Source code for cdhweb.pages.models

from datetime import date
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse

import bleach
from django.apps import apps
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import models
from django.template.defaultfilters import striptags, truncatechars_html
from taggit.managers import TaggableManager
from wagtail.admin.edit_handlers import (
from wagtail.core.blocks import RichTextBlock, StreamBlock, StructBlock, TextBlock
from wagtail.core.fields import RichTextField, StreamField
from wagtail.core.models import CollectionMember, Page
from wagtail.documents.blocks import DocumentChooserBlock
from wagtail.documents.models import AbstractDocument, DocumentQuerySet
from wagtail.embeds.blocks import EmbedBlock
from wagtail.images.blocks import ImageChooserBlock
from wagtail.images.edit_handlers import ImageChooserPanel
from wagtail.images.models import Image
from import index
from wagtail.snippets.blocks import SnippetChooserBlock
from wagtail.snippets.models import register_snippet
from wagtailmenus.models import AbstractLinkPage
from wagtailmenus.panels import linkpage_tab

#: common features for paragraph text

#: help text for image alternative text
ALT_TEXT_HELP = """Alternative text for visually impaired users to
briefly communicate the intended message of the image in this context."""

[docs]class CaptionedImageBlock(StructBlock): """:class:`~wagtail.core.blocks.StructBlock` for an image with alternative text and optional formatted caption, so that both caption and alternative text can be context-specific.""" image = ImageChooserBlock() alternative_text = TextBlock(required=True, help_text=ALT_TEXT_HELP) caption = RichTextBlock( features=["bold", "italic", "link", "superscript"], required=False ) class Meta: icon = "image" template = "cdhpages/snippets/captioned_image.html"
[docs]class SVGImageBlock(StructBlock): """:class:`~wagtail.core.blocks.StructBlock` for an SVG image with alternative text and optional formatted caption. Separate from :class:`CaptionedImageBlock` because Wagtail image handling does not work with SVG.""" extended_description_help = """This text will only be read to \ non-sighted users and should describe the major insights or \ takeaways from the graphic. Multiple paragraphs are allowed.""" image = DocumentChooserBlock() alternative_text = TextBlock(required=True, help_text=ALT_TEXT_HELP) caption = RichTextBlock( features=["bold", "italic", "link", "superscript"], required=False ) extended_description = RichTextBlock( features=["p"], required=False, help_text=extended_description_help ) class Meta: icon = "image" label = "SVG" template = "cdhpages/snippets/svg_image.html"
[docs]class BodyContentBlock(StreamBlock): """Common set of blocks available in StreamFields for body text.""" EMBED_HELP = """For e.g. videos on YouTube, use the value in the URL bar. For other content, look for an "oEmbed URL" option. For videos from Princeton's Media Central, "oEmbed URL" is in the "Share" menu.""" # NOTE add h2 here so that StreamField content can insert top-level headings # (the page title is always h1). However, we don't put it in the config for # PARAGRAPH_FEATURES because in some places you shouldn't be allowed to make # an h2 or it would conflict with LinkableSections. In those cases, define # RichTextField(features=PARAGRAPH_FEATURES) to get everything except h2. paragraph = RichTextBlock(features=["h2"] + PARAGRAPH_FEATURES) image = CaptionedImageBlock() svg_image = SVGImageBlock() embed = EmbedBlock(help_text=EMBED_HELP) #: used to hold content migrated from mezzanine via a "kitchen-sink" #: approach; enable all supported wagtail features. #: Should NOT be used when creating new pages. migrated = RichTextBlock( features=PARAGRAPH_FEATURES + ["image", "embed"], icon="warning" )
[docs]class AttachmentBlock(StreamBlock): """Page attachments, including local files and external URLs.""" document = DocumentChooserBlock() link = SnippetChooserBlock("cdhpages.ExternalAttachment")
[docs]class PagePreviewDescriptionMixin(models.Model): """Page mixin with logic for page preview content. Adds an optional richtext description field, and methods to get description and plain-text description, for use in previews on the site and plain-text metadata previews.""" # adapted from PPA; does not allow <p> tags in description #: brief description for preview display description = RichTextField( blank=True, features=["bold", "italic"], help_text="Optional. Brief description for preview display. Will " + "also be used for search description (without tags), if one is " + "not entered.", ) #: maximum length for description to be displayed max_length = 225 # (tags are omitted by subsetting default ALLOWED_TAGS) #: allowed tags for bleach html stripping in description allowed_tags = list( (set(bleach.sanitizer.ALLOWED_TAGS) - set(["a", "blockquote"])) ) # additional tags to remove class Meta: abstract = True
[docs] def get_description(self): """Get formatted description for preview. Uses description field if there is content, otherwise uses beginning of the body content.""" description = "" # use description field if set # use striptags to check for empty paragraph if striptags(self.description): description = self.description # if no description, use the search description if set elif self.search_description.strip(): description = self.search_description # if no description of any kind, use beginning of body content else: # Iterate over blocks and use content from first paragraph content for block in self.body: if block.block_type == "paragraph": description = block # stop after the first instead of using last break description = bleach.clean(str(description), tags=self.allowed_tags, strip=True) # truncate either way return truncatechars_html(description, self.max_length)
[docs] def get_plaintext_description(self): """Get plain-text description for use in metadata. Uses search_description field if set; otherwise uses the result of :meth:`get_description` with tags stripped.""" if self.search_description.strip(): return self.search_description return striptags(self.get_description())
[docs]class LinkPage(AbstractLinkPage): """Link page for controlling appearance in menus of non-Page content.""" # NOTE these pages can have slugs, but the slug isn't editable in the admin # by default. We override the editing interface to introduce a "promote" # panel as with other Page models containing the form field for the slug. # see: edit_handler = TabbedInterface( [ linkpage_tab, ObjectList((MultiFieldPanel((FieldPanel("slug"),)),), heading="Promote"), ] )
[docs]class BasePage(Page): """Abstract Page class from which all Wagtail page types are derived.""" #: main page text body = StreamField(BodyContentBlock, blank=True) #: relationship to uploaded documents and external links attachments = StreamField(AttachmentBlock, blank=True) # index body content to make it searchable search_fields = Page.search_fields + [index.SearchField("body")] class Meta: abstract = True
[docs]class ContentPage(BasePage, PagePreviewDescriptionMixin): """Basic content page model.""" content_panels = Page.content_panels + [ FieldPanel("description"), StreamFieldPanel("body"), StreamFieldPanel("attachments"), ] # index description in addition to body content search_fields = BasePage.search_fields + [index.SearchField("description")] parent_page_types = ["HomePage", "LandingPage", "ContentPage"] subpage_types = ["ContentPage"]
[docs]class LandingPage(BasePage): """Page type that aggregates and displays multiple ContentPages.""" #: short sentence overlaid on the header image tagline = models.CharField(max_length=255) #: image that will be used for the header header_image = models.ForeignKey( "wagtailimages.image", null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name="+", ) # no reverse relationship content_panels = Page.content_panels + [ FieldPanel("tagline"), ImageChooserPanel("header_image"), StreamFieldPanel("body"), ] parent_page_types = ["HomePage"] subpage_types = ["ContentPage"]
[docs]class HomePage(BasePage): """A home page that aggregates and displays featured content.""" content_panels = Page.content_panels + [StreamFieldPanel("body")] parent_page_types = [Page] # only root subpage_types = ["LandingPage", "ContentPage", "LinkPage"] class Meta: verbose_name = "Homepage"
[docs] def get_context(self, request): """Add featured updates, projects, pages, and events to page context.""" context = super().get_context(request) # FIXME because these apps import LandingPage, there is a circular # import issue, so we can't import these models at the top of this file BlogPost = apps.get_model("blog", "blogpost") Project = apps.get_model("projects", "project") Event = apps.get_model("events", "event") # add up to 6 featured updates, otherwise use 3 most recent updates updates =[:6] if not updates.exists(): updates =[:3] context["updates"] = updates # add up to 4 randomly selected highlighted, published projects projects = list("?")) context["projects"] = projects[:4] # add up to 3 upcoming, published events context["events"] =[:3] # add "featured pages" with special section: currently about/consult, # don't add them to context if not published # NOTE effectively hardcoding by slug for now; could generalize later context.update( { "about":"about").first(), "consult":"consult").first(), } ) return context
[docs]@register_snippet class PageIntro(models.Model): """Snippet for optional page intro text on for pages generated from django views not managed by wagtail""" page = models.OneToOneField(LinkPage, on_delete=models.CASCADE) #: intro text paragraph = RichTextField(features=PARAGRAPH_FEATURES) panels = [ FieldPanel("page"), FieldPanel("paragraph"), ] def __str__(self): return
[docs]class DisplayUrlMixin(models.Model): """Mixin that provides a single required URL field and a display method.""" url = models.URLField() class Meta: abstract = True @property def display_url(self): """URL cleaned up for display, with scheme and extra params removed.""" # keep only the domain/subdomains and path; stripping slashes from result scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse(self.url) return urlunparse(("", netloc, path, "", "", "")).lstrip("//").rstrip("/")
[docs]class RelatedLinkType(models.Model): """Link types for RelatedLinks, with sort order determined by type.""" name = models.CharField(max_length=255) sort_order = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0, blank=False, null=False) class Meta: ordering = ["sort_order"] def __str__(self): return
[docs]class LocalAttachment(AbstractDocument): """A locally hosted file that can be associated with a Page.""" author = models.CharField( max_length=255, blank=True, help_text="Citation or list of authors" ) admin_form_fields = ("title", "author", "file", "collection", "tags") def __str__(self): """Attachment title, author(s) if present, and file extension (type).""" parts = [super().__str__()] if parts.append(", %s" % parts.append(" (%s)" % self.file_extension) return "".join(parts)
[docs]@register_snippet class ExternalAttachment( DisplayUrlMixin, CollectionMember, index.Indexed, models.Model ): """An externally hosted link or file that can be associated with a Page.""" # replicate the same fields as Document but with URL instead of file; see: # title = models.CharField(max_length=255) author = models.CharField( max_length=255, blank=True, help_text="Citation or list of authors" ) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, editable=False) tags = TaggableManager(blank=True) # adapted from AbstractDocument but with URL instead; see: # search_fields = CollectionMember.search_fields + [ index.SearchField("title", partial_match=True, boost=10), index.AutocompleteField("title"), index.FilterField("title"), index.SearchField("url", partial_match=True), index.RelatedFields( "tags", [ index.SearchField("name", partial_match=True, boost=10), index.AutocompleteField("name"), ], ), ] # same QS/manager and form fields as Attachment objects = DocumentQuerySet.as_manager() admin_form_fields = ("title", "author", "url", "collection", "tags") def __str__(self): """Attachment title, author(s) if present, and URL.""" parts = [self.title] if parts.append(", %s" % parts.append(" (%s)" % self.display_url) return "".join(parts)
[docs]class DateRange(models.Model): """Abstract model with start and end dates. Includes validation that requires end date falls after start date (if set), and custom properties to check if dates are current/active and to display years.""" #: start date start_date = models.DateField() #: end date (optional) end_date = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True) class Meta: abstract = True @property def is_current(self): """is current: start date before today and end date in the future or not set""" today = return self.start_date <= today and ( not self.end_date or self.end_date >= today ) @property def years(self): """year or year range for display""" val = str(self.start_date.year) if self.end_date: # start and end the same year - return single year only if self.start_date.year == self.end_date.year: return val return "%s%s" % (val, self.end_date.year) return "%s–" % val
[docs] def clean_fields(self, exclude=None): if exclude is None: exclude = [] if "start_date" in exclude or "end_date" in exclude: return # require end date to be greater than start date if self.start_date and self.end_date and not self.end_date >= self.start_date: raise ValidationError("End date must be after start date")