Nov 22 - Dec 3, 2021

Report on iteration Nov 22, 2021 — Dec 3, 2021 (includes all issues completed before Dec 6, 2021).

We made progress on multiple projects, but didn’t close anything with points; this is due to the Thanksgiving holiday and the shift to working on Startwords to prep issue 2 for publication.


We completed a number of updates in preparation for publishing Startwords issue 2, which looks to be in good shape to go out on time as planned.


The issues closed largely related to design and design implementation. We do have a large issue in-progress and nearly complete to update the scholarship details for individual documents; this issue was larger than expected due to the need to format references more like a citation, which involved some data model changes. Due to the holidays and rolling work on the MVP, we have not made any releases in a while to update production with the latest changes; we probably should do this sometime soon.

Shakespeare and Company Project

We released a micro update with maintenance updates, including python package upgrades and two minor adjustments in support of publishing new versions of the datasets. While we made the update, we added Zenode metadata and a citation file to make the GitHub repository more citable.

Archiving Derrida’s Margins

This work is still not complete, but we made a small amount of progress on the final configuration needed for the archive site.

Active projects




    0 points, 11 issues. Rolling velocity: 7.33


    1 point, 3 issues. Rolling velocity: 2.67

    Closed issues by project