Apr 12 — 23, 2021
Report on iteration Apr 12, 2021 — Apr 23, 2021 (includes all issues completed before Apr 26, 2021).
This iteration we closed 11 development points for a rolling velocity of 19, still coming down from the massive number of points closed three iterations ago.
Princeton Geniza Project
We made more improvements to the data import, fixing Language+Script mapping based on the new display names and resolving all previously unhandled languages, and most notably parsing history input information (names and dates) into structured django log entries to preserve the known edit history of PGP documents. We also completed preliminary work on footnote models for linking scholarship records to documents.
For design, wireframes for cluster view browse and search results pages for all screens (desktop, tablet, mobile) were all completed.
CDH Website
We fixed a couple more bugs in the 3.0 version and released a planned 3.0.1 cleanup release to remove exodus code specific to the shift to wagtail. This is a necessary step to removing mezzanine, which will finally let us upgrade to newer versions of Dljango and python.

Screenshot of change history for a test imported document showing historic changes

Screenshot of earliest and most recent changes for a test import document, shown on the document dit form
Active projects
- cdh-web 3.0.1 — Monday Apr 12, 2021
11 points, 8 issues. Rolling velocity: 19
7 points, 4 issues. Rolling velocity: 4
Closed issues by project
- cdh-web (0 points, 2 issues)
- development (0 points, 2 issues)
- geniza (18 points, 10 issues)
- design (7 points, 4 issues)
- Design mobile and tablet wireframes of the cluster view browse results page to communicate the content structure, page layout, and content variations to the project team (2) 🗺️ design
- Design mobile and tablet wireframes of the search results page to communicate the content structure, page layout, and content variations to the project team (2) 🗺️ design
- Design desktop wireframes of the search results page to communicate the content structure, page layout, and content variations to the project team (1) 🗺️ design
- Design desktop wireframes of the cluster view browse results page to communicate the content structure, page layout, and content variations to the project team (2) 🗺️ design
- development (11 points, 6 issues)
- As a content editor, I want to create and edit scholarship records so that I can keep track of relevant scholarship on documentary geniza fragments. (3) 🆕 enhancement
- look for edition info in TEI for records with "Source of original transcription not noted in PGP database" in metadata spreadsheet 🛠️ chore
- As a content editor, I want to view and search on PGPID so I can distinguish documents on the same shelfmark and refer to the same documents in the spreadsheet and database. (0)
- As a Content Admin, I want a one time import of a document's edit history to start building a history of who has worked on the document and when. (5) 🆕 enhancement
- As a Content Editor I want to link a source to a document as a footnote, in order to show that the source is helpful for understanding the document. (2) 🆕 enhancement
- As a global admin, I want documents associated with language+script based on display name when importing documents from metadata spreadsheet. (1)
- design (7 points, 4 issues)