Aug 22 - Sep 2, 2023
Report on iteration Aug 21, 2023 — Aug 31, 2023 (includes all issues completed before Sep 4, 2023).
Our work this iteration was spread across multiple project and included some on-going maintenance work, time-sensitive bug fixes, continuing effort on on-going research projects GeoTaste and Simulating Risk, and preliminary work for Startwords issue 4.
project updates
Numerous issues closed as the project team makes a huge effort to close out the tool-building portion of the work and completed related data work needed for the application.
Simulating Risk
We completed work on new Jupyter/Colab notebooks that allow running simulations interactively in Colab using Mesa’s new experimental JupyterViz
interface; because it’s experimental, this required some pull requests to update Mesa code to add support for functionality we were already using in the previous Mesa runserver interface.
We preemptively scheduled editorial improvements that were scheduled for later work on PPA because we needed to generate PDFs of editorial essays that were needed for a promotion file.
We also completed some ansible maintenance thanks to support from PUL, completed testing on some small updates for CDH web, made the Lenape Timetree codebase more citable, and closed out an old design task for Startwords in preparation for development work to support Startwords issue 4.

Screenshot of GeoTaste showing a filtered comparison view

Screenshot of GeoTaste showing a report on statisically different arrondissements
- Simulating Risk notebooks for running simulations in Colab (To run, click on one of the simulation notebooks, then open in Colab.)
Active projects
- cdh-ansible (0 points, 1 issue)
- cdh-web (2 points, 3 issues)
- geotaste (0 points, 17 issues)
- lenape-timetree (0 points, 1 issue)
- ppa-django (2 points, 5 issues)
- startwords (2 points, 1 issue)
4 points, 27 issues. Rolling velocity: 2.67
2 points, 1 issue. Rolling velocity: 0.67
Closed issues by project
- cdh-ansible (0 points, 1 issues)
- development (0 points, 1 issues)
- Configure custom nginx error page for QA/test/vpn-only sites chore, 🚧 maintenance
- development (0 points, 1 issues)
- cdh-web (2 points, 3 issues)
- development (2 points, 3 issues)
- update 404 and 500 error page images chore
- As a content editor, I want an option to add formatted code to blog posts or other content pages, so I can share technical content clearly. (1)
- As a content editor, I want to search for people by name when adding them to projects, events, or setting tem as blog post authors, so that I can easily lookup the correct person. (1)
- development (2 points, 3 issues)
- geotaste (0 points, 17 issues)
- development (0 points, 17 issues)
- Cannot clear input names 🐛 bug
- Remove bottom right legend
- Borrows without addresses?
- Data needed in table
- Bring in cleaned up author nationality
- Export/download CSV button
- Choropleth not shown on original map but to side of analysis tab
- Welcome message
- change “analysis” to “compare filters”
- synchronize map loading so that you don’t see both layers on refresh
- Use same font everywhere, normalize the sizes to be the same between labels and names
- Filter modifications: Activate filter by clicking anywhere in the territory of the space; Filter 2 converted to a “New Tab” type button; “Filter 1” removed – everything replaced by pluses
- Number in each arrondissement filter instead of tooltip and ditch map for list of arrondissement
- Tooltips instructional: get rid of most and then add them back as needed
- Type in range for birth year and other “range” filters
- labels of people names need to be rethought – translucent boxes/colours given new backmap?
- Better landmark labels/tooltips – match to website —
- development (0 points, 17 issues)
- lenape-timetree (0 points, 1 issues)
- development (0 points, 1 issues)
- ppa-django (2 points, 5 issues)
- development (2 points, 5 issues)
- Can't print more than one page of editorial essay bug
- Gale excerpts and articles only (not full works) show the words "GALE url" before DocID on item detail pages bug
- As a content editor, I want a separate field to display project years of involvement on project contributor page, so I can make it clear when different people were involved. (1)
- Long project role title creates misalignment on contributor page bug
- Editorial content should have an optional field to associate and display one or more editors who contributed to the piece (1)
- development (2 points, 5 issues)
- startwords (2 points, 1 issues)
- design (2 points, 1 issues)