Jan 24 - Feb 4, 2022
Report on iteration Jan 24, 2022 — Feb 4, 2022 (includes all issues completed before Feb 7, 2022).
At long last, we tagged and released the 4.0 version of Princeton Geniza Project! This is meets our agreement for a “Minimum Viable Product” to replace the current PGP v3.0. The new site isn’t publicly available just yet, but we’re planning to turn off IP access restriction by Thursday of this week at the latest and hoping to switch it to the official URL within another week.
We closed 24 development issues this iteration, but only completed 8 story points — likely because much of our focus was on finishing implementing visual designs, fixing bugs, and finishing chores in preparation for this release. Our rolling development velocity is 20 points, due to the huge iteration in December and the fact that we’re no longer counting the zero-point iteration around Thanksgiving.
The mep-django releases were related to publication of the 1.2 version of the Shakespeare and Company Project datasets, which were published on Princeton’s DataSpace on January 31st.
Geniza 404 Not Found error page Geniza 500 Server Error page Geniza credits page, showing content page styles
Active projects
- geniza (17 points, 24 issues)
- mep-django 1.5.4 — Thursday Jan 27, 2022
- mep-django 1.5.5 — Thursday Jan 27, 2022
17 points, 24 issues. Rolling velocity: 23
0 points, 0 issues. Rolling velocity: 15
Closed issues by project
- geniza (17 points, 26 issues)
- development (17 points, 26 issues)
- footer and header display problems on wide screens (1)
- Clean up Document Details page
- As a front end user, I want to see a homepage when I first visit the website so I can learn context for its contents.
- As an admin, if I change a document I want the log entries to be correctly associated with the document. (5) 🐛 bug
- As a front-end user, I should not be able to sort by relevance without any search text, since relevance is not meaningful without search terms. (1)
- As a front end user, I need to be able to see that more than 5 tags exist on the search page because it's confusing to search for a tag and not see it in the results.
- As a front end user, I want Mirador's theme (light/dark mode) to match my user preference. 🚫 wontfix, 🛠️ chore
- As researcher, I want footnotes from the same source counted and displayed as a single scholarship record so that multiple links to parts of same document don't inflate the scholarship count and display. (2)
- Fix lighthouse failures (2) 🛠️ chore
- As a content editor, I need to see volume for unpublished sources in the footnote detail so I can select the correct source. (1)
- As a user I want to know when there is a 500 / internal server error on the site so that I know what it is and what my options are
- As a user I want to know when there is a 404 / not found error on the site so that I know what it is and what my options are
- search for partial shelfmarks doesn't yield the expected results 🐛 bug
- As a front-end user I want to see pagination and visual signifiers for when I hover or click on, use the keyboard to navigate the pages, or when the next/previous pages are disabled to help me navigate through search results
- As a front-end user I want to see buttons along with visual signifiers for the tabs on the site to improve my experience when I hover, click on, navigate through them with the keyboard, or know when an item is disabled
- Implement UI components in default, hover, focus, active, and disabled states for light and dark mode on mobile and desktop Epic
- Implement colors for light and dark mode
- As a front end user, I want a transcription and image display that works on mobile devices, and allows me to zoom in and out on images.
- As a content admin, I want to easily see and sort documents that need review so that I can manage the queue more efficiently. (1)
- As an admin, I want TEI transcription synchronization to handle documents with multiple transcriptions, so that content is not lost or hidden in the new system. (3)
- As an admin, I want the site to provide XML sitemaps for document and content pages so that site content will be findable by search engines
- As a long-time geniza researcher, I want links that I've bookmarked to redirect to the same content on the new version of the PGP site so I can access the documents I'm interested in. (1) 🆕 enhancement
- transcriptions for MVP Epic
- Document Detail View Epic
- Search and Search Results Epic
- As a content editor, I want to be able to filter/search within the “needs review” field of the list of items "awaiting review," so that I can more efficiently review issues of the same type in batches (docs that need fixes to description, shelfmark, etc). 🖇️ duplicate
- development (17 points, 26 issues)