Aug 9 - Aug 20, 2021

Report on iteration Aug 9, 2021 — Aug 20, 2021 (includes all issues completed before Aug 23, 2021).

This iteration we lost Rebecca Munson, who was a long-time collaborator of the CDH Development & Design Team, project manager & project coordinator for many of our projects. In spite of that terrible loss, it’s good to do work, and we did make some progress on our planned work. Among other things, we implemented a special purple mode for the CDH website and released v3.3.1 so we could turn it on to honor her.

We completed 7 development story points for a rolling velocity of 8.67; we also completed 14 design story points, as all the design work for the CDH web v3.4 release was finalized.

CDH web

The work for the 3.4 release is nearly done, and it should be completed and go into production soon. Completed work include designs for search, better visuals to highlight the about page and consultations on the home page, and the new site search.


We started up development on Geniza again, picking up some work that was left incomplete and small changes that will be helpful to the data team. Completed work includes capability to edit historic shelfmarks for Fragments, clean up of the India Book sources that were not grouped correctly on import, and a way to view actions on the admin site beyond the most recent ten or a specific document.


Screenshot of the new CDH web search

Screenshot of the new CDH web search

Active projects




7 points, 7 issues. Rolling velocity: 8.67


14 points, 5 issues. Rolling velocity: 4.67

Closed issues by project