Apr 29 - May 8, 2024
Report on iteration Apr 29, 2024 — May 10, 2024 (includes all issues completed before May 13, 2024).
This marked the second iteration of the new RSE team cycle, with a 8 day development sprint, followed by 2 days of R&D. The RSE team was focused on the PPA, as well as wrapping up some maintenance issues that carried over from last sprint.
The team wrapped up two major releases this week. We started the iteration with the release of the Wagtail upgrade for CDH web ahead of the technical phase of the website redesign. And we closed the iteration with the release of version 1.6 and 1.6.1 of Shakespeare and Company, which closed out a cluster of issues around improving data imports and exports.
The Springload redesign is moving forward with the implementation of the website redesign: https://github.com/springload/cdh-web/
For the main PPA application, the focus this iteration was on the integration with EEBO and addressing the shift in Gale’s approach to serving images. Both are underway and moving forward smoothly.
For the NLP project, worked continued on assessing and preparing the corpus for analysis, as well as initial planning for the creating of annotations. Laure completed the evaluation of the existing OCR, with a recommendation to re-OCR the text from Gale. The resulting data on detected languages also proved useful as a way to filter pages and to identify where the OCR error rate is likely high.
Aerial Archival Photography
We continue to make progress with assessing the work completed by Microsoft. We have a copy of the package developed for Prof. Kreike’s data. Next iteration we will have a call with the Microsoft to clarify any questions / procedures and attempt to run the package on Princeton hardware.
Maintenace Projects
We continue to support and consult on the Geniza project, particularly around issues of search and solr.
The bug with Ansible Tower was addressed by PUL, which clears the way to set up the deploy of our major web applications (CDH Web, Geniza, S&Co) through this interface. This will improve our workflow for collaborating with external partners and contractors.
The issues with timeouts continues, and PUL has added datadog to the production applications so that we can get better visibility on what is happening.
And in preparation for next week, the VMs for the Derrida Archive are ready to go.
On the process front, we are working with GitHub Projects for managing each iteration and learning to use the built in charts, as well as how to export data from Projects. Jeri found a script for exporting a project board to a CSV, which we can use to capture our historical data (https://github.com/fiedl/github-project-to-csv).
The long-awaited article-proofs arrived for the Shakespeare and Company cluster, which Rebecca was able to review, as well as finalize the corresponding replication code. In addition, she submitted the “Trust Your Code” article for publication; and submitted to the DH Mini Conference on Simulating Risk.
Upcoming Priorities
Looking ahead, we will be focused next on completing the archive of Derrida’s Margins (ahead of the server being shut down), interfacing with Microsoft regarding their object detection pipeline, completing the itegration with EEBO data on PPA, and determining the work plan for identifying poems in the PPA data. We are also ramping up our preparations for the London RSE site visits and the DARIAH conference.
Interactive figures for the Shakespeare and Company article: https://viz.shakespeareandco.princeton.edu/
Final Status of Project Board

Total Story Points at the end of Iteration 2: 34 points queued; 22 points completed
Active projects
- cdh-web (0 points, 1 issue)
- mep-django (6 points, 6 issues)
- ppa-django (0 points, 1 issue)
- ppa-nlp (0 points, 1 issue)
- cdh-web 3.5.3 — Monday Apr 29, 2024
- mep-django 1.6 — Wednesday May 8, 2024
- mep-django 1.6.1 — Wednesday May 8, 2024
6 points, 9 issues. Rolling velocity: 3.33
Closed issues by project
- cdh-web (0 points, 1 issues)
- development (0 points, 1 issues)
- upgrade to wagtail 5.2 chore
- development (0 points, 1 issues)
- mep-django (6 points, 6 issues)
- development (6 points, 6 issues)
- As a data editor, I want people records with VIAF URIs and no birth or death date to have dates automatically populated from VIAF data.
- S&co v1.6 software release checklist chore
- Add imports and improve data exports
- As a content editor, I want to batch import new data on books' genre, so that I can update multiple records with annotations made externally (2)
- As a content admin, I want to export member addresses with more details in a separate file so I can more easily work with member locations. (2)
- As a content admin, I want to export information about creators from the database so I can work with the data using other tools. (2) enhancement
- development (6 points, 6 issues)
- ppa-django (0 points, 1 issues)
- development (0 points, 1 issues)
- ppa-nlp (0 points, 1 issues)
- development (0 points, 1 issues)
Upcoming work
Next iteration is May 13, 2024 - May 24, 2024.
View the planned issues for the current iteration on GitHub Projects