Source code for cdhweb.people.models

from datetime import date

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.signals import pre_delete
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils import timezone
from modelcluster.fields import ParentalKey
from modelcluster.models import ClusterableModel
from taggit.managers import TaggableManager
from wagtail.admin.edit_handlers import (
from wagtail.core.fields import RichTextField
from wagtail.core.models import Page
from wagtail.images.edit_handlers import ImageChooserPanel
from import index

from cdhweb.pages.models import (

[docs]class Title(models.Model): """Job titles for people""" title = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True) sort_order = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0, blank=False, null=False) positions = models.ManyToManyField("people.Person", through="Position") class Meta: ordering = ["sort_order"] def __str__(self): return self.title
[docs] def num_people(self): """Number of people with this position title""" # NOTE: maybe more meaningful if count restrict to _current_ titles? return self.positions.distinct().count()
num_people.short_description = "# People"
[docs]class PersonQuerySet(models.QuerySet): #: position titles that indicate a person is a postdoc postdoc_titles = [ "Postdoctoral Fellow", "Postdoctoral Fellow and Communications Lead", ] #: position titles that indicate a person is a project director director_roles = ["Project Director", "Co-PI: Research Lead"] #: position titles that indicate a staff person is a student student_titles = [ "Graduate Fellow", "Graduate Assistant", "Undergraduate Assistant", "Postgraduate Research Associate", ] #: membership roles that indicate someone is an affiliate project_roles = ["Project Director", "Project Manager", "Co-PI: Research Lead"] #: student status codes from LDAP student_pu_status = ["graduate", "undergraduate"] #: executive committee member titles exec_member_title = "Executive Committee Member" with_exec_title = "Sits with Executive Committee" exec_committee_titles = [exec_member_title, with_exec_title]
[docs] def cdh_staff(self): """Return only CDH staff members""" return self.filter(cdh_staff=True)
[docs] def student_affiliates(self): """Return CDH student staff members, grantees, and PGRAs based on Project Director or Project Manager role.""" return ( self.filter( models.Q(pu_status__in=self.student_pu_status) | models.Q(positions__title__title__in=self.student_titles) ) .filter( models.Q(cdh_staff=True) | models.Q(membership__role__title__in=self.project_roles) ) .exclude(pu_status="stf") )
[docs] def not_students(self): """Filter out students based on PU status""" return self.exclude(pu_status__in=self.student_pu_status)
[docs] def affiliates(self): """Faculty and staff affiliates based on PU status and Project Director project role. Excludes CDH staff.""" return self.filter( pu_status__in=("fac", "stf"), membership__role__title__in=self.director_roles, ).exclude(cdh_staff=True)
[docs] def executive_committee(self): """Executive committee members; based on position title.""" return self.filter(positions__title__title__in=self.exec_committee_titles)
[docs] def exec_member(self): """Executive committee members""" return self.filter(positions__title__title=self.exec_member_title)
[docs] def sits_with_exec(self): """Non-faculty Executive committee members""" return self.filter(positions__title__title=self.with_exec_title)
[docs] def grant_years(self): """Annotate with first start and last end grant year for grants that a person was project director.""" # NOTE: filters within the aggregation query on project director # but not on the entire query so that e.g. on the students # page student staff without grants are still included return self.annotate( first_start=models.Min( models.Case( models.When( membership__role__title__in=self.director_roles, then="membership__start_date", ) ) ), last_end=models.Max( models.Case( models.When( membership__role__title__in=self.director_roles, then="membership__end_date", ) ) ), )
[docs] def project_manager_years(self): """Annotate with first start and last end grant year for grants that a person was project manager.""" # NOTE: filters within the aggregation query on project manager # but not on the entire query so that e.g. on the students # page student staff without grants are still included return self.annotate( pm_start=models.Min( models.Case( models.When( membership__role__title="Project Manager", then="membership__start_date", ) ) ), pm_end=models.Max( models.Case( models.When( membership__role__title="Project Manager", then="membership__end_date", ) ) ), )
def _current_position_query(self): # query to find a person with a current cdh position # person *has* a position and it has no end date or date after today today = return models.Q(positions__start_date__lte=today) & ( models.Q(positions__end_date__isnull=True) | models.Q( ) def _current_project_member_query(self): today = return ( # in one of the allowed roles (project director/project manager) models.Q(membership__role__title__in=self.project_roles) & # current based on membership dates ( models.Q(membership__start_date__lte=today) & ( models.Q(membership__end_date__gte=today) | models.Q(membership__end_date__isnull=True) ) ) )
[docs] def current(self): """Return people with a current position or current grant based on start and end dates.""" # annotate with an is_current flag to make template logic simpler return self.filter( models.Q(self._current_position_query()) | models.Q(self._current_project_member_query()) ).extra(select={"is_current": True})
# NOTE: couldn't get annotate to work # .annotate(is_current=models.Value(True, output_field=models.BooleanField))
[docs] def current_grant(self): """Return profiles for users with a current grant.""" return self.filter(self._current_project_member_query())
[docs] def current_position(self): """Return profiles for users with a current position.""" return self.filter(self._current_position_query())
[docs] def current_position_nonexec(self): """Return profiles for users with a current position, excluding current executive committee positions.""" cpq = self._current_position_query() return ( self.filter(cpq) .annotate(current_position_title=models.F("positions__title__title")) .exclude(current_position_title__in=self.exec_committee_titles) )
[docs] def order_by_position(self): """order by job title sort order and then by start date""" # annotate to avoid duplicates in the queryset due to multiple positions # sort on highest position title (= lowest number) and earliest start date (may # not be from the same position) return self.annotate( min_title=models.Min("positions__title__sort_order"), min_start=models.Min("positions__start_date"), ).order_by("min_title", "min_start", "last_name")
[docs]class Person(ClusterableModel): # in cdhweb 2.x this was a proxy model for User; # in 3.x it is a distinct model with 1-1 optional relationship to User first_name = models.CharField("first name", max_length=150) last_name = models.CharField("last name", max_length=150) email = models.EmailField(null=True, blank=True) user = models.OneToOneField( User, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True, help_text="Corresponding user account for this person (optional)", ) cdh_staff = models.BooleanField( "CDH Staff", default=False, help_text="CDH staff or Postdoctoral Fellow." ) job_title = models.CharField( max_length=255, blank=True, help_text="Professional title, e.g. Professor or Assistant Professor", ) department = models.CharField( max_length=255, blank=True, help_text="Academic Department at Princeton or other institution", ) institution = models.CharField( max_length=255, blank=True, help_text="Institutional affiliation (for people not associated with Princeton)", ) phone_number = models.CharField( max_length=50, blank=True, help_text="Office phone number" ) office_location = models.CharField( max_length=255, blank=True, help_text="Office number and building" ) PU_STATUS_CHOICES = ( ("fac", "Faculty"), ("stf", "Staff"), ("graduate", "Graduate Student"), ("undergraduate", "Undergraduate Student"), ("external", "Not associated with Princeton"), ) pu_status = models.CharField( "Princeton Status", choices=PU_STATUS_CHOICES, max_length=15, blank=True, default="", ) image = models.ForeignKey( "wagtailimages.image", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name="+", ) # no reverse relationship #: update timestamp updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, null=True, editable=False) # wagtail admin setup panels = [ ImageChooserPanel("image"), FieldRowPanel((FieldPanel("first_name"), FieldPanel("last_name")), "Name"), FieldPanel("user"), FieldRowPanel((FieldPanel("pu_status"), FieldPanel("cdh_staff")), "Status"), MultiFieldPanel( ( FieldPanel("job_title"), FieldPanel("department"), FieldPanel("institution"), ), heading="Employment", ), MultiFieldPanel( ( FieldPanel("phone_number"), FieldPanel("email"), FieldPanel("office_location"), ), heading="Contact", ), InlinePanel("positions", heading="Positions"), InlinePanel("related_links", heading="Related Links"), ] # custom manager for querying objects = PersonQuerySet.as_manager() class Meta: ordering = ("last_name",) verbose_name_plural = "people" def __str__(self): """Person display for listing in admin menus. Uses first and last name if set, otherwise falls back to username. If no user, uses pk as a last resort.""" if self.first_name or self.last_name: return " ".join([self.first_name, self.last_name]).strip() if self.user: return self.user.username return "Person %d" % @property def lastname_first(self): """display person as lastname, first for sorting""" return ", ".join([n for n in [self.last_name, self.first_name] if n]) def __lt__(self, other): # NOTE we need to order Memberships using person name by default, # but modelcluster doesn't support ordering via related lookups, so # we can't order by person__last_name on Membership. Instead we do this. # see: return self.lastname_first < other.lastname_first @property def current_title(self): """Return the first of any non-expired titles held by this Person.""" current_positions = self.positions.filter(end_date__isnull=True) if current_positions.exists(): return current_positions.first().title @property def most_recent_title(self): """Return the most recent of any titles held by this Person.""" most_recent_position = self.positions.first() if most_recent_position: return most_recent_position.title @property def latest_grant(self): """most recent grants where this person has director role""" # find projects where they are director, then get newest grant # that overlaps with their directorship dates mship = ( self.membership_set.filter(role__title__in=PersonQuerySet.director_roles) .order_by("-start_date") .first() ) # if there is one, find the most recent grant overlapping with their # directorship dates if mship: # find most recent grant that overlaps with membership dates # - grant start before membership end AND # - grant end after membership start OR # - grant has no end # a membership might have no end date set, in which # case it can't be used in a filter — if grant has no end date, # it's an automatic overlap grant_overlap = models.Q(end_date__gte=mship.start_date) | models.Q( end_date__isnull=True ) if mship.end_date: grant_overlap &= models.Q(start_date__lte=mship.end_date) return ( mship.project.grants.filter(grant_overlap) .order_by("-start_date") .first() ) @property def profile_url(self): """Provide the link to published profile on this site if there is one; otherwise look for an associated website url""" try: profile = self.profile if return profile.get_url() except Profile.DoesNotExist: website = self.related_links.filter(type__name="Website").first() if website: return website.url
[docs]@receiver(pre_delete, sender=Person) def cleanup_profile(sender, **kwargs): """Handler to delete the corresponding Profile on Person deletion.""" # see NOTE on Profile save() method try: Profile.objects.get(person=kwargs["instance"]).delete() except Profile.DoesNotExist: pass
[docs]class Profile(BasePage): """Profile page for a Person, managed via wagtail.""" person = models.OneToOneField( Person, help_text="Corresponding person for this profile", null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) image = models.ForeignKey( "wagtailimages.image", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name="+", ) # no reverse relationship education = RichTextField(features=PARAGRAPH_FEATURES, blank=True) # admin edit configuration content_panels = Page.content_panels + [ FieldRowPanel((FieldPanel("person"), ImageChooserPanel("image")), "Person"), FieldPanel("education"), StreamFieldPanel("body"), StreamFieldPanel("attachments"), ] parent_page_types = ["people.PeopleLandingPage"] subpage_types = [] # index fields search_fields = BasePage.search_fields + [index.SearchField("education")]
[docs] def get_context(self, request): """Add recent BlogPosts by this Person to their Profile.""" context = super().get_context(request) # get 3 most recent published posts with this person as author; # add to context and set open graph metadata context.update( { "opengraph_type": "profile", "recent_posts":[:3], } ) return context
[docs] def clean(self): """Validate that a Person was specified for this profile.""" # NOTE we can't cascade deletes to wagtail pages without corrupting the # page tree. Instead, we use SET_NULL, and then add a delete handler # to Person to delete the corresponding profile manually. We still need # to make sure that it's impossible to create a Profile without a # corresponding Person. More info: # if not self.person: raise ValidationError("Profile page must be for existing person.")
[docs]class PeopleLandingPage(LandingPage): """LandingPage subtype for People that holds Profiles.""" # NOTE this page can't be created in the page editor; it is only ever made # via a script or the console, since there's only one. parent_page_types = [] # NOTE the only allowed child page type is a Profile; this is so that # Profiles made in the admin automatically are created here. subpage_types = [Profile, LinkPage] # use the regular landing page template template = LandingPage.template
[docs]class Position(DateRange): """Through model for many-to-many relation between people and titles. Adds start and end dates to the join table.""" person = ParentalKey(Person, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="positions") title = models.ForeignKey(Title, on_delete=models.CASCADE) class Meta: ordering = ["-start_date"] def __str__(self): return "%s %s (%s)" % (self.person, self.title, self.start_date.year)
[docs]def init_person_from_ldap(user, ldapinfo): """Extra User init logic for creating and auto-populating a corresponding Person with data from LDAP.""" # update User to use ldap email = # populate Person fields with data we can pull from ldap, if they are empty person, _created = Person.objects.get_or_create(user=user) # if no email set for Person, use ldap email if not = # set first/last name basic on basic whitespace split; can adjust later first_name, *_others, last_name = str(ldapinfo.displayName).split() person.first_name = person.first_name or first_name person.last_name = person.last_name or last_name # set phone number if ldapinfo.telephoneNumber and not person.phone_number: person.phone_number = str(ldapinfo.telephoneNumber) # set office location ("street" in ldap) if ldapinfo.street and not person.office_location: person.office_location = str(ldapinfo.street) # set department (organizational unit or "ou" in ldap) if ldapinfo.ou and not person.department: person.department = str(ldapinfo.ou) # set job title (split and use only first portion from ldap) # NOTE titles for cdh staff are managed via Title/Position instead; we # don't want to create Titles for every possible job at Princeton. This is # a change from v2.x behavior. if ldapinfo.title and not person.job_title: person.job_title = str(ldapinfo.title).split(",")[0] # always update PU status to current person.pu_status = str(ldapinfo.pustatus)