Nov 16 - 27, 2020

Report on iteration Nov 16, 2020 — Nov 27, 2020 (includes all issues completed before Nov 30, 2020).

This was our last scheduled iteration for working on Geniza prototyping, so we made a push to finish as much of that work as possible before we switch to other things. Work completed includes a report of name extracted from metadata descriptions, to help with data work and future data migrations; an experimental tag filter that allows the user to select how tags are combined; and a keyword search on the experimental holistic search (the latter two will be used for usability testing). We also delivered for testing a simplistic implementation of TEI transcriptions converted to IIIF annotations and displayed in the Mirador 3 viewer, and finished work on a django prototype with internationalization. Unfortunately, complications with the deploy of the second prorotype meant we were unable to deliver that work for testing last week before the Thanksgiving holiday. No design tasks were marked as completed on GitHub, and the design work at this phase is still largely UX research; but there are in-progress design tasks for document detail page, holistic search results, and preliminary sitemap that we expect to close in this iteration.

This iteration also includes 5 points from a CDH web feature that was completed in the previous iteration, and a CDH web release with updates completed in the last iteration.


Screenshot of the new tags filter in the Geniza search prototype; searchers can choose how tags should be combined

Screenshot of the new tags filter in the Geniza search prototype; searchers can choose how tags should be combined

Screenshot of keyword search results the Geniza cluster search prototype

Screenshot of keyword search results the Geniza cluster search prototype

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14 points, 4 issues. Rolling velocity: 16.67


0 points, 0 issues. Rolling velocity: 4

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