May 24 — Jun 4, 2021

Report on iteration May 24, 2021 — Jun 4, 2021 (includes all issues completed before Jun 7, 2021).

Our focus this iteration was on Geniza work as we finished out the second phase of work and created our first production release: we successfully migrated the Princeton Geniza Project metadata from a Google Sheets spreadsheet into the new relational database!

Work leading up to the 0.3 release included further refinements to the editor/translator data import, various CSV exports for content editors and a feed to keep the current public PGP site up to date with changes made in the database. After the release, we did some follow up work to make some adjustments to the admin interface, address a couple of bugs found after the code went to production, and a very preliminary version of the public document search. Those updates have not yet been deployed, and another set of updates are still in progress or awaiting testing, so some wrap-up work will continue into the next iteration. As part of wrapping up this phase of work, we closed a number of experimental tasks on GitHub that are no longer relevant.

The story points trend for the last two iterations (18 points each, rolling velocity of 15) shows the kind of momentum that is possible at this phase of a project, but also reflects the staffing adjustments we made to ensure we met our deadline to finish the metadata migration before the end of May.


Screenshot of the preliminary version of the Geniza public search

Screenshot of the preliminary version of the Geniza public search

Active projects




18 points, 18 issues. Rolling velocity: 15.33


0 points, 1 issue. Rolling velocity: 1.67

Closed issues by project