Jan 30 - Feb 10, 2023
Report on iteration Jan 30, 2023 — Feb 10, 2023 (includes all issues completed before Feb 13, 2023).
The only project with issues closed this iteration is the Lenape Princeton Timetree. We made progress on a number of design issues, and completed features to represent the data points as leaves and embed images in leaf details. There was some progress on PPA to address issues found in testing, but the work was stalled with problems updating the staging site to deliver for retesting. Our rolling development velocity is 3.67 and holding pretty steady for now around three points.

Screenshot of current development version of the Lenape Princeton Timetree, showing leaf shapes and latest leaf data
Active projects
- lenape-timetree (12 points, 9 issues)
5 points, 4 issues. Rolling velocity: 3.67
7 points, 5 issues. Rolling velocity: 3.67
Closed issues by project
- lenape-timetree (12 points, 9 issues)
- design (7 points, 5 issues)
- Site Typography 🗺️ design, Epic
- Design a variety of leaves so that they can be used on the time tree (3) 🗺️ design
- Propose a grid / logic for how much space elements take on a page on desktop, tablet, and mobile (1) 🗺️ design
- Data viz Design 🗺️ design, Epic
- Draw branches so the leaves are more naturally conntected to the tree (3) 🗺️ design
- development (5 points, 4 issues)
- import most recent version of leaf data from google docs 🛠️ chore
- make it easier to configure forces used to layout leaves in the timetree 🛠️ chore
- As a user, I want timetree data points represented by leaf shapes so that the interface is more organic and I can more easily understand the visual as a tree. (3)
- As a content editor, I want to optionally include images in leaf content so that I can provide illustrations and visual engagement for the timetree information. (2)
- design (7 points, 5 issues)