Aug 10 - 20, 2020

Report on iteration Aug 10, 2020 — Aug 20, 2020 (includes all issues completed before Aug 24, 2020).

Not a lot of development work reported on GitHub because the primary team focus continues to be planning the new Research Partnership project. This iteration also included time spent on two internal project retrospectives (Shakespeare and Company Project, PEMM) and a CDH Retreat.

Active development work included progress on PPA bugfixes (delivered for testing but not complete) and minor maintenance updates to django-pucas (removing support for python 2.7 to fix the a failing master build, in preparation for migrating from master to main).

The long list of “wontfix” issues in the mep-django is a result of cleaning up GitHub for Shakespeare and Company Project to close issues that were postponed or wishlisted on the way to a 1.0 release and we no longer plan to work on.

Active projects




2 points, 5 issues. Rolling velocity: 4


0 points, 1 issue. Rolling velocity: 0

Closed issues by project