Oct 17 - Oct 28, 2022
Report on iteration Oct 17, 2022 — Oct 28, 2022 (includes all issues completed before Oct 31, 2022).
This iteration marked the end of the charter for year 2 of the CDH Research Partnership on Princeton Geniza Project (PGP). We released version 4.10 of PGP, with some bugfixes and small search and data improvements.
We’re ramping up on other projects (PPA migration and the Lenape timetree), but didn’t close any issues on those projects in the past iteration.
Our rolling development velocity is 15 but only 3 development points for this iteration; we expect velocity to go down now that we’re not working on the Geniza project.

Screenshot of Princeton Geniza Project search results showing partial matches and Arabic font##
Active projects
- geniza (3 points, 9 issues)
- geniza 4.10 — Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
- annotorious-tahqiq 1.0.1 — Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
3 points, 9 issues. Rolling velocity: 15
0 points, 0 issues. Rolling velocity: 13
Closed issues by project
- geniza (3 points, 9 issues)
- development (3 points, 9 issues)
- As a content editor, I want the admin csv download to include transcription (Y/N) and translation (Y/N) so that I can filter documents to those with or without transcription or translation. (1)
- In .csv downloads from the admin interface, for joins, the IIIF_url field needs a space after the semicolon. 🐛 bug
- v4.10 Software release checklist chore
- Digital edition switcher not present in admin 🐛 bug
- Add newly assigned ISSN to footer 🛠️ chore
- Apply transcription type styles in admin 🛠️ chore
- OpenSeadragon navigator should not be visible on placeholder images 🛠️ chore
- transcription content should have a lang attribute in html 🐛 bug, ♿ accessibility
- As a frontend user, I want search results to include partial matches of words in transcriptions, so that I can search by substrings of words. (2)
- development (3 points, 9 issues)