Sep 21 - Oct 2, 2020

Report on iteration Sep 21, 2020 — Oct 2, 2020 (includes all issues completed before Oct 5, 2020).

This iteration marked our official start of work on the Geniza research partnership, now that the charter has been signed. We made progress on data modeling and a preliminary search prototype, but since none of those tasks have been completed they aren’t reflected in the issues and points below. We also saw a lot of activity on Startwords, as the team makes the push to complete remaining functionality and styles needed for the project launch. We also made progress on PPA maintenance and bug fixes, although the fixes have not yet been released to production, and one bug fix is ready for testing but blocked waiting on HathiTrust restoring rsync dataset access.


Active projects




    8 points, 19 issues. Rolling velocity: 5.67


    0 points, 0 issues. Rolling velocity: 2

    Closed issues by project