Mar 7 - Mar 18, 2022
Report on iteration Mar 7, 2022 — Mar 18, 2022 (includes all issues completed before Mar 21, 2022).
This iteration our focus again was solely on the Geniza project. We put out a bug-fix release early in the iteration to address several highly noticeable problems that were identified by various members of the team, and then a feature release with new functionality, most notably implementing Turbo and Stimulus to make the document search more responsive and load changes more quickly. We also made some small changes to the document details page, including displaying primary and secondary languages, linking to other documents on the same fragments, and moving secondary metadata lower on the page.
Our development rolling velocity is steady at 13 points, although this iteration we only closed 7 story points. However, that’s in line with what we should expect, since it was effectively a half iteration in terms of developer staffing.

Updates to document details page, including language, links to other documents on the same fragments, and secondary metadata made less prominent.
Active projects
- geniza (17 points, 20 issues)
- geniza 4.2.1 — Monday Mar 7, 2022
- geniza 4.3 — Friday Mar 11, 2022
7 points, 17 issues. Rolling velocity: 14.33
10 points, 3 issues. Rolling velocity: 10.67
Closed issues by project
- geniza (17 points, 22 issues)
- design (10 points, 3 issues)
- Design the site footer for the Hebrew version of the site (3) 🗺️ design
- Add a version of the "Princeton Geniza Project" on the homepage banner so that there would serve as a page title as well as being playful while remaining relevant to the logotype (5) 🗺️ design
- Create designs for PGP notebook swag (2) 🗺️ design
- development (7 points, 19 issues)
- As a frontend user, I want to easily find other documents on the same fragment in order to better interpret the images and gain context. (1)
- As a frontend user, I want to see primary and secondary languages when they've been assigned so that I have access to the known information about the document. (1)
- As a front end user, I want to be able to easily select shelfmarks for copy and paste on the document detail page, so that I can enter that information elsewhere. (0)
- Social media preview fails for homepage 🐛 bug
- Implement logotype files in the header for the Hebrew site
- Implement tabs for the Hebrew site 🖇️ duplicate
- Implement tabs for the Hebrew site
- Transcription lines appear left-aligned in admin interface 🐛 bug
- Some descriptions cause malformed HTML in the search results page 🐛 bug
- last modified header should not be set for document search if sort is random 🐛 bug
- As a front end user, I want margins to be wider when there are fewer digits in the search result numbering, so that I can read descriptions more easily.
- Scholarship search filters implementation Epic
- As a front-end user, I want the document search to automatically reload when I change my search terms, filters, or other options so tha I can see the changed results more quickly. (5)
- Implement Turbo to improve internal link speed 🛠️ chore
- Refactor all JS to Stimulus 🛠️ chore
- As a content editor, I want to add SVG images to content pages so that I can include data visualizations and other scalable images.
- As a front end user, when I resize my browser window, I do not want to see the mobile menu appear from offscreen, so that my browsing experience is not confusingly interrupted.
- off-screen menu shows up when resizing browser window 🐛 bug
- As a content editor, I would like to see the Mirador viewer for the document in the Admin Document Detail Page so I can properly consult the image while updating the metadata. 🖇️ duplicate
- design (10 points, 3 issues)