Feb 13 - Feb 24, 2023
Report on iteration Feb 13, 2023 — Feb 24, 2023 (includes all issues completed before Feb 27, 2023).
At long last, we finally completed the PPA issues for clustering search results by default, after multiple rounds of testing, and addressing a few regressions introduced by the changes. A new version of parasolr (0.9) has been released with the needed grouping functionality, and we expect to release a new version of PPA with the functionality early this iteration.
On the Lenape Timetree project, we’ve made tremendous progress on design work for leaves in various states and other interactions, and saw some progress on improving the layout of the tree (multiline labels, adjusted leaf sizes, adjusted sizing for century bands.)
Because of the large PPA work that was finally completed, we closed 12 development points for a rolling velocity of 6.67 — up significantly from preceding iterations, but probably higher than we expect going forward.

Screenshot of PPA archive search/browse showing clustered results.

Screenshot of Lenape Timetree project, which now has multiline labels and adjusted leaf sizes.
Active projects
- lenape-timetree (13 points, 10 issues)
- ppa-django (12 points, 7 issues)
- parasolr 0.9 — Friday Feb 24, 2023
12 points, 9 issues. Rolling velocity: 6.67
13 points, 8 issues. Rolling velocity: 8
Closed issues by project
- lenape-timetree (13 points, 10 issues)
- design (13 points, 8 issues)
- As a user I want to read an introduction to the project before engaging with the tree so that I can navigate it with more understanding and intention. (1) 🗺️ design
- As a user I want to close an open panel when I do not need the content so that it doesn’t clutter the screen and/or obscure my view of the tree on mobile and if I want to view the intro again on desktop. (3) 🗺️ design
- As a user I want to know which leaf is selected/active so that I know what I’m looking at (5) 🗺️ design
- design spacing for century containers (2) 🗺️ design
- Calculate trunk width 🗺️ design, 🛠️ chore
- Propose a color for the panel on desktop and mobile that would be easier on the eyes and be visually pleasing with respect to the rest of the page (1) 🗺️ design
- As a user when interacting with the site by keyboard I want to know which leaf is selected/active so that I know what I’m looking at (1) 🗺️ design
- Document all leaf states for dev 🗺️ design, 🛠️ chore
- development (0 points, 2 issues)
- design (13 points, 8 issues)
- ppa-django (12 points, 7 issues)
- development (12 points, 7 issues)
- As a developer, I want a way to easily index all pages for one or more specific digitized works, so I can update page index data without reindexing all pages. (1)
- Gale preview images not loading in QA chore
- clusters should be collapsed by default on archive browse chore
- Keep search options active when moving from main search to searching within a cluster chore
- As a user viewing a digitized work that's available in other editions, I want to know that other editions are available and have easy access to search across them. (1)
- As a user, when I see a group of editions in my search results, I want an option to search within all editions. (2)
- As a user, I want items with the same title and author to be collapsed automatically so that my search isn’t clouded by repetitive results. (8)
- development (12 points, 7 issues)