Feb 1 - 13, 2021

Report on iteration Feb 1, 2021 — Feb 13, 2021 (includes all issues completed before Feb 15, 2021).

This iteration we closed a significant number of issues for the Geniza project; the completed development work was all related to prototypes from the first phase (IIIF images with transcription, experimenting with eScriptorium, and two stories for a multilingual prototype). We also closed two design issues related to the sitemap & site flow diagram and the holistic search. We started implementing the new Geniza database and admin site, but have not yet delivered any issues for testing.

We’re continuing to make progress on the CDH web development, but testing was blocked since we lost our previous acceptance tester. Seven issues (18 story points) are in “development complete” status, and a new tester has been identified and will be trained this iteration, so hope to see significant progress there.

The rolling development velocity of 8.7 is plausible, but it’s hard to say how accurate that will be as we move from prototyping into database development and data import scripts.

Active projects




    10 points, 6 issues. Rolling velocity: 8.67


    4 points, 2 issues. Rolling velocity: 4

    Closed issues by project