Dec 6 - Dec 31, 2022

Report on iteration Dec 6, 2021 — Dec 31, 2021 (includes all issues completed before Jan 3, 2022).

We extend this iteration to four weeks, which included the Christmas and New Year’s holidays when most of the team was out. During this iteration, we published the second issue of Startwords and made significant progress on the Geniza 4.0 release. We have an enormous total of 41 development story points closed this iteration and a rolling velocity of 18 — this is due in part to the lengthened iteration, but also due to the significant push to complete the Geniza MVP and closing out a number of large issues (three 8-point development issues and two 5s!). We also have a huge total of 37 points (16 issues) for design work, completing the majority of the design work for the Geniza MVP. The unevenness of the design velocity likely reflects Gissoo’s observation that visual design does not fit well with an Agile development workflow, since so many things need to be designed and reviewed together.


We completed the remaining work to publish Startwords Issue 2; work in this iteration included miscellaneous cleanup items for final publication of the essays in issue 2, and some minor cleanup work after the publication. We also started on prep work for functionality needed for issue 3, but none of those issues were closed.


Although we postponed the 4.0 public MVP release until January, we did make a significant amount of progress towards completing the work targeted for that MVP, and we did release a 0.7 version with a significant number of updates since the previous release. Updates include improved citation formatting for footnotes and sources, revised scholarship record view for individual documents, an import of data from the PGP v3 links database (information now included in PGP v4 scholarship records), setting up Wagtail for management of content pages, and progress with interim transcription solution for synchronization from TEI to the database, including in search results, and displaying with or without images on document detail pages.

We also made tremendous progress on design: nearly all of the design work needed for the MVP has been completed and approved, and a significant amount of work was done towards implementing site visuals implement them.

New versions of djiffy and parasolr were released in support of the Geniza 0.7 release, with support for newer versions of Python & Django and improved functionality needed for the new Geniza search.

Active projects




41 points, 18 issues. Rolling velocity: 18


37 points, 16 issues. Rolling velocity: 14

Closed issues by project