Nov 8 - Nov 19, 2021

Report on iteration Nov 8, 2021 — Nov 19, 2021 (includes all issues completed before Nov 22, 2021).

Our rolling development velocity after this iteration is picking up (7.8) as geniza work gains momentum. For development work, we completed 21 issues and 13 points. We made what we hope to be the final Derrida release.


We made progress on the public document search, implementing styles and typography, and a preliminary implementation for synchronizing TEI transcriptions for search and display on the new site.


We developed a custom driver for browsertrix-crawler so that we could archive the historgram visualization pages and the deep-zoom image content on the site.

Active projects




13 points, 23 issues. Rolling velocity: 7.33


4 points, 4 issues. Rolling velocity: 3

Closed issues by project