Posts in 2021
  • Nov 22 - Dec 3, 2021

    Monday, December 06, 2021 in 2021

    We made progress on multiple projects, but didn’t close anything with points; this is due to the Thanksgiving holiday and the shift to working on Startwords to prep issue 2 for publication. Startwords We completed a number of updates in …

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  • Nov 8 - Nov 19, 2021

    Monday, November 22, 2021 in 2021

    Our rolling development velocity after this iteration is picking up (7.8) as geniza work gains momentum. For development work, we completed 21 issues and 13 points. We made what we hope to be the final Derrida release. geniza We made progress on the …

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  • Oct 25 - Nov 5, 2021

    Monday, November 08, 2021 in 2021

    Featured Image for Oct 25 - Nov 5, 2021

    Our rolling development velocity after this iteration is low (only 4 points), but we’re starting to gain momentum on the geniza development work and we’rec lose to wrapping up maintenance and chore work. For development work, we completed …

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  • Oct 11 - Oct 22, 2021

    Monday, October 25, 2021 in 2021

    Featured Image for Oct 11 - Oct 22, 2021

    This iteration we closed 9 development issues but had zero points, because those issues were all chores and bugs. Our rolling velocity is 5.67 but should pick up as we gain momentum on geniza work, especially since we’ve added contractor …

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  • Sep 27 - Oct 8, 2021

    Monday, October 11, 2021 in 2021

    Featured Image for Sep 27 - Oct 8, 2021

    We closed a rather small number of issues this iteration (5 development issues, 3 points) bringing our rolling velocity down a bit to 6.33. This is likely because our efforts were directed elsewhere; notably on completing the Geniza year 2 charter, …

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  • Sep 13 - Sep 24, 2021

    Monday, September 27, 2021 in 2021

    This iteration, we continued working on planned maintenance work and finishing the charter for the next year of work on the Geniza research partnership. Our rolling velocity is up to 7.7; points for this iteration were high because work included a …

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  • Aug 23 - Sep 3, 2021

    Tuesday, September 07, 2021 in 2021

    Featured Image for Aug 23 - Sep 3, 2021

    Completed points for this iteration are quite low (only 2 points). This brings our rolling velocity down to 6, which is the lowest it’s been in quite some time. This is likely due to the focus on maintenance work and chartering the next year of …

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  • Aug 9 - Aug 20, 2021

    Monday, August 23, 2021 in 2021

    Featured Image for Aug 9 - Aug 20, 2021

    This iteration we lost Rebecca Munson, who was a long-time collaborator of the CDH Development & Design Team, project manager & project coordinator for many of our projects. In spite of that terrible loss, it’s good to do work, and we …

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  • Jul 26 — Aug 6, 2021

    Monday, August 09, 2021 in 2021

    Featured Image for Jul 26 — Aug 6, 2021

    We had multiple projects active this iteration, roughly divided across developers on the team. The planned work for PPA spilled over and needed to be completed; work started on updates for CDH web identified in the recent project charter; and work …

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  • Jul 5 — 23, 2021

    Monday, July 26, 2021 in 2021

    Featured Image for Jul 5 — 23, 2021

    This iteration we made significant progress on PPA. All remaining planned work to support Gale/ECCO import and HathiTrust excerpts were moved to “development complete” status, but unfortunately testing issues related to indexing and …

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