def get_queryset(self): # filter to just students return ( super() .get_queryset() .student_affiliates() .grant_years() .project_manager_years() )
# FIXME: still getting some duplicates... def display_label(self, person): # for student assistants and fellows, label based on position # students can multiple affiliations labels = [] current_label = None for position in person.positions.all(): label = str(position.title) # if position is current, set as current label if position.is_current: current_label = label # if not current, include years and add to list else: label = "%s %s" % (position.years, label) labels.append(label) if person.latest_grant: # if student was a project director, show as grant recipient/fellow grant = person.latest_grant label = self.grant_label(grant) if grant.is_current: current_label = label else: labels.append(label) # for students on projects, label based on project membership for membership in person.membership_set.filter(role__title="Project Manager"): # NOTE: it might be better to use memberships for # project director / grant role as well, but with the new # data model it's harder to determine what type of grant they were on label = membership.role.title if membership.is_current: current_label = label else: label = "%s %s" % (membership.years, label) labels.append(label) # if the student has a current affiliation, return only that # otherwise return multiple # NOTE: could truncate this list and/or prioritize certain titles/roles return current_label or "\n".join(sorted(set(labels), reverse=True)) # NOTE: at least one case is generating duplicate labels, # not sure why!
[docs] def get_past(self): # show most recent first based on grant or position end date # NOTE the use of Case/When here is to avoid Greatest() returning NULL # if any of its arguments are NULL, which is mysql behavior: # # see also the django docs on conditional aggregation: # # NOTE also that this causes dates to be interpreted as strings in QA; # relevant ticket: return ( super() .get_past() .annotate( most_recent=Greatest( Case( When( membership__end_date__isnull=False, then=Max("membership__end_date"), ), default=Value("1900-01-01"), ), Case( When( positions__end_date__isnull=False, then=Max("positions__end_date"), ), default=Value("1900-01-01"), ), ) ) .order_by("-most_recent") )
[docs]class AffiliateListView(PersonListView): """Display current and past faculty & staff affiliates""" page_title = "Affiliates" past_title = "Past {}".format(page_title)
[docs] def get_queryset(self): # filter to affiliates, annotate with grant years, and order by name return super().get_queryset().affiliates().grant_years().order_by("last_name")
def display_label(self, person): # use grant information as label return self.grant_label(person.latest_grant)
[docs] def get_current(self): # we only care about current grants, position doesn't matter return self.object_list.current_grant()
[docs]class ExecListView(PersonListView): """Display current and past executive committee members.""" page_title = "Executive Committee" past_title = "Past members of {}".format(page_title)
[docs] def get_queryset(self): # filter to exec members return super().get_queryset().executive_committee().order_by("last_name")
[docs] def get_current(self): # we only care about current position, grant doesn't matter return self.object_list.current_position()
def display_label(self, person): # for exec, we just want to show their job title return person.job_title
[docs] def get_context_data(self): context = super().get_context_data() # executive committee needs an additional filter: # exec members, sits with committee, then alumni as usual current = context["current"] context.update( { "current": self.add_display_label(current.exec_member()), "sits_with": self.add_display_label(current.sits_with_exec()), } ) return context
def speakerlist_gone(request): # return 410 gone for speakers list view; # (removed in 3.0, no longer needed after the Year of Data) return render( request, "404.html", context={ "error_code": 410, "message": "That page isn't here anymore.", "page_title": "Error — no longer available", }, status=410, )